Answers to Queries.
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any Pain s connected with the construction or use of comincrcial motors. Where a dinct reply is desired, a stamped and addressed envelope shouid be enclosed : if a requist for privacy is not sPecially made, any query and answer may be published. Some repli,s, owing to Pressure on our space, are held several weeks. Numerous requests reach us/or lists of motorcab and commercial-vehicle owners ; these we never supply. (Inv adverti_ensent columns are open to those who desire to make announcements to owuers for the purposes of trade
The Only Authority.
[1986] " GARAGES " writes :—" We notice your notepaper says that you are the only authority on the Van, etc.' Is th.s really so ? "
ANSWER.—We have now made the necessary inquiries, and have to inform you that the reply is in the affirmative.
Sectional Tires Want. d.
[1987] " SHEFFIELD " writes :—" Will you kindly furnish us with the names and addresses of firms from whom we can obtain sectional-rubber tires for heavy vehicles? "
ANSWER.—You cannot do better than apply to the North British Rubber Co., Ltd., of Castle Mills, Edinburgh, the Commercial Tyre Co., Ltd., of 534, Old Kent Road,. London, S.E., and S. Stevenson and Co., Ltd., of 59, Logan Street, Glasgow.
Inquiry for an Agrimotor.
[1988] " SUS3EX " writes :—" Can you tell me if there is a commercial-motor mower on the market? If so, kindly let me know maker and all particulars. I mean for cutting hay, not lawns."
ANswEa.—The manufacturers who build agricultural tractors with a mowing attachment include the following :— Ideal Agricultural Motor Co., Ltd., Albion House, 61, New Oxford Street, W.
Ivel Agricultural Motors, Ltd., Biggleswade, Beds.
Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., Gainsborough. Saunderson and Gifkens, F.lstow Works, Bedford.
The Names of Dealers Wanted.
[1989] " SCOTIA" writes :—" I would esteem it a favour if you would kindly let me know if there are any dealers of machinery specially required for motor manufacturers. I mean secondhand machinery, such as grinding machines, Jones and Lamson lathes, cylinder-grinding and milling machines. If you should know of any, I shall esteem it a favour if you will hand me their addresses."
ANSWER.—We are not in a position to recommend to you any secondhand machinery dealer who specializes in the supply of machine tools for motor manufacturers, but we suggest that the quickest way to get what you want is to insert a small advertisement in the " Sundries" columns of this journal. No doubt this will meet the eyes of brokers who have suitable machines in stock.
isflarre to tro for 10-12 h p. Vans.
[1990] " YORKS " writes :—" Would you kindly oblige by giving me the names and addresses of different firms who supply small 10-12 h.p. motorvans, such as a grocer or a• farmer would require for rough country ? "
ANswEa.—Amongst the advertisers in this journal to whose announcements we would direct your attention are :— Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Seotstoun, Glasgow.
Belsize Motors, Ltd., Clayton, Manchester. T)ennis Bros., Ltd., Guildford, Surrey. Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd., 78, York Road, King's Cross, London, N.
Capt. 0. H. Saunders (Renault), 21, Pall Mall, London, S.W.
Sidney Strs k er snl Squire, Ltd., Nelson Square, Blackfriars, S.E
Where to Buy a Parcelcar.
[1991] " CUMBERLAND " writes :—" We are in want of a small car or tri-car, two-seater or one seat and. luggage with wind screen, etc. Can you recommend something suitable—not costly, and ot which delivery can be given quickly ? "
ANswEa.—You cannot do better than address the undernoted makers :— G irling Motors, Ltd., Grosvenor Works, Bedford.
Messrs. R. S. Currie and Co., 76, Salusbury Road, W. Kilburn.
Use and Construction.
1_1992] " ENGINEER " writes :—" I am a constant reader of your valuable paper, and I have noticed that you often give some very useful advice to your readers. Will you kindly help me with the roiiowing ? (1) Where can I obtain a copy of the Motor Car (Use and Construction) Order ; (2) also whether anything has been done yet to enforce owners of steam vehicles to have two independent brakes." ANSWER.—You can obtain a copy of the Motor Car Use and Construction Order from Messrs. Wyman and Sons, of Fetter Lane E.C., or Messrs. Eyre and Spottiswoode, of Great /■Tew Street, E.C., by remitting 3d. in stamps. In some districts, the police do enforce the law in respect of independent brakes upon owners of steam vehicles, but it is usually held that the reversing gear of the engine is sufficient to meet the requirement if a friction brake be also fitted, and especially is this the case if the crankshaft be never out of gear with the driving axle.
Concerning Costs for Two-tonners.
[199:3] " ESSEX " writes :—" Could you kindly tell me in what back numbers of your paper there have appeared articles on the cost of running two-ton commercial vehicles? I am making inquiries on behalf of a firm (of which I am a director) who are considering the adoption of motor transport, and I shall be much obliged if you will kindly give me this information."
ANSWER.—We have not published separate and extensive particulars of costs for a two-ton vehicle, but our standard reckoning for a petrol van to carry that load, provided you can give it a mileage of 390 a week, is as under :— d.
Driver's wages 1.00 Fuel (petroleum spirit) , .96 In the above reckoning, petrol is taken at 10d. a gallon. so some correction will be needed to put that right for present-day conditions. Of course, if your mileage fall appreciably below the 390 mentioned, you will have to divide your costs into two sections —those which do not vary in weekly total (driver and fixed charges), which will go up per mile when the mileaee falls, and those which vary directly as the mileage, repairs, tires, fuel, lubricants, etc., whict will remain as stated. Taxes on Electric Vans.
[10941 " IMPORTERS " write :—" We wish to make an inquiry anent taxes, if any, payable by an electrically-driven commercial motor. The particular vans we are proposing to put into operation are of three sizes, viz., half-ton, one-ton, and one-and-ahalf-ton carrying capacity. Their respective weights are 3000 lb., 4500 lb., and 7500 lb., fully loaded. Horse powers of motors are respectively 21, 31 and 4. For any information bearing on this point we shall be much indebted to you." ANSWER.—Beyond the 21 registration charge, there are no taxes to be paid in respect of any commercial vehicles which are used solely for the conveyance of goods, provided the owner paints on "the Christian name and surname and place of abode or place of business of the person, or the name or style and principal or only place of business of the company or firm, visibly and legibly in letters of not less than one inch in length." If at any time such an exempted vehicle be used for the conveyance of passengers— even to the extent of a private run on a single day in the year, the owner may become liable then to pay carriage tax, but not otherwise.