WHEELS of INDUSTRY "The wheels of wealth will be slowed
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by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
At the International Commercial Motor Show, which will take place at Olympia from November 7-16, no section is being arranged for service and garage equipment. Special space is, however, being allocated for the display of municipal vehicles and industrial motors. The closing hour of the Show will be changed to 10 p.m.
Guaranteed Overload for Tbornycroft Bulldogs.
John I. Thornycroft and -Co., Ltd., advises us that its Bulldog class of petrol-engined 3-ton chassis, which is available as a normal-control model in 12-ft. and 14-ft. wheelbases and as a 12-ft.-wheelbase forward-control model, is now guaranteed for a 33i per cent. overload. The company can supply platform vehicles in this class, weighing less than 2 tons, thus bringing them into the £30-tax class.
Reorganizing Chamber of Commerce Transport Section.
Recommendations have tseen made for the reconstruction of the transport section of Bradford Chamber of Commerce, to make it more representative of transport generally. It is proposed that the committee shall comprise the following representatives :—Transport users, ten ; railways, two ; road transport, two; canals, two ; motor manufacturers, one, and tourist agencies, one. It is hoped that it will afford a more effective link between the users and providers of transport.
Yorkshire Wage Negotiations Again Fail.
Representatives of the employers' and employees' panels of the Yorkshire Area joint Conciliation Board are to interview the general purposes committee of the National Joint Conciliation Board with reference to wages. It is evident, therefore, that the two panels of the Yorkshire Board have once more failed to reach agreement.
As previously reported in our columns, the employers' panel recently made to the employees an amended offer, which provided for the payment of Grade 2 wages throughout the area, this to be a permanent settlement. This offer represented a substantial concession on that previously made by the employers, but the employees objected to the inclusion of the "permanent settlement" proviso and the meeting was adjourned until last week, when, it is believed, the employees again pressed for the deletion of this proviso, whilst the employers stood firm for its retention.
It is understood that a move will -tie made on behalf of the Yorkshire Stage Carriage Operators Association to put before the general purposes committee, at the interview, the Associa tion's counter-proposals. The only point at issue between the two panels of the Yorkshire Board relates to wages, but the Y.-S.C:O.A.'s counter-proposals refer both to wages and, conditions.
"Road Notes, 10:14-35."
The British Road Federation has just published at 6d., its new edition of "Road Notes, Great Britain, 1934-35," which contains the latest statistics and other information relative to the road motor industry. It is an excellent compilation. ANOTHER DRIVERS'-HOURS VARIATION APPLICATION.
The Minister of Transport has received applications from the Scottish West and East centres of the Furniture Warehousemen and Removers Association for a variation of the periods of time laid down in Section 19 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, as amended by Section 31 of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, for the employment of drivers of certain types of vehicle. The variation asked for is that the limit of 11 hours may be increased to 14 hours frtsm May l.531 inclusive each year.
The Minister has referred the matter to the Industrial Court, which will meet on Friday, May 10, at 10.30 a.m., at 5, Old Palace Yard, Westminster, London, S.W.1, to hear parties to the application.
Conciliation Repoli Opposition Spreading?
In connection with the campaign of the Yorkshire Stage Carriage Operators Association against the National Conciliation Report,. Mr. F. G. Bibbings (general secretary) and Mr. J. Keeling have been invited to address two mass meetings of operators in Lincolnshiie, under the auspices of the Lincolnshire Transport Association.
Weight Concession for Double-deckers.
In connection with the impending increases in the weights of dOubledeck buses, the figures announced in last week's issue apply, of course, to laden—and not unladen--weights.
It is claimed for a new finish named Resistoid that it is exceptionally hardwearing, waterproof, acid-proof, non-inflammable and will not chip. In price, it compares with ordinary cellulose and its colour is said to be remark ably permanent. A wide range of colours is available and one colour can be panelled on another.
The finish can be applied only by Resistoid, Ltd., 48-50, Chapel Street, Salford, Manchester, which concern has a factory at Newton Heath. The application is made either by a suitable number of sprayed coatings, or, if the shape of the part permits, a sleeve or tube of Resistoid can be employed.
