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BRANCnES of the Cinematograph 1/Exhibitors Association throughout the country have agreed to pay the 7f per cent, increase in weekly trans,port rates, for which Associated Film Carriers applied. One of the Lancashire groups of exhibitors offered a 5 per cent. increase, which the carriers declined to accept on the ground that' they had knowledge of a still further application for another substantial wage increase. In addition they were
coMpelled to bear considerably increased operating costs.
In discussion, it was stated that wage increases and price advances seemed never-ending. If the increase be granted, the rates should be stabilized for an agreed period. To this, the chairman asked: How is it possible for us to arrest the trend of rising prices? The cost of living is not static. If the transport costs are to be checked, then so far as wages are concerned the stopping authority should be the Road Haulage Wages Board.,
It was agreed to pay the increase. THE " C.M." LEAGUE OF SERVICE MEN •
DESPITE the progress which is being made by the Government in con-. nection with legislation intended to govern the re-employment of ex-Service men, we are of the opinion that our organization, The " G.M." League of Service Men, which, incidentally, has received the approbation of the British Legion, will be able to fulfil a. most useful function.
The assistance which it may be able to afford by bringing its members and potential employers into contact. should be valuable not only during the period of demobilization, but particularly after the year's engagement which the majority of employers will be expected to give to former employees who have been away in the Services. . We are still receiving entrants from the various Forces abroad, and a few from those in this country, but we shall welcome as many as care to apply. The essential particulars required from those joining the League are applicant's full name, private address, age, experience and qualifications in brief: he should also state whether or not he has had previous employment in the motor industry, and the position for which he considers himself to be best suited. Letters should be addressed " Service Index," care of the Editor.
THE training of conductresses as • drivers is to be carried but by the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., and it appears that they will be tried out first on light single-deckers. No doubt other operators will follow this example, but it is unlikely that women will.be employed to drive buses in London.
COMPLAINTS that trade plates are being used on vehicles'for purposes other than those for which they are intended, and by people who should not be permitted to have them, were voiced at a recent meeting of the Bradford Section of the Motor Agents' Association.
A resolution was adopted suggesting that amending legislation should be introduced to prevent such abuses by a tightening up of the regulations.
THE return of unused petrol coupons does not prejudice the subsequent allowance of an applicant, explained the Minister of Fuel and Power, to Mr. Stokes in the House of Commons last week.
Major Lloyd George, replying to Mr. R. Morgan, stated that the scale of petroleum refining in this country is, at present, determined by war,exigencies. As to State encouragement of petroleum refining on a major scale, especially in the direction of collaboration between chemical and oil-refining interests, he was aware that this issue has been raised. " The whole subject is being carefully studied in my Ministry," Major Lloyd George added. AN A.R.O. APPRECIATION
THE following letter, dated February 23, has been received from the secretaries (Stephenson, Smart and
Co.), A.R.O. Scunthorpe Sub-area:At a meeting 'of the committee of this sub-area, held yesterday, we were instructed to write to you to express the committee's appreciation of your timely action in publishing the leading article, " Remove an R.H.A. Pitfall," which appeared in your issue of February 18.
It is to be hoped that 'the efforts of A.R.O. and C.M.U.A. to secure revision of the article providing for voting power to be reckoned in terms of poundage of the annual subscription will be successful and will secure an alteration to the basis of " one member, one vote." I.t is apparent that if an, amendment he not made the new association can never be a truly democratic body and cannot expect to be supported by the general body of road Operators.
AN announcement which will greatly interest the many friends of Mr. F. G. Bristow, C.B,E., at present General Secretary of the C.M.U.A., an
who was recently selected 'as Director of the National Road Transport Federation which is being formed, is that he was married on February .28, at Ashtead, to Miss G. L. (Gillian) Porteous, of Albemarle, Park Side, Wimbledon. We tender to both our hearty congratulations and best wishes for their future happiness. THE FUTURE OF MOTOR TAXATION
THE Board of Trade has asked certain bodies in the industry to give their views on the matter of, taxation of motor vehicles,and to treat this EIS -an urgent request. The opinions of the S.M.M,T. have been sent to the officials conc.erned, and, it is believed, forwarded to the Treasury.
