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"The wheels of wealt7s will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points aristity, as a carriage, is tty the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Croaitr,
Minimum Fare for Buses.
The Newport Borough Council has now fixed the minimum rate for passersgave using buses for journeying into the borough that may be charged by the comlia
When the matter was discussed on a former occasion strong protest was made by members at the minimum being fixed at 4d., and it was suggested that the watch committee, which is responsible for adjusting the charge, should be proceeded against as profiteers. The council, however, has agreed to the 4d. minimum despite renewed protests from a section of the members. Mr. F. Quick, who found a seconder in Mr. W. Cadre gar', proposed that the minimum for Pontypool-Newport passengers be fixed at 2d., and referred to the detrimental effect on the local tradespeople of discouraging such traffic.
Mr. Cadogan was of opinion -that, even if the point adduced against allowing the buses to bring passengers into the town from nearby places— the less incurred by the tramways services—was made out, it would be well to put up with any such loss, as the loss of trade incurred by melting bus charges too high and the resulting unwillingness of people to come to town was a far more serious thing to traders than a small depreciation of trams.' proceeds. Alleging that the bus companies paid nothing toward road upkeep, and that this was a good and sufficient reason for a high minimum passenger rate, Alderman Woxon opposed the reduction amendment; that, after division, was lost.
Twenty Electrics for Hackney.
TheFinance Committee of the Hackney Borough Council reports upon the quotations obtained for the supply of electric vehicles for dust collection. The final figures submitted by the specialist manufacturers of this type of vehicle include, in each case, a provision of £76 per vehicle for special steel tub bodies necessary for the handl 1)g plant already determined upon. The figures are as follow :— Clayton WagonS, Ltd., Lincoln, £770. Elite Electric Vehicles, Ltd:, Regent Street, S.-W. 1, £825.
Eleetromobile, Ltd., ()Hey, 'Yorks., £868.
Ele.ctricars, Ltd., Seymour Place, W. 1, £1,526; alternative, £1.276.
Garrett and Sons, Ltd., Leiston, Suffolk, £750; alternative, £732, £1,041, arid £1,276.
Han§ornes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., ipewich, £780; alternative, 01,252, and 21,607.
Newton Bros. (Derby), Ltd., Derby; £914.
General 'Vehicle Co., Ltd., Shoe Lane, E.G. 4, £750.
General Electro-Motives, Ltd., Leeds, £986.
The committee says that in the scheme adopted by the council it. was pointed out that the estimated number of vehicles required to undertake the whole of the work at the maximum period of collection, with a percentage allowance for spare plant, would be 27 vehicles. The council already poeseesee fear vehieles B20 -made by Messrs. Ransomes, Sims and jefferies, of Ipswich.
The committee coosidere that the number of vehicles to he ordered now and delivered ready for working previous to April 1st next need not exceed 20, as it may be found, from experience and organization, that a reduced number may suffice, and that it may be possible to effect a reduction of capital expenditure. The contractor should be required to supply the further three vehicles, if required, at the same price or such lower price as may be ruling at the date the order is given.
The committee recommends acceptance-. of the tender of Messrs. Garrett and Sons, Ltd., for 20 vehicles at £750 eaeh.
Mr. Roland E. Dangerfield, a director of Temple Press Ltd., sailed last week for New York on the White Star liner " Majestic."
Current Drivers' Wages.
The rates of wages for drivers of motor vehicles, which will be in force on the first pay-day following Sunday, October 1st, when a reduction of is. per week in the case of men and 6d. per week in the case of youths, came into operation : STE A.M.
Drivers 72s. per week of 48 hours.
Mates 57s. per week of 48 hours.
Drivers of vehicles of up to and including 15-cut, capacity :— 52s. per week of 48 hours. Drivers of vehicles of over 15 cwt. and up to and including 2-ton vehicles ;— 64s. per week of 48 hours. Drivers of vehicles of over 2-ton capacity : 72s. per week of 48 hours: These rates apply to. London; elsewhere they may vary up to approximately 2s. above or below those given.
