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Two Appeal Decisions Announced.
THE decisions of the Minister of Transport in the matter of two appeals have been announced. Mr. W. Clayton, of Doncaster, has won his appeal against the Yorkshire GOMMiSsioners' refusal of a licence for a Doncaster-New Edlington service.
Rotherham Corporation has failal ii its appeal against the granting " licences to, Mr. H. Barker, of Rotherham, for services between Rotherham and Ravensfield, and has been ordered to pay the costs. It is also announced that Mr. A. Turner, of Chesterfield, has
De2 withdrawn his appeal in connection with an application for a licence for a new Whittington-Chesterfield service.
U.A.S. and Glenton Friars.
THE United Automobile Services, Ltd., has acquired an interest in Glenton Friars (Road Coaches), Ltd., operating on the Newcastle-London route, via Durham, Darlington and Doncaster. The coaches will continue to run daily from the Central London Coach Station, at 8.15 a.m. and 8.15 p.m., but it is hoped shortly to operate also from the London Coastal Station.
OPERATORS who possess copies
New P.S.V. Fitness Regulations.
of the Public Service Vehicles (Conditions of Fitness) Provisional Regulations, dated March 13th, 1931, and the amendment dated February 17th, 1932, should obtain from KM. Stationery Office, or any bookseller, a copy of the Amendment (No. 2) Regulations, which the Minister of Trensport issued on March 31st, 1932, and which are now published at 1d.
They include a number .of previsions. an important one beingthat the:-rer quirement (Regulation No. 19), cow cerning the screening and location of fuel tanks, is not to come into force until July A definition is now given of a permanent top, driving mirrors are permitted to extend more than 6 ins, beyond the outer face of the rear tyre, and a clOse definition of longitudinal and transverse springs and of the method of measuring the distance between them is given. The regulation governing the distance between the top step of a double-deck vehicle and the seat opposite it is modified, and the requirement that the steering pillar shall be on the right-hand side of the vehicle is not to apply to any vehicle registered on or before June 30th, 1932, so long as adequate provision is made to enable the driver to give signals on the off side.
Cost of Burnley's Transport.
IN a lecture to the Manchester, Liver
pool and District Section of the Institute of Transport, at Liverpool, Mi. Charles H. Stafford, general manager of Burnley Corporation's transport depart
ment, said the cost of operating petrol buses in Burnley was 10:549d. per mile, as against 10.581d. for trolley-buses and 12.17d. for 72-seater tramcars. Although the buses seated 51 passengers their increased speed enabled them to give a service superior to that of the trams with their larger capacity.
In consequence of the operation of the Road Traffic Act he felt convinced that the various problems by which the road passenger transport industry had suffered would be solved, to the satisfaction of both the operator and the travelling public.
Bus Station for Liam,lly.
has now definitely decided to provide a small bus station at the Fairfield, which is used at present as a terminus for town and district buses. The 19 operators concerned have agreed to pay between them an annual rental of 8 per cent. of the cost until the structure has been paid for.
Co-ordinated Municipal and Private Services.
AN arrangement has been reached be tween Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., and the corporations of Ramsbottom and Bury, for a co-ordinated bus service between those towns and Rawtenstall, and operated jointly by the municipal authorities of those places. Hitherto, Ribble fares have been 50 per cent. higher than the municipal rates, but a■ system of interchangeable tickets is new in force. • Road-rail Ticket Discussion.
TEE traffic committee of Blyth Cor poration reports that United Automobile Services, Ltd„ and the London and North Eastern Railway Co. have agreed to discuss the question of introducing inter-available tickets by road and rail between myth and Newcastle.
Fares Committee for Yorkshire.
THERE is a proposal in hand for the formation of a regional committee in Yorkshire to deal with excursion fares and to advise the Commissioners on ex press and stage-carriage rates. The body would be elected by associations and certain operators, as well as the L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. Railway Companies, Licence Application Agreement.
FOLLOWING a discussion on the licence 'applications of Bournemouth Corporation and Hants and Dorset Motor Services, Ltd., in respect of the Bourne Valley district, certain decisions have been reached. From the Bournemouth authority's applications are to be eliminated those parts of the proposed routes within the Borough of Poole, and from the company's application are to be withdrawn the portion of the route lying between the Gas Works and the Square, Bournemouth.
Support for Small Operator.
TEM watch committee of Jarrow Cor poration has authorized the mayor and chairman to support the application being made to the Traffic Commissioners by Messrs. Charlton and Sons for a variation of their licences.
Broadcast Publicity for Tours.
COMMENDABLE enterprise is being shown by Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., in arranging for programmes advertising its tours to be broadcast from the Radio Normandy Broadcasting Station, and Brighton Corporation has thanked the company for the publicity which the resort has secured.
Private Station for Bournemouth? THE Wickham Rubber Co., Ltd., is considering the question of utilizing part of its premises fronting on Wickham Road, Bournemouth, for the purpose of establishing a coach station. The local authority is in favour of the proposal.
Taxi Owners to Appeal. MANCHESTER taxicab owners are strongly opposed to the North Western Traffic Commissioners' de eision to allow Manchester Corporation to run buses to meet excursion trains arriving early in the morning and late at night.
