Passing Comments
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ProductionandQuality CAREFUL workmanship is. Improved by Incentive •--" together with quality of Scheme materials, the most important factor in the production of reliable and hard-wearing tyres. Having provided the latter, the Henley concern, after much thought, adopted a co-operative award scheme by which careful employees would be encouraged to take th,-. utmost care in their work. The assessing is arranged by giving marks under fiye headings. These are quality and qbantity, application, effort and initiative, co-operation, attention to safety, including care of tools and materials. The total of marks is 100, allowing 20 for each factor. Employees paid by the hour are assessed every three months. Reports from supervisors and assistant-supervisors are considered by a panel, and each employee is informed by letter of the marks he has obtained, the basic pay being increased according to the award. At first, men averaged 60 marks and women 57, but soon this rose to 76 for men and 72 for 4.,omen, and the scheme is working most satisfactorily. Even by the fourth assessment, i.e., after only a year, weekly pay had increased by an average of 21s. 5d. for men and 13s.
A22 for women, production had increased by 25 per cent., lateness was down 41 per cent., and absenteeism 52 per cent., whilst scrap and waste fell by one-third.
Some Advantages of 'THERE are still engineers Plastic-held Brake L who have doubts as to the
Facings practicability of securing
brake facings to shoes by what is known by the trade name of cyclewelding. America has been employing this method extensively, where it was introduced for Timken heavy-vehicle axles, and it has been adopted in Britain by Girling. The process involves coating the shoe and facing with a thermosetting plastic adhesive. Once set by fairly high heat, any reheating that might occur in use will not soften it. The main advantages are that rivet: are eliminated, consequently there is no loosening of the facing by the failure of rivets, noise is reduced, and abrasive matter cannot lodge in rivet-clearance holes where it can cause excessive wear or scoring of the drum. The adhesion is such that under great pressure the facing will give rather than the plastic. A RISING out of the East, 1-1 chesi has become an inter-national cult. The mental concentration that it demands engenders an almost religious fervour among its disciples, and its worship takes many forms. It can be played at home, in trains with little pocket sets, by persons far apart, through the medium of short-wave radio or, as in the case of Mr. J. H. Davies, of Leyland Motors, Ltd., and two people in Argentina, by air mail Mr.-W. M. Wickner and Senor Mario C. Conti are executives of the Leyland agent in Buenos Aires, A. G Pruden and Co. Mr. Davies played one game with each of them, starting three
'cars ago. Wives were posted and have totalled 569,500 flying miles. It would seem, however, that the concentration began to tell on the players. Mr. Davies has resigned from his game with Mr. Wickner after the 85th move, and he has agreed to a draw after the 75th move in the game with Senor Conti. These failures to reach definite conclusions will surely be widely. regretted.
Chess Moves Cover Over 569,500 Miles of Sea
Sc. Christopher at the INTENDING passengers of a Wheel —Safe Passage I nervous type, about to set all
Assured on one of the long-distance
coach tours now operated .by many concerns, would have any fears as to the possible risks of the extensive journey allayed by a strange sight observed the other day. It was a dark , July morning, with heavy rain adding to the sombre effect-. when. a new luxury coach threaded its way through heavy traffic, Like so many modern vehicles, this was fitted with glazed cant panels, the dome over the cab being similarly equipped with observation windows. The interior of the body was quite dark, however, and by a queer coincidence the driver's head and shoulders were picked out in an " ethereal " light emanating from these dome windows. The effect was similar to that of a halo, and was much improved by a beatific expression on the driver's face. Possibly Grandma, watching the coach arrive to pick up its passengers, might have said to worrying relatives seeing her off on the long pilgrimage to Rome—whence the vehicle was bound" Don't worry, dears, the driver's an angel! "