Latest Motor Fuel Prices.
An announcement was made lost Tuesday, September 26th, that, as from that date, the prices of motor fuels were revised. They are now as follow, the prices given being per gallon ;— England and Wales. Scotland. Ireland.
s. d. s. d. s. d.
Aviation ... 2 4 2 5 2 7i No. 1 grade 2 0 2 1 2 4 No. 3 grade 110 1 11
2 11 The -prices of National benzele and National benzole mixture Were reduced on Thursday last as follow :—
National benzoie, 2s. 48. per gallon. National benstele mixture, 2s. per gallon.
For the Motor Show promoted by the Automobile Club de France' which opens in Paris on Wednesday, October4th, the South-Eastern and Chatham Railway have arrang'ed.to issue cheap return tickets, which are available for 15 days, on Friday and Saturday of this week (October 6th and 7th) by the services leaving Victoria at 9.15 a.m. and 8 p.m. via Boulogue, and at 2 p.m. via Calais. It is highly likely that fresh schemes for road works will be initiated by local authorities, at the instance of the Ministry of Transport, during the -coming autumn and winter months, in order further to-alleviate unemployment. The building of roads indirectly stimulates industry in quarries, steel works, etc. The aim of the Ministry, in its seleetiOn from the vast number of schemes that have been proposed, has been to provide better facilities by building the new approach roads which are urgently required by the increase of traffic, constructing circular and by-pass roads so thattraffic may avoid congested areas, and improving or widening the larger thoroughfares of the country.
The total cost of the works whia the Ministry has under. consideration at present is shout £7,000,000 (seven millions sterling), and already general approval has been given to works estimated to cost approximately £1."500,000 (one and a half millions sterling).
One of the most important of the schemes now 'being examined is the proposed new road between Manchester and Liverpool; which will open up a considerable efttent of land for development, the -cost of the road being about £3,000,000 (three millions sterling). This work is suitable for unskilled labour, will relieve the distress prevailingin the neighbourhood, and the road itself will solve one of the greatest traffic problems of the country.
Motorbuses for Melbourne.
The Melbourne Aryan reports that negotiations are taleneet completed for the formation of a public company Which will inaugurate a Modern motor omnibus service in Melbourne and its suburbs. The vehicles will be single-deckers capable of seating 90 passengers, We understand that orders have already been given for ten of this type, arrii it is expected that the service will be in operation -within the nextthree months. The buses will be of a more modern pattern than those now used in Sydney. The bodies will be made in Australia, and they will be practically the same as those used in Sydney and the latest pattern used in London. It is hoped to increase the size of the fleet eventually to at least 20 vehicles.
Dodge Price Reductions. •
We learn from .Dodge Brotheie (Britain), Ltd., of Stevenage Wharf, Fulham, London, S.W. 6, that the prices of their commercial vehicles have been reduced as from October lit and arc now as follow :—Commercial chassis, £225; screen-side van, £275; panel van, £295. The vehicles are completely equipped, the price including magneto, wing lamps and five 32 in. by 4-in, cord tyres.
No More Speed Limits.
The Transport Ministry has notified the Pontefract Town Coemicil that itis not at present prepared to consider any further speed-limit applications.
Road and Ship Transport for Farmers.
Rapid progress is being made with a scheme for transporting farmers' produce between West Somerset and East Devon fartes and Cardiff at rates cheaper than , those charged by the railways. The idea. is that motor lorries will collect from the local depots and transport the produce to the ships. It is estimated that a saving of 10 per cent, on the railway charges will be. effected, and the time taken will be oonsitierably less. At a meeting ,of the Tiverton Farmers' Union it was stated that a ship had been purchased, and that motor lorri.es are ready to start collecting. A depot Will be provided at Watchet, and committees have been formed to supervise the deposit of produce from a five or ten-mile radius.
Liverpool's 3rd C.M.U.A. Parade.
The Liverpool Area Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association held their 3rd annual parade on Saturday, the number of vehicles taking part in the competition being about 120, whilst over 200 participated in the procession which followed.
