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4th April 1922
4th April 1922
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Page 1, 4th April 1922

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Cleanliness and Efficiency.

HERE is an old adage, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness," but, as we can hardly apply this to motor vehicles, it-is perhaps...

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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...

Bristol Tramways Report

Some very interesting figures are co tamed in the repprt issued by the Brief Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., f, the year 1921....

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Regulating Coach Traffic.

The corporations of the seaside towns are busying themselves with the consideration of regulations to control motor coach...

New Midland Parcels Service..

The excellent parcels delivery and collection service established by the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd.,...

Traffic Control in Grimsby.

A Grimsby councillor is asking the town council to form a special committee to inquire into the whole question of the use of...

School Danger Signs.

The London County Council has decided that., except in special cases, applications for the provision of " school " motorcar...

Parsimony and Fire Brigades.

Fire brigades and their staffs seem to have become a subject for the undue wielding of the economy axe in different parts of...

The Farmer's Requirements.

The farming community, who are not quick to adopt new methods, are without a doubt seriously considering the question of...

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Hired Transport Preferred.

At a meeting of the Motor Vehicles Sub-committee of the. Newport (Mon.) Corporation a report of the general manager of the...

Motorbus Stands.

The Preston motorbus proprietors have been discussing with the Watch Committee the question of stands for motorbuses, and an...

. Enterprise Discouraged.

A proposal to run motor coaches to the Souiliport fairground has been scotched by the Southport Watch Committee, which received...

Midland Transport Workers.

Protracted negotiations between employers and representatives of North Midland transport workers have now culminated in the...

Use of Tractors in Morocco.

His Majesty's Agent and ConsulGeneral at Tangier reports to the Department of Overseas Trade that the Government of the French...

Lorries Solve Tokio's Sewage Problem.

The Municipality of Tokio has acquired 35 Fords and 12 Packard' lorries to take the plat* of hand-carts for the removal of the...

Silvertown Lubricants Dinner.

A successful dinner to the selling and administrative staffs of Silvertown Lubricants, Ltd., was recently given at the...

Bolton Coach Fares.

Bolton char-a-banes proprietors have been considering the question of - fares for the ensuing season. The official rates list...

. Inst. A.E. Meetings.

The next ordinary general meeting in London of the Institution of Automobile Engineers will be held on April 12th at the...

A Ford Garage Jack..

The demand for the new HF Ford garage jack has outrun the supply from the time that it was introduced at the last Motor Show,...

Worcester C.M.U.A. Parade.

It was previously announced that the Worcester and District C.M.U.A. parade, which was so successful last year, would be held...