R.H.A. Protests Against Increased Taxation.
Employers want to give the men fair wages and a square deal, said Mr. R. W. Sewill,_ chairman of the Road Haulage Association, at the annual dinner of the Western Area of the Association, at Bristol, last Saturday.
The crushing burden of taxation was, however, making it well-nigh impossible for hauliers to carry on their businesses, and he said he would prefer an open levy on the industry, to be used for the subsidization of the the railways, rather than the impeding of the industry by the present excessive scale of taxation.
Mr. Ernest Bevin, secretary of the Transport and General Workers Union, suggested that the trade of Wales would benefit materially from the construction of a new bridge across the Severn. Such a bridge would lead to greater oad development.
Conditions Disregarded: Application Refused.
An application by Mr. Walter Thomson, Strathmartine, for . the variation of his licence, was refused by Mr. H. Riches, the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority. The applicant is restricted to the conveyance, for one firm, of dead meat between the knackery, Strathmartine, and the slaughterhouses at Dundee and Paisley and a radius of 20 miles, with occasional runs to Glenisla and Cortachy for other traffic. The application was for an extension of the latter part of the
conditions to 80 miles, to enable Mr. Thomson to carry goods to Glasgow.
Mr. Riches said that the applicant had disregarded the conditions of his licence. He had been carrying cement from Glasgow to Dundee and bricks from Lochgelly. If the applicant came back at a later date and sought permission to carry goods for specified persons, that was an entirely different matter. If, in future, Mr. Thomson infringed the condition, he would be prosecuted.
Longest Road Bridge to Save 56-mile Detour?
A scheme for the construction of what would be the longest road bridge in Britain, over the River Severn, from Beachley (Chepstow) to Aust, is to be placed before the Minister of Transport, with a view to securing a substantial grant. If the bridge work be not undertaken at the public expense, a Bill will be presented in Parliament, next autumn, to obtain sanction to build the bridge by private enterprise.
The bridge, which would be 6,280 ft. long, with a navigation span of 1,200 ft., would save a detour of 56 miles on the journey from England to Wales. The scheme has been prepared by Mr. A. E. Farr, a London civil engineer, and land has been acquired at Beachley and Aust for the terminal points of the bridge.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
'Fhb following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves, and jetties named, from May 3-7 inclusive:—Docics:—King George V, 4; Royal Albert, 6; Royal Victoria, 5; Surrey Commercial, 3; West India, 1; South West India, 1; Tilbury, 6; Tilbury Stage, 2; Millwall, 4. WHARvEs:— Hays, 4. Tilbury Jetty, 2; Regent's Canal, I.
World's Largest Tanker?
What is possibly the largest road tanker in the world has recently been added to the fleet of the Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Ltd. It consists of a Leyland 11.-litre petrol-engined articulated 10wheeled chassis carrying a 4,000-gallon tank. In spite of the size of the tank, the machine can turn in a circle of 50 ft. The vehicle was shipped from Manchester on Tuesday last. PERSONAL PARS.
Captain Austin Hudson, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, has appointed Mr. A. C. Crossley, .M.P., as his Parliamentary Private Secretary and Mr. A. M. Rake to be his private secretary.
Mr. P. Faulkner has been appointed private secretary to the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Transport in succession to Mr. S. S. Wilson, who has been promoted.
The public utilities committee of Edinburgh Town Council unanimously decided, last Friday, to recommend Mr. Robert McLeod, the temporary manager, for the post of transport manager of Edinburgh Corporation.
Mr. McLeod, who is 49 years of age, is a member of the Institute of Transport, of which he has been an honorary secretary for the past six years. Entering the service of Aberdeen Corporation's tramways department in May, 1904, he there obtained experience in the administration of all departments. In 1919 he was appointed chief clerk with Edinburgh tramways department.
In this position he was responsible for the reorganization of the administrative and office staff when the corporation took over the tramways undertaking from the Edinburgh and District Tramways Co., in July, 1919. Mr. McLeod was promoted to traffic superintendent in July, 1920, and was appointed deputy transport manager in 1929.