There were separate claseifipations for vehicles, petrol and steam, belonging to (a) haulage contractors, and (b) other firms, according to the dates of delivery. On Friday evening, September 9th, the judges were entertained to dinner at the Exchange Hotel, among those invited being :—Mr. E. S. ShrapnellsSmith, C.B.E.,M.InSt.T. (President,C.M.U.A.); Mr. F. G. Bristow, M.Inst.T. (Secretary, C.M.U.A.) ; Maj.-Geri. S. S. Long, C.B. (Lever Bros.); Messrs. H. Draper (Divisional Engineer, C.31.U.A.); J. H. P. Dalgeish (Chairman, E. Mid. Division C,M.U.A.) R. C. Reynolds, M.Inst.1". (Bleachers' Association, Ltd.); Alf. Goulding (Alfred Goulding, Ltd.); D. Morgan (Bleachers' Association. Ltd.); D. Brindle (H. Viney and Co., Ltd. ; T. Molyneaux, A.M.', Mach. E., A.M.I.Auto.E. (Liverpool Corporation City Engineers' Department); R. J. Armstrong (John Walsh, Ltd.); R. II. Holies (Kwick Transport Co., Ltd.).
Kerbside Petrol Pumps. .
Tynernouth Corporation Town Improvement Committee has had applications for permission to install roadside petrol pumps by Mr. Scott, of Chirton, and Messrs. Gray Bros., of Tynemouth Read, and agreed that, permission be granted to install such pumps on the herb in positions to be approved by the borough surveyor, subject to the payment. of an annual acknowledgment of 1.11 in cesh case.
The Road Transport of Biscuits.
There is no class of traders in Scot. land that uses motor transport more exclusively than our great biscuit Manufacturers. Their vehicles are specially designed and built to meet the particular requirements of their enterprise, those employed for long distances having accommodation for hundreds of tins. The delivery 'Undertakings of such large firms as Messrs. MeVitie and Price; Macfarlane, Lang and Co.; and Gray and Dunn extend to a radius of 50 or 60 Miles, their fleets of large-sized conveyances numbering each shout a dozen. Tri addition to these, they all possess a score or so of lightemotorvans suitable for dealing with their local traffic, and in every case these vans are models of elegance and craftsmanlike finish. We believe that Messrs. Carr send their vehicles so far North as Aberdeen, and certainly they are seen constantly in the streets of Perth and Stirling. Millers also are using motor lorries for extremely long distances, and very little of ;their goods is now consigned by
No Allowances for Tyre Bands.
The Rubber Tyre Manufacturers' Committee of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, in accord with the British Rubber Tyre Manufacturers' Association, has passed a resolution to the effect that as from October 1st no allowances for returned steel bands, with or without rubber, should he made.
Held Up by Bridges.
Isleworth Urban District Council bas had a letter from the London General Omnibus Co. stating that, on further investigation, it has been found that two bridges—viz., the Great Western Railway Bridge at Southall and the Grand Junction Canal Bridge at Norwood—are not capable of accommodating omnibus traffic, and that it it necessary indefinitely to postpone the proposed bus service between Hounslow and Southall,
Tractors in Stirlingshire.
In no county in Scotland is motor ploughing and motor reaping making more rapid strides than in Stirlingshire. This is probably due to the keenness and enterprise of Messrs. Henderson Bros., motor agents of Stirling, in eeessing the claims of the adaptable petrol engine upon the attention of farmers. Theystance their -machines at all local shows arid ploughing matches, and give ulemonstrations each spring and autumn at various centres between Perth and Glasgow. The result of their intensive advertising is that they are selling many tractors, and very soon most of the ploughing in terrtral Scotland will be done without horses.
On one moderately sized farm not far from Stirling three motor ploughs might be seen at work last spring, and the land was prepared for the seeds in less than half the usual time.
Taxation of Road Vehicles.
