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TT is of the utmost importance for the future successful operation of all classes of commercial vehicle that the safety aspect...
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111HE motor trade is well aware of the extent 1 to which the lorry is used in conveying livestock from farms to markets and...
O NE of the features of the heavy-oil engine is its enormous reserve of power. As an example of this, it was reported to 'us a...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arisirg, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads ewer which...
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Captain j. S. Irving, M.I.A.E., whose portrait appears on this page, has been appointed technical director of the...
July proved a busy month as regards the orders given by Government Departments for industrial motor vehicles, among them being...
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The Roads Improvement Association Is strongly advocating the improvemenC of our roads by removal of the serious danger spots...
A motor-vehicle driver was recently summoned at York for dangerous driving, his offence being that of failing to stop at an...
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The Northallerton Omnibus Services, Ltd., has just inaugurated a daily limited-stop service linking the northeast coast...
• connection with a reference which we made, on page 831 of our issue dated July 23rd, to new services operating from the...
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An interesting competition is being organized by Venesta, Ltd, Vintry House, Queen Street Place, London, F.C.4, for working...
SALISBURY Volunteer Fire Brigade requires a 500-700-gallon motor fireengine. WORTLEY Rural District Council is to purchase a...
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for PUI3LIC-UTILITY SERVICES Types of 1111-cwt: Trojan Recently Supplied for Public-health and Post-office Work. A MONG the...
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for the PASSENGER What Has Been Revealed by Our Competition for the Promotion of Greater Safety in Passengervehicle...
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Delivery Organization Some Phases of the Work of a Big User's Light-van Fleet. MHE speedy and by gicnic transport of...
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Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets. An Opportunity in Bergen. HIS...
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or INDUSTRIAL DUTY A New Track-laying Machine Capable of Rapid Ploughing or Haulage Work Over Indifferent Surfaces. FINE of...
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W E need not go into full details of the usefulness of centralized lubrication, as the fact that several large commercial...
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from a Famous yen try Factory The Striking Two-tonner, made by the Singer Company, Embodies Ingenious Features which will...
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in its Various Forms Useful Suggestions Regarding Seating Arrangements and Other Important Features of the 20seater Bus or...
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of Refuse Collection by Employing Tractor-trailer Units "[IOW the introduction of tractors and IlLtrailers, working in place...
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Notes on Every Aspect of Coach and Bus Development. RAPID PROGRESS BY A NORTH-COUNTRY CONCERN. Northumbrian Seaside Resorts...
,Routes Opened Up by the Building of Bridges Connecting the City's Many Islands. S CA:■. - DINAVIA provides greater scope for...