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To help you and your vehicle make it through the cold months ahead, here are just a few examples of the numerous winter products available on the market.
• With winter fast approaching and road spray and dull weather limiting visibility, it is a good time to consider replacing windscreen wiper blades.
Wiltshire-based Fister (UK) has developed a new graphite coating for its wiper blades, first seen at the Motor Show. The company claims the graphite coating cleans the windscreen more effectively than a conventional wax coating.
The company also offers windscreen wipers made from a polymer glass fibre compound which will not corrode and is up to one-third lighter than a conventional wiper.
For more information, call Fister on (0249) 714794.
• Winter diesel will be adequate for most harsh weather this winter, but there is still a chance that temperatures will fall below the fuel's cold filter plugging point, causing wax crystals to form in the fuel and block filters.
Gulf Diesel Flow, an anti-waxing additive, is claimed to prevent this problem. It is said to work not by preventing wax from forming, (which happens to all fuel at around —5°C), but by stopping the crystals from growing too large. Because Diesel Flow is a preventative it must be added before crystals appear and before temperatures fall to —5°C.
Gulf says that Diesel Flow can be added either directly to the vehicle's tank or to the depot's storage tank and that one litre of Diesel Flow protects 500 litres of fuel.
To protect fuel further, filters should be changed in autumn and filter bowls should be emptied of any water.
Using lubricants of the correct viscosity is particularly important in winter because if the oil is too thick the battery and starter will suffer, and the low cranking speeds may mean that the engine fails to start. Contamination of water and fuel is also more of a problem in winter so it is best to change the oil before it arrives.
Gulf Oil claims that it can help in this area by monitoring for contaminants and viscosity throughout the winter, by its simple on-site oil testing. For a more detailed analysis, there is the 'Gulfcare' condition monitoring service, which gives information on equipment wear rates and further advice on preventative measures. • There are a number of established UK companies offering fuel line heaters to prevent diesel waxing, but this year sees the UK debut of a French company called SDLM.
The company produces a range of electronically-controlled line heaters which use a ceramic component, instead of a conventional thermostat, to monitor the heat of the line. As the temperature of the ceramic rises so does its electrical resistance. When it reaches the critical temperature the heater cuts out.
For more information contact Andre Diry in France, on (01033) 85877474.
• Gravesend-based Comma is now offering its self-mixing Diesel Master fuel additive, developed to prevent wax and ice crystal formation, and to keep fuel injectors clean.
Comma claims the solution is suitable for all diesel applications. It comes in packs_ranging in size from 300m1 to 205litre barrels.
Contact Comma on (0474) 564311.
• Doncaster-based Add-Itt says that shortages of anti-freeze this winter will boost the price above that of oil.
The company claims it is cheaper to protect your vehicle against freezing by boosting the anti-freeze already flowing in your vehicle's radiator. Its Anti-Freeze Booster costs around £2.50 per truck for fleet users.
For more information contact Add-ftt on (0302) 320269. 1 Raychem's Thermoline diesel fuel line eater consists of a special heavy-duty iel hose which contains a heating element ) raise the fuel temperature_ This is tted in place of the normal fuel line etween the vehicle's fuel tank and rimary fuel filter.
Thermoline is designed to operate with 2 and 24-volt vehicles and will work with 11 types of diesel engine.
The company has also launched a selfegulating external mirror heater.
For more information, call Raychem on D793) 482138.
1 Cobra's Goldline system is both a emote-control door lock and a vehicle lann. When the driver leaves the vehicle, he system automatically switches on its Itrasonic scanning device and emits a ingle bleep. The driver simply needs to Tess the button on his radio key and the ystem automatically locks all doors, shuts 11 windows and closes any sunroof. On eturning to the vehicle the driver again ;resses his radio key button, and the ystem automatically unlocks all the loors.
This eradicates the problem of frozen ocks, by eliminating the use of keys.
The Goldline system has two other eatures ; a panic alarm which can be ictivated by the driver, even when he is ;ome distance from the vehicle, and an inti-hijack device which immobilises the ngine within 30 seconds.
For more information contact hal Audio in (0923) 240525. • Webasto manufacturers a warm-air heater for truck cabs which is not just for heating the cold but also the damp. The heater works independently from the engine and operates by drawing a small amount of diesel fuel from the main tank and then burning it.
A heat exchanger, warmed by the fuel, has cold cab air passed over it by the action of the integral fan, and picks up heat which is pushed back into the cab. The heater is controlled by a manual switch and has a timer. A larger version is available for freight heating, minibuses, or coaches and independent heaters for specialised vehicle bodies.
Another Webasto product, the DBW46 water heater, is a 5kW engine pre-heater. This "plumbs" into the engine cooling system and is claimed to give a warm engine before the driver arrives. The main truck fan heater will also de-ice the cab's screen.