• A few days ago a meeting of the Manchester Taxi Owner Drivers Association was held, when it was decided to communicate with the Minister of Transport with a view to appealing against the Commissioners' ruling.
Further Stage in Fares Inquiry.
THE Metropolitan Traffic Commis sioner states that reports have now been received from the regional subcommittees formed following the joint inquiry on fares held on December 7th last. The committees cover the southeast, south, south-west and eastern districts around London, and their purpose has been to make reeommendations to the Traffic Commissioners with regard to fares to be charged on expresscarriage services (including excursions and tours) radiating from the metropolis.
It was proposed that the Metropolitan, South-Eastern, Southern and Eastern Traffic Commissioners should hold a further joint inquiry in London yesterday to hear representations from operators of express-carriage services, from associations representing them, and from persons or companies providing alternative transport facilities.
Councils' Enthusiasm for Green Line.
IF a recommendation of the highways committee of Middlesex County Council be accepted, Green Line Coaches, Ltd., will have that authority's support in its appeal to the Minister of Transport against the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner's refusal to licence a service to Enfield.
The Enfield authority and other municipalities have decided to make representations on behalf of Green Line, and the highways committee of the county council has stated that it considers the service in question to be a necessity to the public which cannot be replaced by the existing railway facilities. These are stated not to have been impro_yecl for many years past.
New Vehicles for a Prominent Scottish Operator.
iTs proposal to contest the powers of
the Minister of Transport to restrict its• operations, as reported in our issue dated April 12th, has put the Lanarkshire Traction Co., prominently in the news. This concern is one of the most important bus operators in Scotland
and its route-mileage totals just over 250, it being covered by 123 vehicles.
The company works Li routes and a fleet of 22 buses has just been purchased, principally to operate on the Newmains Glasgow and AirdrieStrathaven services. The new vehicles are of Daimler make and incorporate bodies built by R. Y. Pickering and Co., of Wishaw.
A Comprehensive Time-table.
THE Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., of Cowbridge Road, Ely; Cardiff, has issued a comprehensive timetable covering 168 pages and dating from March until further notice. The publication is conveniently divided up into zireas and the tables are set out in an easily readable manner. Maps illustrate the various routes covered.
Morecambo v. Ribble Appeal.
ON behalt of the Ministry of Trans
port, Mr. R. H. Tolerton has heard at Morecambe an appeal by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., against Morecambe Corporation's refusal to consent to an extended service and against protection sought by the municipality. It was eventually decided to defer the second part of the appeal.
Experimenting With Tear-off Tickets.
19. is understood that the Bristol
Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., is experimenting, on certain of its country ha:routes, with tear-off tickets. The conductor marks the fare on the ticket through an orifice in the container and adds numbers representing the stages at which the journey commences and finishes.
The Baritir. a "Type Vehicle."
WE are informed by John I. Thorny. croft and Co., Ltd., that it has received the approval of the Ministry of Transport of the Thornycroft Daring 52-seater bus as a " type vehicle." This model employs an engine of 4i-in. bore and 5i-iit. stroke, giving a capacity of 474 cubic ins, and developing over 10( b.h.p.
Another Scottish Fusion.
WE understand that W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., Falkirk, has acquired the shares in the Bydand Motor Transport Co., Ltd., Aberdeen. The latter concern operates some 23 buses, and is said to employ about 70 persons.
International Express Loses Appeal.
IT is officially announced that Inter
national Express Services, Ltd., Sheffield, has lost its appeal to the Minister of Transport against a decision of the East Midland Traffic Commissioners, and is to pay the costs of the inquiry.
Plans for Yorkshire Merger.
IT is reported that a scheme is in hand
for the acquisition by East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., of the H. C. Motor Works, Ltd., a company operating the Kingston Motor Services, of Hull. Interchangeable tickets have for some time been issued.
Sequel to Southend Bus Restriction.
THE restriction on two proposed bus services of Southend Corporation wts the subject of a recent appeal by that authority to the Minister of Transport, who was represented by Mr.
A. T. V. Rol:An:tam. Tha.msesporation had, in one case, been—grftd permission to operate over a -modified ronte, whilst the second part of the appeal concerned a refusal to licence a service.
• In the form r instance the municipality was supported by the Pier Ward Ratepayers' Association, and was opposed by Westcliff Motor Services, Ltd. In respect of the disallowed service, OP: Southend authorities' appeal was opposed by Edwards Hall Motor Services and Thundersley, Hadleigh and District Motors.
Accidents Must Be Reported.
THE chairman of the Northern Traffic Commissioners is drawing operators' attention to the fact that, under Section 70 of the Road Traffic Act, a publicservice vehicle proprietor must, so soon as possible report to the Commissioners of the area in which it occurs, any damage or failure likely to be dangerous to passengers. Moreover, should alteration be made in the structure of fixed equipment of a public-service vehicle, the Traffic Commissioners of the area in which the licence was issued must be notified.
Welcome Enterprise by Booking Agent. A PROGRESSIVE firm of booking agents, Messrs. G. H. Miles, 19, Ilelywell Cross, Chesterfield, have issued a useful time-table of services for which they book. They are inviting operators whose services connect with any indicated in the time-table to allow details to be added to that publication, which will be done without charge on the understanding that Messrs. G. H. Miles have the sole right in their district to bookings for those services.