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The E1,000 A Year Jam
• A lorry using the M25 every day wastes up to 90 hours a year in traffic jams, adding £1,000 to its annual running costs, says the PTA in a major survey of HGV operators. "The......
Tnt To Back Cbi 1992 Initiative
• TNT Express (UK) is one of 10 prominent companies recruited by the Confederation of British Industry to launch its "1992 Initiative" to help British firms prepare for the......
Ill Unless The Government Steps In With Stricter Rules To
control drivers' hours, driver fatigue will cause a major accident, says United Road Transport Union general secretary Frank Griffin in an open letter to Roads and Traffic......
Thieves Steal Osborne's Scania 143
• Fruck thieves struck on the A2 on the night of 23/24 October. Their target was Osborne 'fraction's almost-new 6X2 Scania 143 tractive unit, which was taken from a layby at......
Bottomley Urged To Back 40 Tonne
• The Government has beer urged again to come down off the fence and back the 40tonne limit by the Freight Transport Association. Roads and Traffic Minister Peter Bottomley was......
London Lorry Ban Euro Blueprint?
• The London Lorry Ban should form the blueprint for truck bans in every major European city, claims Pete Broadbent, chairman of the London Boroughs Transport Committee. "If......