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Mr. McKenna has supplied the following figures relating to omnibus and tramcar licences and accidents, in answer to a question...
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By Sir J. H. A. Macdonald, K.C.B., P.C., Lord Justice-Clerk of Scotland, President of the Scottish A.C., Member of the Road...
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the Railway Motor vehicle Organization which Furnishes Transport Facilities in Various Parts of Yorkshire, Durham, and...
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From Our Own Correspondent. A combination of embarrassments, arising out of the inadequacy of its present means, is driving...
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Topics. Brighton Buses. The Brighton Watch Committee has recommended the Town Coun cit grant licences for 19 petrol buses...
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by VAN, WAGON and TRACTOR. The special article on N.E.R. transport should be interesting to all goods-vehicle owners. Ti' e...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. REMINDERS Current }Royal Agricultural Show...
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Driffield R.D.C. has applied to the L.G.B. for a 2920 loan. Lancaster Town Council has been discussing the expenditure of...
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One of the standard 6 h.p. Girling chassis, specially fitted with a small float body, 4 ft. long, 3 ft. wide, and 18 in. deep,...
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All roads lead to Doncaster just now, and I was picking my way up there by road on Saturday last. I was never fond of the Great...
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The First-published Report after Visits to all the Interesting Stands. We have pleasure in presenting on the pages which...
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Anglo-American (4). This company intends to advertise its productions on the Show-ground with the aid of one of its...
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With Special Reference to the Requirements of British Farmers. By Geo. W. Watson, M.I.Mech.E., I once heard the question...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any Pain s connected with the construction or use of comincrcial motors. Where a...
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Interesting Particulars for the Supply Departments of Motor Manufacturers. Aluminium ceased to be a metallurgical curiosity...
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Bearing somewhat on the Agricultural Side of the Industry. Motor Horse-vans. I have been in serious communication with...
Lubrication and Spring Haulage. On a visit to Brown Bros. Ltd., of Great Eastern Street, the other day, a representative of...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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A Brampton Detachable Rim. F. W. Brampton.—No. 3835, dated 15th February, 1912.—In the usual type of detachable rim where one...