Official Orders in: July.
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July proved a busy month as regards the orders given by Government Departments for industrial motor vehicles, among them being the following :—By the War Office : one for chassis to Leyland Motors, Ltd. ; one for bodies and drivers' cabs for light six-wheeled chassis to Charles Roberts and Co., Ltd., Wakefield ; one for light six-wheeled chassis divided between Garner Motors, Ltd., Morris-Commercial Cars, Ltd., Crossley Motors, Ltd., and the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1926), Ltd.; one for six-wheeled chassis divided between Guy Motors, Ltd., and Crossley Motors, Ltd.; one for motor vehicles to Morris-Commercial Cars, Ltd., and one for low-loading vehicles to Shelvolte and Drewry, Ltd.
An order for bodies for Crossley sixwheeled chassis was divided by the Air Ministry between Ransomes, Sims and .1efferies, Ltd., Ipswich, and Mann, Egerton and Co., Ltd., Norwich, the first-named concern also obtaining an order for ambulance bodies. Aveling and Barford and Perkins (Sales), Ltd., secured an order for motor road rollers, Trojan, Ltd., one for Trojan chassis, Dennis Bros., Ltd., one for mowers.
The General Post Office divided an order for van bodies between the Weybridge Motor Engineering Co.,' Ltd., and Fry Bros., Ltd., London, S.E.10. The Crown Agents for the Colonies gave out an order for 'lorries to the Albion Motor Car Coss Ltd., ,one for motor road rollers to the Agricultural and General Engineers, Ltd.. one for a motor fire.engine to Dennis Bros., Ltd., and one for lorries to MorrisCommercial Cars, Ltd.
Middlesbrough to Abandon Trams? .
The tramways -committee of Middlesbrough Corporation is considering a report recommending the abolition of the tramways and their replacement by trolley vehicles or motorbuses.
, The Next Royal Counties Show.
It is announced that the Royal Counties Agricultural Show in 1930 will be held at Reading from Wednesday, June 4th, to Saturday, June 7th. Forms of application far space, schedules of prizes, and all other information will be available shortly from the secretary, Mr. E. S. W. Dale, of Basingstoke.
French Imports and Exports.
According to Le Poids Lourd 450 commercial vehicles, valued at 150,150, were imported into France during the six months ended Julie 30th last, as sompared with only 140 and 144,500 in the corresponding period of 1928. Of the total the -United States is credited with 370 vehicles, Germany with 35, Italy 23, Belgium 10, and Great Britain five.
The exports of French commercial vehicles during the same periods increased from 2,674 (£724,500) to 4,667 vehicles (11,216,300). The principal markets for French vehicles during the first half of the current year were : Algeria, 832; Spain, 598; Morocco, 552; Belgium, 373; Tunis, 363; French West Africa, 310; Madagascar, ,s0-; Indo-China, 168; Great Britain, 149; ,Egypt, 147; Switzerland, 84; Portugal, 66; Holland, 49; Poland, 44; 'Russia, 44; Germany, 40; Italy, 38, -Den-mark, 36; Greece, 266