Mr. T. P. Wilinshurst, M.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., will complete his term of office as an Electricity Commissioner in July next and the Minister of Transport has, with the concurrence of the Board of Trade, appointed Mr. C. G. Morley New, M.I.E.E., to fill the vacancy.
German Sales More Than Doubled.
During February, this year, 2,481 new goods vehicles were registered for the first time in Germany, as compared with 1,034 in the corresponding month of 1934. Of the total 600 were threewheelers, and 560 were four-wheelers of a carrying capacity up to 20 cwt.; 405, 1-2 tons; 617, 2-3 tons; 180, 3-4 tons; 37, 4-5 tons; 76, 5-7i tons; and 6 over 74. tons. SHOULD R.H.A. MEMBERS OPPOSE EACH OTHER?
It was reported at the annual meeting of the Liverpool and District section of the Road Haulage Association, on Monday, that during the past year there had been an increase of 220 members, making the present total 520.
Five vacancies arose on the committee and these were filled by the election of• Messrs. P. Stevenson, R. B. Stockdale, H. Allan, Fitzsimmons and Donaldson Hudson (M.R.S., Ltd.). Mr.. Stockdale was re-elected delegate to the National Council.
Mr. G. A. Hotter, of R.H.A. headquarters staff, foresaw an intensification of the objections by the railway companies to the renewal of licences. Another probable development would be amalgamations.
It was suggested by one member that it was not right for a member of the R.H.A. to oppose another in the traffic courts. Mr. Hotter replied that the Association was democratically controlled and every effort was made to reconcile differences of opinion between members. In that matter they had achieved a fair amount of success, but, of course, they could not prevent the individual from exercising his rights.
I. of T. Visit to Leyland Works.
On Friday last, between 100 and 150 members of the Liverpool and Manchester section of the Institute of Transport visited the works of Leyland Motors, Ltd., amongst those present being the president of the Institute, Mr. Sidney E. Garcke, Mr. Merriweather, chairman of the local section, and other well-known transport authorities. The party was welcomed by Mr. Henry Spurrier.
Guy Vans for Air-display Organization.
Guy Motors, Ltd., has recently supplied five vans to Jubilee Air Displays, Ltd., for touring, the country, in connection with an organization under the leadership of Lt. Owen Cathcart Jon, R.N., and Mr. T. Campbell Black, which is visiting 180 centres during the next six months. The vehicles supplied include a special parcel van and two capacities of Luton-type van.
Body Fittings and Furnishings for the Canary Islands.
An import and export agent, Lorenzo L. Guersi, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, wishes to get into touch with manufacturers of paper fabrics and braid to be used as tapestry for coaches and buses. Samples of the classes of material required, which have been received from America, can be seen at this office. This inquirer also needs other fittings, etc., such as handrails, linoleum and seat-covering material.
Air Transport Progress.
The current number of The Aeroplane is the Special Air Transport Issue, which gives complete details of the progress of air transport and, in
sI8 particular, sets out clearly to show what British industry is doing to meet the needs of air operators in all parts of the world. Introductory notes on air transport are contributed by the Marquess of Londonderry, Secretary of State for Air, Sir Philip Sassoon, Under-Secretary of State for Air, and Lt.-Col. F. C. Shelmerdine, Director
General of Civil Aviation. Its contents also include a review of British aeroplanes and engines and a tivo-page map of air routes of the world.
Vehicle Sales Representative Available.
A qualified commercial-vehicle sales representative requires a position in which his extensive knowledge of the industry can be utilized. For the past 16 years he has been selling commercial vehicles generally and specializing in refuse-collecting models. He is well known to the trade and to Surveyors and cleansing superintendents throughout this country and Ireland. Letters should be addressed, "Commercial Sales," care of the Editor.
Phases of workmen's compensation were discussed at the closing sitting of the Scottish Trades Union Congress, at Montrose, last Saturday. It was unanimously decided to press for the inclusion in the Workmen's Compensation Act of carbon-monoxide poisoning, and that illness due to it be scheduled in the Act.