In view of this, the Council has appointed a negotiating committee, which consists of the President, the Deputy President, Colonel A. C. R. Waite, M.C., the two Vice-presidents, Messrs, E. C. Ruffle and R. C. Routes, also Sir Miles Thomas, D.F.C., and Messrs. C. B. Nixon, R. F. Fryars and H. L. Kenward.
As regards other sections of the Society. Mr. C. Ruffle is chairman of the Commercial Vehicle Committee; Mr: J, B. Osier, chairman of the Goods and Utility Body Group; Sir Peter Bennett, 0.B.E., M.P., chairman of the British Manufacturers' Section, and Mr. S. G. Mundy, chairman of the new Group of Battery-charger Manufacturers.
QUARTERS • WE are advised that the India Tyre VY and Rubber Co., Ltd., has opened new sales headquarters. at Athenaeum Chambers, 71, Temple Row, Birmingham, 2. Mr. T. A.. Lawler, recently appointed sales manager, will now operate from this address.
The Birmingham depot continues to operate as the company's Midland regional office from the temporary wartime address, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield.
.THE following were elected officers I for the ensuing year at the annual general meeting, last week, of the PlyMouth Sub-area of A.R.O. —Chairman, Mr. F. S. Huxham; vice-chairman, Mr. F. H. Pedrick; hon. secretary, Mr. W. F. P. Bishop; committee, Messrs. W. G. jerwood (Kingsbridge), C. H. Knaprnan (Modbury), C, H. Westlake (Devonport), J. R. F. Bradford (Plympfon), S. J. Norman,
S. Ross, W. S. Penney, W, Baker, and S. Mavin (Plymouth), A. Burgoyne (Kingsbridge), E. King (Plynapton), and 5, Skidmore (Yelverton); delegates to Devon and Cornwall Area Council: Messrs. Bradford and Pedrick, with Messrs. Knapman and Jerwood as depu ties; delegates to County Rates Board, Messrs. Pedrick and jerwood, with Messrs. Westlake and RoSe as deputies.
T"spring meeting of the Institute of Public Cleansing, Westminster City Hall, Charino. Cross Road, London, W.C.2, will be held .in Preston at the Guildhall, Town Hall (Market . Square entrance) on March 23 and 24.
The programme will he as follows:— March 23: 7.30 p.m., Past President's meeting, Park Hotel, Preston; 7.45 p.m., General Purposes Committee, at same address. March 24: 9,30 a.m.,
Examination Board meeting, committee room, Town Hall; 10.15 a.m., council meeting, Town Hail; 2.30 p.m., official welcome by the Mayor, f011owing which a discussion will be introduced on " Post--war Development of Public Cleansing Vehicles with Particular Reference to the Articulated Type:"
In case of difficulty in booking accommodation, members should get into touch with Mr. .H. E. Tye, Cleansing Superintendent; Argyll 'Road, Preston, or, if they wish to stay in Blackpool, with Mr. H. C. Lighten, Director of Public Cleansing, Stanley Chambers, 3, Caunce Street, Blackpool.
WE much regret to learn of the death of Mr. W, H. Glaser, M.A., AM.I.E,E., chief research engineer of C.A.V., Ltd., which occurred on February 9. Mr.' Glaser was with .C.A.V., Ltd,, for nearly. 23 years, and was highly respected by his colleagues and his many friends in the industry. We ourselves found him most helpful during our preparation of an article on the research department of the company.
THE annual general meeting of the Bristol and District Sub-area of A.R.O. will be held at the Crown and Dove Hotel,. 13rideweil, Bristol, on Wednesday, March 16, at 6.45 p.m. HAULIERS' PART IN SECOND FRONT OPERATIONS •
GROUP organizers in the Barnsley GROUP
of the M.O.W.T.
emergency organization held their fifth annual dinner, last week, at Barnsley.
