Official Orders in September.
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A relatively small number of orders for motor vehicles was given out during September last by Government Depart ments. The Air Ministry purchased Trojan vehicles and the War Department ordered Albion six-wheeled chassis; the latter authority also contracted for bodies from the Weybridge Motor Engineering Co., Ltd. and ordered ambulance bodies from ann, Egerton and Co., Ltd. The G. .0. authorities placed an order for Maudslay chassis and the Crown Agents for the Colonies one for Albion chassis.
Another Oil Engin for Leeds.
As the result of 12 tory performance of th engine in a double-deck
%seek Tramways Department ordered from Mr. W Jessamine Avenue, Be 6LW Gardner oil en b.h.p. at 1,700 r.p.m. which was recently de journal.
onths' satisfac6L2 Gardner us, Leeds City has recently H. Goddard, sten, Leeds, a ne giving 102 his is the type cribed in this O.M.U.A. Secretary to Read Paper.
One of the most jilt resting papers at the Olympia Conte encos will undoubtedly be that to be read on Tuesday November 10th, at 11 a.m., in the Conference Room, Olympia by Mr. P. G. Bristow, F.C.I.S., Mansit.T. It will be entitled "The Road Traffic Act, 1930; Pirst Effects on the Road Transport Industry." Major-General S. S. Long, C.B., M.Inst.T., President of the C.M.TJ.A., will be in the chair.
Glasgow Corporation and Bodybuilding.
The question of seeking powers for the municipal manufacture of bus bodies was again before the transport committee of Glasgow Corporation last week. A motion was 'carried that it be remitted to the Parliamentary Bills committee to include in a Provisional Order, to be promoted by the corporation, the necessary provisions to enable the corporation to manufacture bus bodies.
Profit on Lincoln's Buses.
Lincoln Corporation's transport department recorded a net profit for the past municipal year of £1,130, against £2,146 in the previous year. The average number of buses in use was 22 and the cost of petrol amounted tp 2.13d. per bus-mile, as against 2.55d. a year earlier.
Mr, G. Rock, the general manager and engineer, states that the city circular tours again proved to be a success, the revenue being £649. The operating costs of the buses have increased by MOO over, those of the previous year. The department has 32 buses and, in future, it may be necessary to replace some or even add to the present fleet.
More Show Exhibitors.
After last week's issue closed for press, we learned of the following additions to the list of exhibitors in the accessories and components section of the Commercial Motor Show, the stand. numbers being given in parentheses :— Cooper Stewart Engineering Co., Ltd. (245), E.N.V. Engineering Co., Ltd. (247), Newton Brothers (386), Joseph Stubbs, Ltd. (269), 'John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd. (209), and Walker's Steel Works, Ltd. (413).
The names of Ronnie Motor Accessories, Ltd. (482a), and Grimston, Prichard and Plutte, Ltd. (412), have been added to the garage equipment list, whilst the number of the second stand to be occupied by R. H. Cook and Co., Ltd., has been altered to 442.
Proposed Municipal Co-ordination.
As already stated in The Commercial Motor, it is proposed to establish a central authority to control the transport undertakings of Burnley, Caine and Nelson Corporations. Colne has already approved the scheme in principle, and it is now proposed to enter into negotiations , with the Burnley and Nelson authorities. The proposal arose from a suggested through bus service. T.S. Oil-englned Bus Chassis for China.
We learn that the China General Omnibus Co. has just ordered from T.S. Motors, Ltd., Maidstone, 25 oil-engined bus chassis equipped with Gardner 4LW power units. The vehicles are to be 32-seaters, but the bodie,s will be built in China.
Eliminating Vibration in Oil Engines..
At the next meeting of the Diesel Engine Users' Association, which will be held on Thursday next, November 5th, at 3.30 p.m., at Caxton Hall, Caxton Street, Loudon, S.W.1, Mr. R. B. Grey, A.M.I.Mech.E., will read a paper on "The Elimination of Vibration." We learn that Mr. James Finley has taken over the commercial-vehicle sales aide of Spflutes, Ltd.
We are informed that Mr. W. E. Warrilow has resigned from the position of assistant manager of Edison Storage Battery Distributors, Ltd., which he has held for the past 2-i years. On leaving the company he was presented by his colleagues with an onyx gold-mounted fountain-pen desk set.
Mr. Alfred EL Coldicott, who was for eight years with Guy Motors, Ltd., and is well known to passenger-transport operators and the trade generally, was recently engaged by the Gifford Motor Co., Ltd., especially to promote the sale of its passenger vehicles to municipal passenger-transport undertakings. Mr. Coldicott has a genial personality which is of considerable help in promoting friendships.
An Efficient Filter for Oil Fuel.
One of the many problems arising Out of the rapid. progress made in the manufacture of oil engines for commercial vehicles is the provision of a satisfactory strainer for the oil fuel. In view of this the new filter produced by Automean Strainers, Ltd., and which will be shown at Olympia on Stand 200, in the gallery, is particularly interesting. The essential feature of the design is that an Auto-Mean strainer equivalent to 150 by 150 mesh is provided to act first. This filter is of the self-cleaning type, constructed so that the straining medium can be thoroughly cleaned by turning the handle, if necessary while the engine is running. There is a secondary strainer in the form of a sleeve of monel cloth, surrounding the Anto-Klean, which will effectually deal with any ultra-fine specks.
The Auto-filean retains all the water which may be present in the oil, as well as the majority sitf the dirt, and a plug for the easy removal of this deposit is provided at the bottom of the strainer casting. .
It hits been proved that a. strainer embodying these features can give good service for 3,000 funning hours before it is necessary to clean the monel cloth, and when that operation is required the cloth can be removed in a few seconds by slacking off one fly-nut.
The makers will welcome suggestions and criticisms with regard to this strainer during the Commercial Motor Exhibition so that they can fully comply with users' requirements when drafting the final designs to which they will work for production on a quantity basis.
A First-aid Outfit for Buses.
Fassett and Johnson, Ltd., St. John's Gate Buildings, 86, Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C.1, has introduced a firstaid outfit specially prepared for publicservice vehicles ; it meets official requirements. We have inspected one of these outfits and are satisfied that the manufacturer has met in a conscientious manner the needs of coach and bus operators. The arrangement is tidy and accessible.
The materials and appliances are contained in a neat black metal box 12 ins. long, 6 ins, wide and 3 ins, high, having a convenient handle and two hooks. Instructions in the practice of first-aid are included, and give lucid information. The outfit is known by the trade name of the St. John's Gate brand.