'Interesting proposals have been put forward by the Taxation,Cornmittee of the Staffordshire branch of the National Farmers' J.Tniciii for amending the present system of taxatice of road vehicles.
The committee came to the conclusion. that the present system unfairly hits the users of private and professional cars, which have' a high horse-power, but which are light in weight -and do-comparatively little injuey to the roads. On the other hand, it was agreed that heavy connuercial vehicles are doing damage to the roads out of all proportion to the taxes which they are at present called upon to pay.
The committee considers that a return to the spirit tax is out of the question on account of the difficulty of defining the term, but that the present hardship in the case of certain classes of private and professional cars would be ameliorated by a tax based on a combination of horse-power (which to a certain extent governs the question of speed) and weight. It is suggested that the following formula would be found satisfactory : W. (in cwt.) x hp. = tax (in shillings).
To compensate for the loss of revenue brought about by this concession, it is suggested that additions should be made to the present charges onheavy commercial vehicles.
It. is recommended that the weight tax on commercial vehicles over 1 ton in B22
weight should be at the same rate as that for 1-ton vehicles, namely, 168. per cwt.; that nastarati of the present jumps from 1 to § tons, and so on, tax should he payable per cwt.; that no maximum should operate; and that the tax ' on -hailers should be increased to £10.
It is recommended that the present concessions in the case of agricultural locomotives be continued on the ground of the intermittent use of the road by these vehicles.
Bus Services in the Border Country.
There is no more convincing proof of the popularity and utility of the motor omnibus as a convenient and cheap means-of locomotion•through scattered agricultural districts, as well as Jr neighbourhoods adjoining large industrial centres, than the constant demands which are being advanced by the residents themselves for travelling facilities of this kind. Scarcely a week passes but some important now service is opened up, as a glance at the periodical issues of the T.R.B. guide will reveal.
One of 'the most interesting of these recent. connections by bus is that in the Berwick 'neighbourhood, where capital services now provide the people of the Border Country with a read, means of reaching either l3erwick itself in. any of the more important. shopping and other trade centres of the district:
Two routes between Berwick and Kelso have been opened up. The first, is via Birgharn, Coldstream and Horndean; and the second by way of Eccles, Leit holm, Swinton and Paxton. In each ease two journeys are made daily, the vehicles leaving Kelso at 9 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. and returning at 11.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. In order further to meet the needs of the populace, the last return journey on Saturday evenings is delayed until 7 p.m. Sunday services, too, have been established, one run being made by each route. The single journey fare for the whole distance is 2s. gd., and intermediate stages have been instituted, the charge in this case being based at 2d. per mile.
A Mexborough Bus Service.
Bolton-on-Dearne Urban District Council has given permission to the Mexborough and Swinton Tramways Co. to run a motorbus service between Mexborough and Goldthorpe.
Roads not Keeping Pace.
The main roads in the vicinity of the larger towns in the Netherlands East Indies are in a very bad state of repair, and are not sufficiently heavily metalled
for present-day traffic. The excessive wear and tear is caused by the enormous increase in motor traffic during the past five years, and the problem the authorities now have to grapple with is to maintain traffic and do extensive repairs at the same time, there .being few suit-able by-roads to which the traffic can be temporarily diverted. Special grants have been given by the Treasury to the Municipal Councils of Batavia, Bandoeng and Soerabaja for road maintenance, but in spit-ti of all that is being done there is no improvement.
In the interior of Java, where motor traffic is not so excessive, the main roads are fairly good,
Testing Road-surfacing Materials.
the vicinity of Stirling assiduous attention is being given to road surfacing. Many interesting experiments have reeentry been carried out in an endeavour to discover the most durable and suitable material.
Tasenaeadaru, it is stated, has been tested,exhanstively and found defective, for it becomes sticky and troublesome in hot weather. It also requires constant renewal, and is very expensive. Tar-spraying, it is said, has proved to be worse than useless, for, while &Minanothing to the stability of the road
surf ace,_ it is .constantly being washed off, to the annoyance of tenants with grazing rights otaci the owners of trout streams.