It was stated that drivers' cabs of passenger vehicles were sc -mall that the proprietors were actually limiting the height of the driver. If there were any leakage of gas into the cabin, the driver might be poisoned. It was agreed to press for full wages to be paid to employees injured in employment and that such a provision be embodied in the Workmen's Compensation Act.
A motion was carried urging the Government to introduce legislation to ensure that on all mechanically propelled vehicles of two tons capacity and over, not fewer than two men should be employed. A-E.C.'S NEW LIGHTWEIGHT MOD,ELS.
In our issue dated April 5 we gave details of -the A.E.C. range of new lightweight models, and said that, in due course, the Mercury, with a 108mm. bore engine and a semi-floating rear axle, would be added to the range. The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., now advises us that the question of transferring this model into the new lightweight group has been deferred, and that it is unlikely that any announcement regarding the Mercury will be made for some time to come. The model will, of course, retain its place in the company's original range.
Road-accident Returns.
The following figures are extracted from the Ministry of Transport return of persons killed or injured in road accidents during the week ended April 20, 1935, the figures in parentheses being those for the corresponding week in 1934. The number of persons who died as a result of accidents during previous weeks is included in the total. In England 91 (116) persons were killed and 3,438 (3,694) injured, whilst in Scotland 12 .(12) were killed and 352 (349) injured. The figures for •Wales show that no persons were killed, whilst for the Corresponding week of last year five persons lost their, lives.; the injured totalled 152 (138).
Transport Golfing Society for London.
Preliminary steps• haVe been taken to organize a Transport Golfing Society for the London and Home Counties area, and on 'May 16 a series of fourball games will be played on Crews Hill Golf CourSe, near Enfield. It is hoped -that a large number will give the Society a good send-off.
It is intended that membership shall be open to operators and to all whose principal interests lie in the transport industry.
Those hoping to be present should indicate their intention to Mr. H. J. Ferguson, 58, Avenue Chambers, Vernon Place, Southampton Row, London, W.C.1, stating whether they wish arrangements to be made for lunch (at 3 p.m.) and caddies.
Cyclists Prosecuted for Obstruction. Three cyclists, who were alleged to have ridden abreast in Manchester, and to have reduced the speed of motor traffic to 5 m.p.h., were prosecuted at
Manchester Court. The prosecuting solicitor described the case as a most important one from the point of view of motorists and traffic regulation. The evidence was denied. The chairman dismissed the case with a caution, but sympathized with those motor users who had been inconvenienced.
We have, ourselves, suffered many times, from this abuse of the highway by cyclists, and during the recent holiday_ came across many instances of selfishness of this kind, the riders, , in some cases, being four abreast. A particularly dangerous form of club riding is when a member in the background decides to join his leaders and leaves his place in the long queue, oblivious to the existence of any other class of road user. Such thoughtless aetions would seem to supply the answer to the question of Why accidents in which cyclists are involved are on the increase.
Official Orders in March.
Among the orders for commercial vehicles given out by Government Departments during March last were two for Scammell mechanical horses and trailers placed by the Admiralty and the War Department. An AVelingBarford roller was ordered by the CroWn Agents for the Colonies. ALLEGED VICTIMIZATION OF EMPLOYERS.
A meeting of haulage contractors was held on April 25 at Cambridge to consider the serious difficulties through which the industry is passing, with special reference to the unrest among employers in the Eastern Counties by reason of the wages and conditions which the National Joint Conciliation Board is seeking to apply. Delegates attended from a number of districts in the area. A committee was formed with instructions to report to a further employers' meeting to be held in two weeks time.
Complaints of victimization against non-trade unionist employers are understood to be receiving close attention.
Manchester Licensing Drive.
The Manchester Area officers of the Commercial Motor Users Association are making a special drive in connection with the Association's goodsvehicle licensing scheme, in order to secure 100 per cent. support. The licensing committee has taken up with London headquarters the subject of the Enston appeal decision, in the hope of having it reversed. It is held to be contrary to law.