Bristol Tramways Report
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Some very interesting figures are co tamed in the repprt issued by the Brief Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., f, the year 1921. Considerable improv menta have been made as compared wii the previous year, and although a larg; amount of ordinary capital ranks fl dividend the 7 per cent. dividend maintained.
In order to pay the 1920 dividern credit was taken for £71,107 E.P.1 -repayable, and a transfer of £45,000 -iv: made from the reserve fund. This y'eg only £29,573 _has been credited f: E.P.D., and in lieu of a debit balarn on revenue account of £38,140, there now a credit balance of £70,169.
In spite of carrying less passengers c the, tramcars and omnibuses, the tot; revenue of £1,022,208 shows an increaa of £101,464, and this was accompanie by a decrease of £7,296 in working e: ponies. A further £36000has bee devoted to the maintenance and renew; fund.
The reserve fund .noW stands; E £339,556, and the bank overdraft hg been reduced from £184,992 to £75,40.:
Yorkshire C.M.U.A. Report.
The Yorkshire section of the C.M.U..4 has just issued its annual report in whic it is said that the past year was a MOE difficult one far the haulage contraetc and char-iabancs proprietor, and thei difficulties have been experienced in minor degree by all motor vehicle user: The number of members of the divisio is approximately 1,100, ea-in-pared wit 250 when it was formed three years ag: So far as the Yorkshire coach sectio is concerned, an attempt has been mad to unify the charges for carrying psi sengers, but, on account of the state c . trade and the financial position of man owners, the attempt has been abandorie for the present. During the coming yea the question of charges by municipal an other authorities for the parking c chars--banes on public highways an squares will probably be considered, fc it is maintained that the charge of 2: for et short stop, which is enforced b many authorities, is too high.
C.M.U.A. Annual Luncheon.
The principal guests at the annum luncheon of the Commercial Moto Users Association, to be held at th Savoy Hotel to-morrow (Wednesday) will include Lord Burnham, Sir Arthu Griffith-Boscawen, Minister of Agricul tore, Sir Wm. Joynson-Hicks, Bt. M.P., Mn Arthur Neal, M.P., Si Alfred Maya-Smith, and Mr. E. Man vine, M.P.
Institute of Transport Meeth4
Sir Henrya P. Maybury, K.C.M.G. C.B., the president, will occupy th chair at the sixth ordinary meeting c the current session of the Institute c Transport to be held at the Inetantia of Civil Engineers, Great George .Streel Westminster, an Monday neeta' Si Alexander Gibb, G.B.E., C.B.' a mew her of the Institute, will read a pape on'The Relation of Civil Engineerna to Transport Problems "
Personal Pars.
Mr. V. Bertram Butt, A.M.I.Mech.E., the chief engineer of Thomas Wetherell and Sons, Ltd., brewers, of Marlow, joined that concern in 1903. Whilst. in the employ of Crompton and Co., of Chelmsford, he had supervised the installation of electric power for lighting the brewery premises, and during the task came into touch a great deal with Col. Frank E. Stevens, managing director of the company. Soon after the job had been completed, Col. Stevens offered the post of chief engineer to the company to Mr. Butt, and almost simultaneously the change over from horsed vehicles to steam wagons was effected, a later change being to petrol vehicles. In the course of a tour through the brewery we were impressed with the efficiency of the complicated engineering plant, for on every side there was evidence of the controlling hand of a real mechanical genius, aiming at economy, speed and thoroughness.
Mr. M. V. Ambler, the chief motor engineer of the Shell-Mex fleet, a team of which obtained second place at the recent C.M.U.A. parade, rs most certainly a round peg in a round hole, as the condition of the whole of the fleet, quite apart from those vehicles entered for the parade, conclnsively proves. Mr. Ambler was fortunate enough last year to win the engineer's prize, in the-shape of a handsome medal, on the occasion of his company winning The Commercial Motor Cup. Before joining Shell-Max, Ltd., he was in the employ of the L.G.O. Co., and previous to that was for two years in the experimental department of Wolseley Motors, Ltd.
Mr. Ambler is very ably assisted in his efforts •to obtain the highest possible degree of cleanliness and efficiency in the fleet by the superintendent of the Shell-Mex garage at Fulham, Mr. R. T. Smith, a portrait of whom also appears on this page. Mr. Smith is a man who combines initiative with the power of control. That is why tlm cogs of this part of the huge machine run so smoothly.
The directors of The EnglishInsurance Co., Ltd., announce that, to fill the
vacancy created by the 'death of Sir George J. Carter, K.B.E., they have, in consultation with some of the larger shareholders, unanimously elected Mr. Caarles Diamond a director of the company.
Mileage Charges for Buses.
Chester Watch Committee has given permission to the Crosville Motor Co., Ltd., to run a local service of motorbuses between the Market Square and the city boundary, subject to any decision a Corporation Improvements Committee may come to in regard to a mileage charge.
Slough Surplus.
The total expenditure on the Slough motor depot is approximately £2,500,000, says Mr. Young, in the Parliamentary Debates. The•only outstanding Government liability is a sum of approximately £60 in respect of land.
Sir William Joynson-Hicks was informed in the House of Commons a few days ago that the existing contract for the sale of surplus commercial vehicles. to the owners of the Slough depot will expire on April 6th, and thati it%was: not proposed to renew it.
Linking Up.
The Longridge Council has sanctioned a bus service between'. Longridge and Chipping and Longridge and Must Green. There will now be an almost complete network of bus routes in this part .of Lancashire, and one of them is a through journey from Preston to Blackburn via Longriclge and Ribchester.
In the issue of Motor Cycling dated. Arpil .fith a...very handsome art supplement is incorporated, depicting in colours an .atkenaptby a. motorcycle at records on Brcioklancls.
The Automobile Association warns drivers of industrial motor vehicles proceding to Camberley. Surrey, that the authorities -are strictly enforcing the proper illumination of rear index marks.