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THEproject of Sir Alan Cobham to run an air service to the Channel Islands has now been definitely arranged. From May 6, a service will be run between London, Portsmouth, Bournemouth and Guernsey, using the landing ground at L'Eree, on Guernsey Island. The company will be called Cobham Air Routes, Ltd.
There will be two services daily each way and the machines used will be Airspeed Envoys, and special threeengined aeroplanes over the water.
There will be connections at Portsmouth with the services of t'ortsmouth, Soutlisea and Isle of Wight Aviation, Ltd. The journey from Croydon to Guernsey will take 2 hours, including stops, and the fares are as follow :— London-Portsmouth, 20s. single, 38s. return ; London-Bournemouth 30s. single, 57s. return ; London-Guernsey, 65s. single, 124s. return ; PortsmouthBournemouth, Ils. single, 20s. return ; Bournemouth-Guernsey, 35s, single, 67s. return.
I'VE are informed by Mr. George .Nicholson, of Northern and Scottish Airways, Ltd., which company has regularly operated between Glasgow (Renfrew) and Campbeltown and IsIav since December 1, that a service from Renfrew to the Isle of Man (Ramsey) is starting on May 17. At first it will be run on Fridays, Saturdays. Sundays and Mondays, but it is likely to become: a daily service. The fare is £1 17s, 6d. single and £.3 5s. 6d.
return, and the trip will take hour. It will he flown with Dragons. Whitehall Securities Corporation, Ltd., has taken an interest in the com
pan■,, and a service between Carlisle and the Isle of Man was started on April 30, the day on which the associated company, United Airways, Ltd., inaugurated its Heston-Blackpool-Isle of Man services.
THEprovisional plans of Norman Edgar Western Airways, Ltd., for the forthcoming season are now announced. The Bristol-Cardiff ferry will run six times daily each way, and two trips will he extended to Bournemouth and back, connecting there with the south-coast network of Portsmouth, Southsea and Isle of Wight Aviation, Ltd.
From May 3 the company is running a week-end on-demand service from Cardiff and Bristol to Le Touquet and Paris, leaving Cardiff at 4 p.m. on Fridays and Le Bourget at 4 p.m. on Sundays. The Cardiff-Paris fare on this trip is £5 single and A7-1.0s. return.
The company has concluded arrange
ments to operate a line from Cardiff and Bristol to London. This will be a daily service and will connect at Croydon with the international network. Mr. Norman Edgar has been running his services since September, 1932, with 100 per cent. safety and a notably high regularity record.
DURING the Easter week-end, Thursday to Monday, 1,953 passengers were carried between London (Croydon) and the Continent. Of these 1,029 were carried by Imperial Airways, mostly on the Paris route. All companies ran extra services, yet there was insufficient accommodation. Air France alone had to turn away 100-150 people who wanted to travel from London to Paris and beyond. That company sent off full loads to Marseilles, Cannes and the Balearic Isles.
From Thursday to Monday 4,586 people paid for escorted tours of Croydon Airport.
Heston also reports heavy traffic, with 654 aeroplane arrivals and departures. Jersey Airways, Ltd., took 139 people to the Channel Islands (not counting the service from Southampton), and Spartan Air Lines, Ltd., took 104 to the Isle of Wight.
Hillman's Airways, Ltd., was very busy and the „company's base, Essex Airport, was thronged with visitors, many of whom made short flights.
WE are informed by Mr. E. L. YV Gandar Dowar, of Aberdeen Airways, Ltd., that Mr. Dykstra, of the K.L.M. (Royal Dutch Air Lines) recently visited Dyce Airport, Aberdeen, and arranged to use the aerodrome as a port of call on a survey flight to Iceland, with a possible stop in the Fames. We understand that Aberdeen Town Council. as well as Mr. Gandar Dower's company, will strongly support the Dutch visit, and that a Douglas D.C.2 14-passenger aeroplane will be used.
ON April 30, United Airways, Ltd.. inaugurated its new daily service between London (Heston), Blackpool and the Isle of Man. This company has been formed by Whitehall Securities Corporation, Ltd., and Mr. W. L. Thurgood, of Jersey Airways, Ltd., but unlike their Jersey enterprise, they are not, in this venture, associated with the railway companies.
The London-Blackpool fares are 48s. single and 72s. return. There are two services daily each way and they connect with a new service between Blackpool and the Isle of Man (Ramsey), which is run four times daily each way, also two services daily each way between Ramsey and Carlisle.
The company is using Dragon Rapides on the London-Blackpool section and Spartan Cruisers over the sea.
THIS summer, Aberdeen Airways, 1 Ltd., proposes to run a daily Aberdeen-Thurso service, to be extended later to Kirkwall (Orkney Isles) and Lerwick (Shetland Isles). Plans are going ahead for the Aberdeen-Newcastle-Hull-London service, which should start in the last week of May. It will be run twice weekly at first. The company has arranged for landing grounds at Thurso. Kirkwall and the Shetlands, in addition to possessing its own aerodrome at Dyce, Aberdeen. The fleet is expected to comprise two Dragon Rapides D.H.89, three Dragons D.H.84, a Short Scion and several single-engined aeroplanes a41