The best results are being obtained from Trinidad asphalt, with which three of the main streets have been successfully laid. Two of these have been under traffic for close upon two years, and, according to a report just issued by the ourgh surveyor, they show no sign of wear or fracture of any kind. They are almost as smooth as a mirror, yet they give a good grip to horses, and no difficulty has arisen with the owners of driven cattle, It has been provisionally decided that all the main thoroughfaxes in the town are to be treated with this dressing as oppartaniiy occurs. The initial cost is high, but, as the patentees guarantee upkeep for a long period of years, the actual annual outlay, it is said, is not. inuch greater than that on inferior surfaces. At the first meeting of the 1922-1923 session of the North-Western-Local Section of the Institute of Transport, held at Liverpool on Thursday evening, September 21st, Col. j. Nail, D.S.O., M.P.,delivered himself of some thoughts on traffic regulation in congested streets.
"Can traffic be so regulated as to facilitate the passage of all the different vehicles may congested in various busy places?" asked the colonel.
The answer is in the affirmative, he said, and effective regulation must indude
-(1) The prescribing of routes for through traffic or particular kinds of traffic.
(2) The allocation of " up" and "down" traffic to separate but parallel Rtreets in some cases where :ameba are narrow.
(3) The scheduling of certain 'congested main streets as arterial streets, in. which during certain prescribed hours vehicles would he allowed to remain halted only so long as it is absolutely necessary to take up or set down passengers. A fuller report appears on another page,
Country Carriers in Scotland.
No farm of road traffic has received a greater fillip horn the advent of the -commercial motor than the humble trade engaged in by the country carrier. In bygone days his turn-out consisted of a large spring-cart and a sturdy pony, and his load seldom amounted to a'ialf a ton in weight, He has now a 5-ton lorry, and at every journey it is piled up with parcels and other merchandise, .almost like a hay wagon, and often passengers as well. Ile makes three runs to the city where formerly he made one, and, as the natural consequence of his growing prosperity, he has now a considerable amount of competition to face. Where there was only one carrier, say, a dozen years ago, there are now five or six, and,-curiously enough, • they all seem to-flotirish. This is another direction in which the railways suffer from
the influx of motor wagons. •
Road Collapses Under 50-ton Load. .
The transport of a huge boiler, some 20 ft. in diameter and weighing 50 tens; was the occasion of a great deal of trouble in New Chester Road, Rock Ferry. It had been constructed at Messrs Carnmell, Laird and Co.'s works, and was being transported to Northwich on a long four-wheel " cradle " weighing nine tons, hauled by a powerful traction
engine. Soon after the journey was commenced the engine had to slow up, and the great weight of boiler and "cradle" together sank one of the rear wheels of the latter some 9 ins. into a "soft" part of the roadway. The traction engine made an unavailing effort to pull the "cradle" and its burden out of .the hole, and then the aid of one or two passing motor-lorries and other strong motor vehicles was obtained, and, chained together, they endeavoured unsuccessfully to extricate the "cradle" Another device was to detach the traction engine and run it a short distance off, block its wheels and try to draw the "cradle" and boiler free with a wire hawser on the engine's winding gear. This also was futile, until hydraulic jacks and other aids were brought into use. Crowds of people
watched these operations until the huge boiler could be Moved on again. The tram traffic was obstructed on one line until the boiler could be moved, and had to be worked over a section on a single line.
A Dennis Trailer Pump for Colombo.
The Municipal Council of Colombo, the fire brigade of which has already two 60 h.p. Dennis turbine motor fireengines, has recently ordered one of the new patent Dennis multi-stage turbine fire pumps mounted on wheels for trailing either by hand or behind a fire tender. This pump weighs only 12 cwt.,' and will give as much as 350 gallons per Minute at useful fire brigade working pressure, which means that two, three, or even four strong jets call be brought to bear on a conflagration. This firefighting unit should be especiallyvainable in the narrow and Winding streets of native quarters; a..s; -owing to its size and lightnessait can be hauled to any desired spot.