Webasto heaters are available through a UK dealer network.
For more information phone Philip Busher on (0202) 715771.
• Michael Freeman Products is marketing Foamex Fantasy vehicle linings for drivers to make their cab a home from home.
The rigid PVC sheets have durable onyx, bleachwood and textile finishes aimed to make the truck's interior pleasant and comfortable. The lining is aimed to shut out noise and harsh weather conditions, and is claimed to be waterproof and rot-proof. It has a class one fire rating and, in the case of fire, it will not drip and is self-extinguishing.
Foamex Fantasy can be drape-formed, heat-line bent and shallow-formed to produce roof panels, lockers and airconditioning ducts. It is compatible with fibreglass and, used in conjunction with GRP, will increase structural strength. It is available in a sheet size of 1,220 x3,05Orrun, in 3 and 6mm thicknesses.
For further information, contact sole importer Michael Freeman Products on (0753) 39111. • A new range of garage Absaar battery chargers are being distributed in the UK by Ftashgrange. The German-made chargers range in power ratings from 40 to 100 amps and can be used to re-charge 6,12 and 24-volt batteries.
The chargers have normal and fast charge with power ratings of one to six, a starter boost of up to 250 amps and an automatic timer from 0 to 24 hours.
Other features include an automatic fuse for protection against overcharging and wrong polarity, and an ammeter to check the charging.
All components are manufactured within Absaars's factory and all chargers come with a year's guarantee.
For more information phone Flashgrange on (0443) 854101/854111.
• Spice Distribution is to introduce two winter products this year under the Cutlass Car Care banner.
The first, Clearcut Screen Wash, is said to remove grease and traffic grime and protect against freezing water bottles in severe weather conditions. It is claimed to give good all-year visibility. The bottles are also child-proof, with the new "squeeze and turn" caps.
The second product is the Icecut Deicer for the colder months, which comes in a trigger bottle, catering for the concern of aerosol sprays.
For more information phone Spice on (0784) 50221. • Kent-Moore has added an anti-freeze tester to its Serviceaid range of products.
The KM4174 is equipped with a thermometer and a hydrometer for accurate readings of temperature and gravity. Full operating instructions are included.
Details are available from Kent-Moore UK, phone 021-707 6955. • One company which specialises in winter road transport products is Emslowbased Holt Lloyd. The company is wellknown for its cold-start, wet-start and damp-start products, but it also offers two useful items for improving visibility.
Flexy Aqua Cham is a specially-coated chamois-leather which remains moist at all times. The company claims Aqua Cham can be used for cleaning the vehicle's windscreen (both sides) lights, bodywork and upholstory — no matter how dirty. It retails at £1.78.
The Flexy De-Mister pad is a sponge coated with chamois-leather on one side, and costs £1.02.
Holt Lloyd has also introduced new formula Redex Petrol Treatment which is said to clean up the unwanted side-effects of low-lead petrol, removing carbon fouling nd gum deposits, cleaning the engine ready for first time ignition. It is claimed to lubricate the upper cylinders, reducing friction between the piston and cylinder walls, so that the engine is cushioned when started. In freezing conditions the special additive should prevent carburettor icing, so that the airflow is not disrupted and the throttle valves will not stick and cause stalling.
For more information call Holt Lloyd on (06250) 526838.
• As winter approaches it is increasingly important to ensure that engines and components are well maintained. The Deb Group claims that one way of doing this is to use Contect "Duck Oil" service spray, said to keep electrical and metal systems running smoothly.
It is a multi-purpose spray and its light lubricating oil is aimed at improving efficiency by reducing engine friction. Duck Oil's low viscosity allows it to penetrate tight tolerances and to release seized components. It removes water from metals and electrical circuits, forming a film which inhibits corrosion. It is available in 250-ml or 450-ml aerosols, five-litre packs with refillable sprayer, and 25-litre drums.
For details phone Peter Jackson, Deb Group on (0773) 822712. • With icy uncompromising roads ahead it is vital to ensure that your brakes are well serviced. One way to improve safety is to make certain that a dean, dry air supply reaches the air braking systems.
Grau Girling claims that its Pure Air Dryer, designed by its American sister company Midland Brakes, can do this by producing 100% pure air.
The dryer takes condensation from the hot moist air, then the air is filtered of contaminents and passed through a drying unit into the reservoir. Once the cycle is completed the stored dry air discharges the moisture and contaminents.
The dryer features an aluminium housing and an inner shell to reduce weight and can be mounted onto a vehicle vertically or to within 70 horizontally. It is interchangeable with other dryers and can be serviced in situ.
The heater comes complete with a three-year or 300,000-mile guarantee. For further details phone David White on (0527) 510310.
0 Compiled by Juliet Parish