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N EXT Thursday there will be opened a Commercial Motor Exhibition which gives every indication of being the greatest of Its...
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O NT] reason for the non-shccess of Mr. Herbert Morrison at the General Election was the resentment which was felt against...
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Of new Guys for the fifth, aral a REAL Guy on Stand 48, That, however, some of them being equipped . with oil' engines are...
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A public meeting under the auspices of the Roadways Federation, Ltd.; 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, will be held on...
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A relatively small number of orders for motor vehicles was given out during September last by Government Depart ments. The Air...
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East Ham Corporation is recommended to have Burges Road prohibited to solid-tyred vehicles weighing 7 tons or more. - United...
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A RIGID six-wheeler of the trailing11.. axle type, employing as its basis the Bedford 2-ton long-wheelbase chassis, has...
and Proposals _Messrs. Pilkingtons are supplying a light van to Bovrost Corporation. BELFAST Corporation has given authority...
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T HE unconventionality of design of the Gilford front-drive oilengined passenger vehicle, which was briefly described in our...
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and SUCCESSFUL INDUSTRY W E have considerea It important from time to time to publish comprehensive and comparative figures...
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A LTHOUGH of recent years Willys 1 - 10verlaud Crossley, Ltd., has greatly increased the percentage of components, made in...
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To DAY AND TO-MORROW A T the Commercial Motor Show in 1929 there were present three makes of oil-engined vehicle. All the se...
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A STRIKING example of the appre ciation which is being accorded overseas to British products is the purchase of a T.S....
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT THE COMMISSIONERS' FORTHCOMING PUBLIC SITTINGS MILE following are the times and 1 places announced by Area...
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Metropolitan and South-Eastern Fares Inquiry, December 7th : What the Fares Tribunal is Doing MEE fares tribunal set up by...
Appeals Rejected. THE Ministry of Transport has re jected an appeal by the East Bergolt and District Services, of Colchester,...
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at the Commere al Motor Show New Trailing-axle Rigid Six-wheeler, New 5-tonner All Engine Powers Increased 11HE new Mandator...
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(\NE would have thought that everykJ thing possible regarding worm gearing had been discovered, but, apparently, this is not...
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C OMMENDABLE activity is being shown by the council of the Long Distance Road Haulage Association, the headquarters address of...
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T HE Short Distance Hauliers' Alliance, born in May of this year, came into being with the specific object of endeavouring,...
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BODYWORK EXHIBITS ABBOTT Stand 13 A 20-seater Semi-de-luxe Bus Body A GUY Victory chassis will be used to draw attention to...
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for road vehicles T E oil-fuel engines produced by Wm. Beardmore and Co., Ltd., of Parkhead,. Glasgow, and 80, Victoria...
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CHASSIS FOR £595 D URING the past . two years the number of Dennis passenger. carrying vehicles has increased considerably....
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T HE modern driver's cab owes much of its development to the excellent design of standardized products, some of which are of...
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Bus PAINTING A LITIOUGEI the painting of the buses owned by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., 55, Broadway, S.W.1, may seem...
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for Highway or Country F OR many years vehicles of ingenious design, intended for a wide variety of purposes, have been...
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T HE desirability of lightness with strength is so generally admitted that no commercial-vehicle designer can fail to be...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3556] Sir,—Your remarks under "Loose Leaves" in your issue of October 20th, concerning the...
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A RATHER more comprehensive dieplay of trailers will be seen at 'Olympia this year than was shown in 1929. J. Brockhouse and...