News and Comment.
Page 12

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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
Current }Royal Agricultural Show at Doncaster.
10th to 20th Canadian Industrial Exhibition July ; Winnipeg.
251 h Sept. to • A grintutor Exhibition at Bourgee Oct. ;
First Out The first-published Royal Show report will be found on pages 395. 408 of this issue, together with reproductions from many photographs taken in the. Showyard.
In the Ascendant.
" The Commercial Motor in the Ascendant " is the title chosen by Sir J. H. A. Macdonald, K.C.B., a member of the Road Board of the United Kingdom, for the exclusive article of which publication is begun on page 383.
Topical Subjects.
Our leading articles this week deal with the following topical subjects: (1) " Street accidents in London "; (2) "The education of the North-East" ; (3) "The transport of petrol supplies"; (4) The motorvan on the road."
In addition to numerous references to agrimotors in the course of the Royal Show report, we this week publish an interesting article in which the claims of direct-haulage ploughing, compared with cable winding between two stationary engines, are set out, from the pen of Mr. G. W. Watson, M. I. Mech. E. , M. I.A. E. , who has been responsible for much personal investigation into this problem.
Next week, as has been already announced, a further special article on the subject of light agrimotors will be published by us.
" The Commercial Motor" is the authority on -motor transport, the only journal officially recognized by the Commercial 3Iotor Users Association, carrying a larger number of advertisement pages titan any professedly similar journal and having by far the largest genuine net Bale
the total 'number of copies bought by subscribers and the interested public.
In view of the foregoing facts, claims of equality or simila rity made elsewhere can be dIsreyarded.
N.E.Ry. Motors.
We continue (pages 385-387) our exclusive article concerning the road-motor transport work in connection with the passenger and goods departments of the N.E.R.
The Engineering Standards Committee.
A conference on the standardization of road material was held on 2Ist June at the Surveyors Institution, with Sir John Wolfe Barry, K.C.B., in the chair. Sir George GM, Col, (Jrompton, Capt. B. Ti. O. Armstrong (War Office), Mr. Worby Beaninont, Mr. G. Arnold, Mr. Barnard liumphrey, and others
attended. The meeting was convened for the purpose of consider
lag the need for the standardization of certain methods of measurement. and of materials used in the construction of roads.
The New Aluminium.
Some particulars of the new aluminium, which has been named Navaltum by its inventors and vendors, will be found on page 413.
Ferodo in London, Mr. F. T. Rundall has been appointed manager in London to the Herbert Frood Co., Ltd., of Chapelen-le-Frith, and will proceed to extend sales of Ferodo clutch and brake linings.
C.M.U.A. Badges.
The attractiveness of the C.M.U.A. badge, in both the radiator-cap and dashboard types, continues to account for many new orders weekly. For prices and conditions of issue, owners should write to the Secretary of the Association, 89, Pall Mall, S.W.
New Registrations.
Stoneleigh Motors, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £1,000 in 21 shares, to carry on the business of manufacturers and of dealers in motorvans, etc. First subscribers: J. D. Siddeley and H. Schwartz.
British N.A.G. Motor Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £10,000 in shares, and with its office at 105-6, Caxton House, Westminster, S.W., to take over the sole agency for the British Empire for sale of taxicabs, omnibuses and other vehicles, etc., manufactured by the Neue Automobil Gesellschaft M.B.H. of Berlin.
[ Wrigley's Gears on the N E.R.
Our readers will remember that we recently described in some detail the interesting new geardriven rail coach which has been put into service as the Chief Engineer's inspection car on the North Eastern Railway. This is the coach which was placed at the disposal of the representative of this journal who recently made a tour of inspection of the North Eastern Railway Co.'s motor department. We are now asked by E. G. Wrigley and Co., Ltd., to mention that the whole of the gear on this coach wa.s made in the Foundry Lane Works to Mr. Vincent Raven's specification. This coach is the heaviest for which Wrigley's have yet made a motorcar type of gearbox.