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A NY hope that free hauliers may have entertained of co-operative working with the State transport undertaking has been...
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M ANY bus operators have for some time expressed the opinion that concession fare , . for " workmen " are an anachronism. The...
ProductionandQuality CAREFUL workmanship is. Improved by Incentive •--" together with quality of Scheme materials, the most...
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That the Liss said about valuations, the better. That farm, stock rolls leSs comfortably in railway rolling stock It asked: Is...
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T HE board of A.E.C., Ltd., has invited Mr. A. J. Romer, M.I.Mech.E., Minst.T., to become managing director of the company....
by British Road I Services have agitated Widnes Chamber of Commerce, which has succeeded in persuading the Liverpool Chamber to...
OAD RAIL POLICY 450 Exhi bitors at Main Trunk Traffic by Rail : Cross-country and Feeder Services by Road HE part that road...
T HE decision of the Transport Tribunal in the case of Liss Transport. Ltd., was announced last week. The company is to receive...
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A LL the Foden passenger chassis to he exhibited and demonstrated at Earls Court this year will be equipped with vertical...
Motor Show, to be held at Earls Court, London, from September 22-30. The 41 makes of chassis to be shown will include two...
Q PERATION of half-deck public service vehicles, of the Crellin Duplex pattern, is now permitted. New regulations covering this...
A CONTRACT for the supply of 60-b.h.p. oil engines and ancillary equipment for tractors has been placed with Henry Meadows,...
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engined pa sse nger chassis. equipped with a Park Royal single-deck body. will be shown at Earls Court. Some of these service...
Ma, R. E. L. Imo, A.M.I.MECII.E., has resigned from the board of the Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd. He was its British...
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A N ex-haulier last week brought proceedings at Leeds City -C'ciart " against three officials of the British.Transport...
1 for the maintenance . , improvement and Construction of roads were about t 22,300,00Q in the year ended March 31, 1949,...
inaccuracies Vk in the log sheets of two lorry drivers employed by the Road Haulage Executive was made last week in a police...
At REDUCTION of slightly over £900,000 a year in the expected revenue of the London Transport Executive will result from the...
required by the Lima municipal transport undertaking. The purchase has not yet been approved and the order would not be placed...
Birmingham. Modern developments, descriptions of the latest machines and details of recently evolved methods of automatic...
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I N the next few weeks, licensing authorities will be dealing with the many applications for permission to increase fares or...
• • • A COMPANY which had a licence granted in 1931, recently made what Mr. David Karmel, K.C., described as its first...
Cranes (Dereham). Ltd.; has been converted into a public company. A Caterpillar Tractor company has been formed with a capital...
A T the annual conference of the Labour Party in Margate, next October, the Perry Barr, Birmingham, Divisional Labour Party is...
D ESPITE the recent amendment of the Construction and Use Regulations permitting the manufacture for home use of 8-ft. wide and...
A COMPETITION for laundry vans has been organized by Lime-Free Water and General Services, Ltd.. in connection with the Laundry...
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U NDERELOOR-ENG1NED singledeck buses now -being - titillt in this country commonly have their entrances ahead of the front...
" U P to date, purchase tax has had no serious repercussions," said •Mr. W. G. Allen, chairman and managing director of...
determined by a countof vehicles passing 102selected points .during four -12-hour. periods in July, 1949, is Hyde Park Corner....
O N September 28-during the period of the Commercial Motor Show—. the Public Transport Association will hold its annual...
A NY further costs will have to bia' borne in one form. oranother by the public," said Mr. H. C. Drayton, chairman of the...
O PERATORS . under contract with Northumberland Education Committee to carry schoolchildren have been offered a 71-per-cent....
U NDER the Ware Potatoes. Order; 1950, the-transport of potatoes, incloding movement in ' 'C-licensed vehicles, is prohibited...
TERMS of purchase given to nationalized industries should not be more favourable than those granted to individual concerns,...
A N appeal by Messrs. John ffamilton and Son against a decision of the Scottish Licensing Authority will be heard by the...
T HE next area to be affected by a proposal for road passenger transport nationalization would probably : be the south-west of...
A TOTAL of 14,235 commercial vehicles and chassis was exported in June. This was a record, as was the figure of 38,947 for...
T HE first of 'a-new series of luxury coaches with bodies built by Coras lompair Eireann for extended tours was completed...
E ASE of control and good accessibility to all parts are features of a new hobbing machine which has been developed by David...
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By C. S. DUNBAR, M.1 nst.T. W HEN dealing with the evolution ot the nationally owned bus system in Scotland, I made it clear...
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F .4 MPLOYING the Gardner 8LW eight-cylindered oil engine, a heavy-duty six-wheeler which has been added to the Atkinson range,...
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By L. J. COTTON, M.1.R.T.E. T HIS week The Commercial Motor " is able to publish a description and road-test report of the new...
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W HEN the Lords recently held a debate on road accidents they put forward their arguments and suggestions, for the most part,...
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O NE reads from time to time much criticism of the nationalized transport organizations, and, if I may say so, some of the...
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- p OSSIBIL1TIES of using methane in liquid form as an 'engine fuel are dealt with by M". Pearce, .Ph.D., A.M.1.Mech.E., in a...
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I . FREQUE.NTLY. have occasion to !;tiesS. "that' Hgurea ' given inr".The Coninnercial Motor" Tables of Operating Costs 'are...
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F ROM the Gemmer Manufacturing Company, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., comes patent No. 638,882, disclosing a design for a steering...