Winter Lines for Traders.
The East London Rubber Co. inform us that they hold a large stock of electric lighting equipment, acetylene and oil lamps of all the leading proprietary makes, including P. and IL, C.A.V., Lucas, Stadium, etc., and a large number of other lines suitable for winter trading; which should make a special appeal at the present time. On application to the,company at 29, Great Eastern Street, London, EC., an illustrated list will be sent.
Demur>, Ltd., 264-265, Broad Street, Birmingham, have sent us a copy of thleir latest catalogue, -which includes several recent addition to the Desmo range of specialities, these including horns, rear mirrors, headlamps, and other articles of high-grade manufacture and suitable for commercial vehicles. It is well worthy of inspection.
The increasing demand for WildBarfield automatic hardening furnaces has necessitated the removal of the makers to considerably larger works and offices, the new address of the company being Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Elecfurn Works, 173-175, Parringdon Road, London, E.C. 1.
Commercial Vehicle Insurance.
We recently had an interesting chat with Mr. Frank H. Bale, M.I.A.E., the general manager of a Premier Mitor Policies, Ltd. This company, tinder a recent arrangement, are guaranteed by the Eagle, Star and British Dominions Insurance CO. Ltd., whose 'assets exceed .£20,000,0430.
Premier Motor Policies, Ltd., are now specializing in commercial vehicle insurance, for which they are particularly oell organizedaas all their interests have been concentrated on Motor insurance since their formation, and they have already won a. remarkably good reputation for slraight dealing and prompti tude in the settlement of all claims.
Commercial vehicles of all types are covered, and'special arrangements can he Made whereby the contents of hauliars' vehicles may also be insured. The chairman of the directors is Sir Edward M. Mountain, Bt., JP.,who is the leading personality in the guaran-• teeing company. • • -
The head office di Premier Motor Policies is at Glebe House; Sheiborno Lane, King William Street, London, E.C. 4, whilst braneh officeshave been established at Leeds, Southampton, Manchester, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Rugby, and Liverpool.
Licences for Agricultural Tractor Drivers.
Several cases have occurred recently in which drivers of agricultural tractors have been summoned for taking them out on to the road without being in possession of driving licences. In certain instances the drivers were actually not entitled to licences, as they were under the required age of 17.
The point is interesting as a large number of farmers are not aware that these licences are necessury, as, of course, they are not :required when vehicles ani driven only on the land. _ It is interesting to note that a. special system for burning pulverized coal in boiler furnaces is to be installed in the plants-of the Ford Motor Co. The system is known as the Lopulco, and will be fitted by the National Combustion Engineering Corporation, which controls the patents. The burning of either coal or oil is permitted without changes.
Local Proceedings.
Willesden Council's Fire Brigade Committee reports deliver of the new Leyland fire-engine, the "tests hevings been entirely satisfactory,.
_ Rochester Town Council has decided to urge oil the Ministry of Transport the need for the fixing of efficient splash; guards on motor vehicles: Bradford Corporation has under consideration a scheme for a motor park :mar Railings Hill for read users desiring temperarily to park their vehicles. • Blackpool Corporation has accepted the tender of the Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., for the supply of a new battery for an electric vehicle.
At Warrington Watch Committee an application from the Shell-Mex, Ltd., to place a petrol pump on the pavement in Bridge Street was considered and not entertained.
Chester Watch Committee has refused to permit Mr_ Gouldie to establish a motorbus service between Kelsall and Chester, contending that there is already an efficient service on this route.
Bradford Watch Committee promises to give favourable consideration to a service of motor buses which Mr, A. Wilih proposes to establish between Green. gates, Thaekley, Rodlev and Rawciten.
Blackburn Watel-7_ Committee has refused to give permission to the Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., to run a service of motorbuses between Blackbern and Burnley, via Clayton-le-Moors and Padiham.
Edinburgh i Corporation has arranged to experiment with rubber roads in two thoroughfares adjoining the premises of the North British Rubber Co., which is to supply rubber blocks free for the purpose.
