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The Heavy Motor Car Order is so framed and phrased, that it is illegal for a commercial motor which is drawing a trailer to...
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Of considerable demand for salesmen of unimp2achable credentials. That a London company is being promoted for the hiring-out...
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A Number of Practical Hints and Explanations with Regard to such Operations as " Joggling the Float," "Giving Her More Air,"...
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First Particulars of an Original Design of Worm-driven Motor Carrierwhich has been introduced by Messrs. R. S. Currie and Co.,...
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It is anticipated that the new Tramway (M.E.T.) Omnibus Co., Ltd., will have its servic e s in operation by the early summer....
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As indicated in our last issue, we were unfortunately made to give an impression in the course of a recent article entitled "A...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. A new carrier is illustrated and described on...
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by VAN ! WAGON and TRACTOR. Traders of all classes will be interested to read the first-published description, wh:ch appears...
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A Daimler "36" Proves a Worthy Antagonist for a Fowler Cable Steamengine System. Steam-engine Maker's Views on Oil v. Steam...
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At two-days notice in December last, Mr. Arthur Drummond undertook a round-the-world tour, and lie received a hearty welcome at...
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U.S.A. Truck Manufacturers take Important Steps to Prevent Overloading and Overdriving. A Number of Standard Rates Settled....
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We reprodue.. , belu%% three exe..1 lent photographs which convey a elea,r impression of a new self-contained rail-vehicle...
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By Our Own Correspondent in Berlin. Berlin Buses yield 7 per cent. The Berlin General Omnibus Co. is paying a dividend of 7...
An interesting variation of the universal agricultural motor-tractor presents itself in the Poehl system, manufactured at...
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The Up-to-date Way of Taking Racehorses About, The Editor, THE COMmERCIAL MOTOR. [131.9] Sir,—Mr. J. Fairfax Blakeborough,...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...