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p ETROLEUM spirit is now consumed in such vast quantities that it ranks with coal, wheat, and . meat as a vital commodity, and...
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Of a Traffic in Lyons. That the 1923 outlook is good. That it is a good dodge to buy one. That Aladdin now travels around by...
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"The wheels of wealt7s will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points aristity, as a carriage, is tty the...
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Messageries Van Gend et Cie., S.A., the Largest Carriers in the Country, Now Employ a Large Fleet of Tractor-lorries in...
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Mr. Percy Frost Smith Produces a New Chassis which Embraces in its Design Many Points Making for Safety, Ease of Control and...
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T HE increasing confidence with which municipal . authorities are adopting motor vehicles for work which has hitherto been...
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An Instance where it proved Practicable to Use a Tractor in London's Heavy Traffic. ORD dealers the country over are prepared...
By Lieut.-Col. J. Nall, M.P., Principal of a Prominent Firm of Manchester Carriers. O F ALL the hardy annuals in the repertory...