News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
A new carrier is illustrated and described on pages 90 and 91.
The article on " Standardization of American Trucks" (page 100) was lifted " from last week's issue, as it was going to press, and we much regret the delay in publication.
New Views on Carburetters.
The adjustment of carburetters is a matter into which we have been looking lately, and the illustrated article, which is begun in this issue (pages 88 and 89), is the outcome of inquiries and visits which have been undertaken on our behalf, and which are, still being continued.
Topical Subjects.
Our leading articles this week concern the following topical subjects: (1) " Legal speeds when a trailer is drawn ;" (2) " Restrictions upon public-service vehicles ;" (3) " The overloading evil again ;" (1) "Cab Tank telephones;' and (5) " Conditions which affect the overtaking of one vehicle by another."
Dennis Deliveries.
Messrs. Leney and Co. have recently taken delivery of their fourth Dennis lorry within a period of 12 months, the latest purchase being a two-ton vehicle with a 28 h.p. engine ; Messrs. Strong, Ramie and Strong now have a 33 h.p., three-ton Dennis lorry, in addition to a five-ton machine of the same make ; Messrs. Bell and Smart have purchased another 18 h.p., :30-cwt. chassis for use by the Dairy Supply Co. ; Harrod's Storas have just received their seventeenth Dennis vehicle—an 18 h.p., 30-cwt. van. The Dennis works keep busy. C.M.U.A. Proceedings.
Colonel R. E. Crompton, CR., presided at the annual general meeting of the C.M.U.A., on Thursday last, at 89, Pall Mall. The report and accounts were unanimously adopted, and the special business was next taken. This included a motion, the text of which had been communicated in advance to all members of the Association, requesting the Committee to communicate without. delay with the editors of papers devoted to the industrial motor movement not yet available to the whole of the members of the Association as such, and to invite them to a conference.
After full discussion, this motion, which was moved by Mr. L. M. Meyriek-Jones, was not accepted by the meeting, the mover alone voting in favour of it. The chairman pointed out that the Association was on the best of terms with the
whole Press of the country—with one single exception, and that the blame for that fact did not rest with the Association. The Association was strong enough to resist attacks of the kind, as it had resisted them in the past.
Armstrosg-Whitworth's New Four-tonne r.
We are happy to be able to supply our readers with the first ' published particulars of still another new commercial-lorry made by a world-famous firm. We reproduce herewith a photograph of the Armstrong Whitworth " 28-32." This chassis is designed on the experience gained during a long period from motor lorries in service at the Elswick Works and elsewhere.
The engine is of the 30 h.p. fourcylinder vertical type, designed for a normal speed of 900 r.p.m. The gearbox gives four speeds forward and a reverse, and the differential, combined • with the gearbox, is of the bevel and pillion type. Artillery wheels are fitted, and the steering is of worm and segment pattern. Three independent sets of brakes, acting respectively on the brakedrum in front of the changespeed gearbox, on the drum of the differential, and on large brakedrums on the rear wheels, ensure that complete control of the vehicle can be maintained under almost every conceivable condition. The transmission is by roller chains from the differential sprocketshafts to the rear wheels. The cooling system is intentionally of very ample design, and a honeycomb radiator has been selected as :ikely to be of ;lie greatest service. The fuel is gin vity fed, and the tank capable of holding 25 gallons of petrol. The chassis dimensions are : Wheel-base-13 ft. 6 in. • length overall-20 ft. 1 in. ;width overall-7 ft. 3 in. The weight is approximately three tons.
C.M.U.A. Parade.
Owners are reminded that the entries for the C.111.1.7.A. parade, which is to be held on Whit Monday, under the patronage of His Majesty the King, cannot in any circumstances be received later than the 27th inst. A charge of two guineas each is now made.
A Strike Result.
The L.C.C. tramway receipts, for the week ending the 20th ult„, were £42,469, compared with £41,537 for the corresponding week of 1911 7 the L.G.O.C. receipts, for the week ending the 30th ult., were £18,251, compared with £33,623 for the corresponding week of 1911. The L.C.C. gain is £932, whilst that of the L.G.O.C. is £14,628.
Cape Town Agricultural Show.
Our Cape Town correspondent sends to us a brief account of the ..A.grlcultural Show which • was recently held at Rosebank, Cape Town. He states that this was the largest Show of its kind that has yet been held in South Africa, and lasted for four days. There was not much on exhibition that was interesting to the commercialvehicle user, or to those who are concerned with the employment of power plant for agricultural purposes. There was not a single traction engine or threshing machin6 staged, for instance. • Several small stationary and internal-combustion engines were to be found, but almost all of these were of American manufacture, a noteworthy ex
ception being the Lister oil engine, the only British production of its class that was shown. There were two British gas engines, with producer plants attached, and these were exhibited by the Campbell and the National companies. One
commercial vehicle only was staged, and this was the property of Messrs. Woods and iesIerton, Cape Town engineers. It was an American light delivery van, built by the Chase Motor Truck Co., of America. The same people were exhibiting a 15 h.p. Austin car. Our correspondent is of opinion that English manufacturers do not watch the South African market sufficiently closely. He says that there is a large number of American cars being introduced.
An Opinion from "The Times." We quote from "The Tittles " of the 26th March :---" The Conunercial Motor -Users Association, one of the bodies associated with the R.A.C., is another organization which can point to substantial progress during the year, thanks largely to the efforts it is making to be of practical service to the rapidly-growing number of firms and individuals who employ motor transport for trade purposes."
Next Year's Road Congress.
Mr. H. P. Maybm7y, M.Inst.C.E., County Surveyor of Kent, is acting as Hon. Secretary to the Exhibition Committee in connection with the Third International Road Congress. Particulars of the intended display of road-making appliances and materials can be had on application to Mr. Maybury. The exhibition, which will be °nen for one week only, will be held in the Royal Horticultural Society's Hall and adjacent ground, Vincent, Square, Victoria, S.W., at the end of June, 1913. It should be of interest.
Messrs. J. Willmot (County Surveyor of Warwickshire), J. E. Jarratt (Town Clerk of Southport). Hampton Copnall (County Clerk of Nottinghamshire), and E. Shrapnel! Smith have been chosen by the Executive Committee or the Congress to select writers on the questions in the Traffic and Administration sections, which sections will be concerned with the whole of the papers devoted to matters regarding roads, road vehicles and road traffic. A meeting has been held.