Willesden Council reports that its seven motor ambulances, which came into use in December, 1919, have up to the year ended March last, covered a totalof 447,229 miles, and are still in service.
Lowestoft Town Council has received the sanction of the Ministry of Health to the borrowing of 2258 for the provision of a motor ambulance, the.icsas to be repaid within a period riot exceeding seven years.
Wandsworth Borough Council has accepted a quotation (2365, less 5 per cent, for cash) of Messrs. Ransomes, Sims and .Tefferies, Ltd., for the supply of a 36-in, motor lawn-mower for use at. Southiields Park and other open spaces.
Carlisle Watch Committee recommends that in future local taxicabs shall conform with the Metrepolitan regulations. At. a recent inspection it was found that all sorts of bodies had been placed toe Ford chassis, and, in one instance, margarine boxes-were used as seats.
Vulcan Price Reduction.
Considerable reductions in the prices of Vulcan commercial vehicles, repreeenting 259 off the standard 30-cwt, vehicle, and as. much as £130 off the 2-ton types, have been made. This latter drop is explained by the increasing popularity of the vehicle, which hitherto has been manufactured somewhat as a side line. The present demands have made it necessary to lay down quite a number, and this has consequently cheapened production. The list of prices includes
Personal Pars.
The subject of the portrait which we 2420 publish on this page is Mr. W. Exvart
2445 Guy. Although not quite so well known as Ins brother, Mr. Sydney Guy, he takes a very active part in the management of Guy Motors, Ltd., where, until -18 months ago, he was on the works side, but he now deals with sales, pubs licity, and other duties On the commercial side.
. Mr, Guy commenced his engineering career in the Machine tool trade, joining H. VSL "Ward and Co., the wellknown machine tool manufacturers. He remained there tWie years, passing through the machine shops, and then migrated to the motor business and spent fives years going through the Lanohester works. He then proceeded to the drawing office at tie Woleeley works, remaining there from 1911 to 1913 inclusive, after which he started business with his brother and formed Guy Motors, Ltd.
to the R.A.S.C., M.T., becoming Chief During the war he first joined the 2555 Royal Engineers, and was later seconded Instructor of Mechanical Transport to 2630 the Home Forces, with the acting rank
67(:) The British Rubber Tyro Manufac
turers' Association, Ltd., 11, Iron. 2820 monger Lane, London, E.C. 2, have appointed the following well-known mem
2610 leers as Office. holders in the solid rubber band tyre section of the Association for the ensuing 12 months :—Chairman Mr. S. J. Madden, of Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.; vice-chairman : -Mr. F. J. Copping, of Geo. Spencer Moulton and Co., Ltd., and Wood-Milne, Ltd.; honorary-technical secretary : Mr. Walter Bond, of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.
-Users and others interested in PierceArrow vehicles will no doubt recollect that Mr. George Bright, of Northfield Avenue, Northfields, Landon, W. 13, has been for some time sole distributor for the British Isles for the PierceArrow Motor Co., for lorries and spare parts for all models, Mr. Alec. Milligan, late of the Daimler Co., has now joined Messrs. H. G. Burford and Co,, Ltd., manufacturers of the well-known Burford lorries, as their special representative, !
Ford Wiring Sets.
One of the troubles eeperienced with the Ford vehicle ie the rapid depreciation of the wiring sets due to the destruction of the rubber on the flimsy wires which are usually fitted. In order to prevent this trouble, Messrs. Ripaults, 1, King's Road, St. Paneras, London, N.W., have brought out new wiring sets with aluminium armoured wires. The latter axe specially insulated with three coats of rubber and served with proof tape and braiding, and are then armoured individually with Dshaped aluminium wire, which is stripped back from the terminals to prevent short-eireuitnig.
Each wire is a different colour, and, in addition, C9,0' .commutator wire terminal clip has ts.e.ecilmar punched on it, whilst the clips employed for bunching the wires permit them to be traced. individualise The prices are 6s. for the self-starting type, and 5s. for the hand. starter type.