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and Publications
Perameters Range for Hire THE Perameters range of equipment for moulding and dispensing urethane foams can now be hired from a new company, Philip Perrin Associates Ltd., which has been formed as an associated company of Perameters Co. Ltd.
Initially the new company is to restrict its activities to the U.K. and will hire only Meterfroth equipment, a portable selfcontained unit designed for on-site foaming applications. The organization will supervise handling of equipment for the contract period and will organize a special training course for clients' operatives.
Dynamometer for Indoor Testing RECENTLY developed by Hill Equipment Ltd. is the Roadway Vehicle Dynamometer for indoor road testing. Two units are available: model R250 tests vehicles weighing up to 225 tons, with a track of 3 to 6 ft., and model R400, which will test vehicles of up to 5-35 tons, with similar track measurements. Model R250 occupies a floor area of 9 ft. 11 in. by 3 ft. and requires an air supply of 60 p,s.i., whereas the R400 covers an area of 10 ft. by 3 ft. 9 in, and needs an air supply of 75 p.s.i.
The Roadway dynamometer measures engine performance, b.h.p. and speedometer accuracy. A vehicle is driven on to balanced rollers and, reading from the console instrument panel, the operator can obtain speedometer readings of up to 120 mp.h. and a calibrated load reading of from 0 to 100 m.p.h. The load can be increased or decreased as required by remote control, and can be released instantly, if necessary.
The four rollers are mounted on ball bearing plumber blocks; they can be dynamically and statistically balanced, and the assembly is connected with flexible couplings and fitted with heavy-duty disc brakes. Made by Hill Equipment Ltd., 2 Gordon Place, Kensington, London, W.8.
Prices: model R250, £779; model R400, £955,
Oil Burner Units THE latest in the range of FreeHeet waste oil and/or fuel oil burner units available is the No. 5. This will deliver from 600,000 to 1,750,000 B.t.u. an hour using unfiltered waste oil as fuel and up to 2,000,000 B.t.u. an hour when run on gas oil, diesel or light fuel oil.
As with other FreeHeet burners it gives smokeless combustion and is suitable for conversion of cokeor coal-fire boilers for central heating and so on. Manual adjustment permits instant control of heat output to provide the exact amount required. Warm air convectors for space heating, specially designed for use with these burners, are supplied to order.
The FreeHeet range now comprises five models which give heat outputs ranging from 38,000 to 2,000,000 B.t.u. per hour.
Made by FreeHeet Rurners, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man. Price: Model No. 5, £96 (for burner only).
Scammell Performance Calculator AA USEFUL lightning performance calculator has now been produced by Scammell Lorries Ltd. This gives at-a-glance performance data for the various engines, tyre equipment and transmission ratios used with the Scammell Highwayman and Handyman tractive units at 24 to 28 tons g.v.w. The calculator works on the slide-rule principle. In the first instance the slide is adjusted according to the appropriate rear axle ratio and tyre equipment. Information comprising maximum speed, maximum gradient climbable and tractive effort is then read off against, each engine available. Copies of the calculator may be obtained from Scammell publicity department.
Published by: Scammell Lorries Ltd., Watford, Herts.
Lubysil Price Reduced T"price of LubysiI SC 100, a silicone additive for engine lubricating oils, has been reduced. This concentrate, made by Silicone Lubrications Ltd., is available at 12s. 6d. for a three-ounce bottle, a reduction of 5s. Lubysil SC 100 is available from garages and motor accessory traders.
Made by; Silicone Lubrications Ltd., Market House, Uxbridge, M iddx.
"Precision for Power" raA FILM called "Precision for Power" has recently been produced by Simms Motor and Electronics Corporation Ltd. The film illustrates production techniques in the manufacture of pumps for diesel engines and shows the many quality control checks and tests which are used. Simms units are also shown in use in a wide variety of conditions. Published by: Simms Motor and Electronics Corporation Ltd., Oak Lane, East Finchley, London, N.2. 'All in One' Transistor Ignition NOW available from Aeon Products (London) Ltd. is an
Aeon-Mallory All in One transistor ignition system. This kit is built in one piece and is claimed to cut installation time to minutes. The complicated wiring usually associated with transistor layouts is reduced, since this is done before the unit leaves the factory. The unit utilizes the newest transistor ignition coil available; a diffused alloy transistor is used which is able to regulate the current to the coil faster than conventional transistors.
The Aeon-Mallory system supplies a high output voltage to the sparking plugs and this voltage remains constant throughout the engine speed range. It is claimed that this system improves combustion efficiency—high-speed misfiring is eliminated giving improved engine performance.
Made by: Aeon Products (London) Ltd., 11-21 Northdown Street, London, NI.
Chlorinated Rubber Paint OBTAIN A B LE now from Allweather Paints Ltd. is a %---) chlorinated rubber paint called Pitacolor, This paint is claimed to be easy to brush and can be thinned for spray application if desired. The makers state that Piti,color gives an improvement in wet edge and drying time, has good flow, and
has better chemical resistance than reinforced alkyd or epoxy ester enamels. The finishing coat gives a high gloss finish, similar to that of a good decorative enamel.
The paint is touch dry in from 40 to 50 minutes, hard dry in eight hours and sufficiently dry for recoating in from 12 to 24 hours. It is suitable for similar use to conventional gloss paints and enamels, and may be used indoors and in the open on building surfaces. Its chlorinated rubber content gives long life and resistance to weathering.
Made by: Allweather Paints Ltd., 36 Great Queen Street, London, W.C.2.,
Turtle Wax Information Service IAA TURTLE WAX information service has recently been set up in this country by Turtle Wax Ltd., of Manchester, who market in the U.K. the products of Turtle Wax Inc., Chicago, U.S.A. Its aim is to make available the latest developments in vehicle maintenance research and products.
Among the products available from Turtle Wax Ltd. are a variety of wax polishes (both solid and liquid) for use on vehicle bodywork and chrome, an aerosol spray de-icer, upholstery cleaner, and Rocol Moly—an engine luhricant.
Made by: Turtle Wax Ltd., 20 Princess Street, Manchester, 1.