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Training Levy To Be Heavy?
L EVIES payable under• the Industrial Training Act are likely to be substantial, warned Sir John Hunter, chairman of the Central Training Council, when he addressed......
Diesel Engine Maintenance.
A NEW book written by D. I. Hartley!". Smith." Diesel Engine Maintenance ", was published by Iliffe Books Ltd. on December 3, It is intended as a practical handbook for the......
More 'fiddle' Fines
M ORE than £146 in fines and costs was imposed on four long-distance lorry drivers at Daventry last week when further cases were heard in what has become known as the "......
Fuel Tax Cancels Out Progress' C Oncern Over The Recent...
in fuel tax was expressed by the chairman of the Road Haulage Association, Mr. A. R. Butt, in a speech last week at the annual dinner of the North Western (Western) area of the......