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0 N previous occasions we have drawn attention to the often questionable methods adopted by railway representatives in their...
A N excellent start -in rallying every member of the industry to its support in its fight for fair play for road transport has...
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A CONFERENCE was called by the National Farmers Union, immediately after the publication of the Greene Report, to discuss the...
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That the oil engine can stand a knock. That the constellations must now be favourably set for the planetary gearbox. That...
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by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
THE Ford provincial exhibition is in progress at the City Hall, Deansgate, Manchester, this week, and there is much of...
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7"fIE annual meeting of the North amptonshire sub-area of the Road Haulage Association was heldat Northampton last Friday, when...
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Bolton Health Committee is to purchase an ambulance. Aberdeen Corporation's gas committee is to purchase a lorry. Aberdeen...
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A FAIR deal for the road-transport industry was the keynote of speeches at a meeting of about 700 drivers, held in London, on...
T HE appeal of Bouts-Tillotson Transport, Ltd., against the refusal of the East Midland Licensing Authority to grant a .licence...
'WE reproduce a particularly inVT teresting guide prepared by Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., showing the gross tax...
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A NEW chassis, available in two wheelbase lengths, is announced by Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd., Mortlake Road, Kew Gardens,...
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AiNT TO MAKERS Albion's Long Experience. T HE past 25 years have increased the fund of experience on which Albion Motors,...
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Record Keeping A USEFUL memorandum (G.3/9) regarding the keeptrig of records for goods vehicles has been prepared by the...
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A N animated discussion developed at Dundee, when Mr. H. Riches, the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority , heard an...
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L'OR some time past an interesting type of epicyclic gear.I. box has been available in France and has been tested by many...
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MORRIS VAN Proves its Capabilities 0 NE has come to expect a high standard of performance and reliability from any product...
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Goods vehicle Licensing A LICENSING Authority recently I -1 had occasion to remind operators that objections to the granting...
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AN OILER? —new taxation )roblems solved T HE progress in the design of the high-speed oil engine as applied to commercial...
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R EFERENCE to Aberdeen Corporation's failure to notify the Commissioners that it did not intend to proceed immediately with...
A N important point of principle concernin g the relationship between operators and a g ents was raised, on Monday, when the...
CI UTSPOKE N censures on the Nor th%a/Western Traffic Commissioners, because of restrictions deprivin g 'the public of...
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T HE new plan of campaign being organized by non-combine operators in their struggle for the seasonal passenger traffic was...
O NLY four municipal authorities N..../have approved, the proposal to establish joint municipal transport board for south-east...
A T a conference held last week in Dundee, and attended by representatives of the transport departments of Edinburgh, Glasgow,...
HI AVING held a direct controlling interestterest in Autocar Services, Ltd., Tunbrido Wells, for some time, Maidstone and...
NAUNICIPALITIES in many parts of J.Vithe country are severely affected by the proposal of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to...
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THE Minister of Transport has an1 nomiced his decisions on the group of 166 appeals against rulings of the Yorkshire, East...
rIONCESSIONS to about 3,500 transI.—Tort employees, offered by Birmingham Corporation's tramway and omnibus committee, have...
MITH a keen appreciation of the VV value of publicity, the Eastern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., recently staged, experimentally,...
(IN Tuesday, the Metropolitan Traffic ILICommigsioner commenced to hear the application of Keith and Boyle (London), Ltd., to...
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WEIGHT TRANSFERENCE ON VEHICLES. E4539] A non-technical reader of Mr. A. Lampert's excellent article on the question of weight...
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A T a moment when the British Government is increasing by 700 per cent, the tax on oil fuel for compression-ignition engines,...
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SIR ALAN COBHAM'S NEW VENTURE. T HEproject of Sir Alan Cobham to run an air service to the Channel Islands has now been...
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T IPPING bodies for heavy commercial chassis and semi-trailers have, for many years, been built by Carrimore Six Wheelers,...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent AUTHORITY TO STOP VEHICLES FOR WEIGHING PURPOSES. Pr HE Flome...
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P ATENT No. 425,537 shows an addition to an hydraulic torque-converter, the object of which is to provide an additional control...