Mr. J, T. Rodwell, of Wombwell, sub district manager, was in the chair and speakers included the North-East Regional Transport Commissioner, Major. F. S. Eastwood, and Mr. Frank Collindridge, M.P. for Barnsley.
Major Eastwood stressed the responsibilities resting upon road transport in this country in connection with expected developments in the Allies' military operations, and sounded a call for maximum effort by group organizers and haulage operators generally to meet transport requirements arising from the prospective_ new offensive in Europe. , Mr. Collindridge said he was pleased to note the tendency among smaller hauliers, as evidenced in Yorkshire, to . form short-Vtance traffic pools, AUSTIN DIVIDENliS VOR the year ended July 31; 1943, the
Austin Motor Co., Ltd., is to pay the following dividends, the warrants for which will be despatched on March 31, 1944 :-20 per cent. on the preferred -ordinary' stock, less income tax, and 10 per cent, on the ordinary and "A" ordinary stocks, less income tax.
are advised that the share capital of Newbury and District Motor .Services, Ltd., which operates over 60 buses in and, around the Newbury district, and is itself an amalgamation of most of the local operators, has been purchased by Red and White United Transport, Ltd., the head office of which is at Chepstow, Mon. The company, will continue to operate as a separate entity and Mr. . J. A. Davies remains general manager.
NATIONAL appreciation of the work of the Motor Industry's Public Relations Committee, of which Sir Miles Themes is chairman, is evidenced by the fact that the Scottish Motor Trade Association decided recently to make a contribution 'of £500 towards the campaign fends.
Those Sassenachs who used to make the annual trip to Scotland for the Scottish Show will appreciate this as an example of typical co-operation froin the S.M.T.A., also as a tribute to I the Value of the Campaign.
IN the House of Commons, last week, Sir James Grigg; Secretary of State for .War, told Sir John Mellor that instructions were issued early in January drawing attention to the fact that all bridges likely to he used for military traffic are now marked with their road classification. All military vehicles are also marked in this way. The instruction also made it clear that the overloading of classified bridges will he treated as a breach of discipline. / The point of Sir John Mellor's question was that precautions should 'be taken to prevent vehicles of excessive weight damaging ancient bridges in the United Kingdom.
MORE HAULAGE UNITS IN GOVERNMENT SCHEME THE following are additional road' haulage units included in the Government Road Haulage Organization, details being set out in the usual order, viz., Area, unit number, unit controller; and address. Cornmunications to any Unit Controller should be addressed: Unit Controller, Road Haulage Unit No. —, Ministry of War Transport, care of the address given:—
Cardiff: 8Q4, G. 17. Metropolitan
Transport Supply Co., Ltd., 263, Bute Street, Cardiff.
Liverpool: 10Q19, II. Rainford, Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd., Progress House, Regent Road, Bootle, 'Liverpool, 20. Lotidon: 5Q12, A. W. 1). Adams, Adams Bros. (Super Transport), Ltd., New Malden, Sauey; 5Q13, it. A. Pierson, Pierson Haulage (1935), Ltd., 411, Beulah Hill, London, S.E.19. Plymouth: 7V6, F. T. Williamson, Whitehall Transport (Plymouth), Ltd., 39, St. Andrews Street, Plymouth. ,
The following amendments should be made to previous lists:—
eseesessosesselease: 1Q4 should read Gordon and Sons (County Motor Sertices, Ltd.); Not. Linglaam: 3Q3, Sergeants Transport, Ltd.; Norwich: 482, 'Toby Motor Transport and Toby Motor Garage and Service Station; Reading: 5Q2, Johns 'Transport Slough, Ltd.: Warrington: 1083, De Burgh Transports; Kendal: 10V3, Athersinith and Sons; Manchester: 10118,, Dutnelds Transport .etianceestere Ltd.; Liverpool: 10Q14, address should read:-15-17, Mrie,an Chambers, 19, Old Hall Street. Liverpool; 3.