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Ma. D. W. MILLS has been appointed to take charge of advertising for Guy Motors, Ltd., at Wolverhampton.
MR. ARTHUR GUY, M.I.M.T., managing director of the Cheltenham . and Gloucester Car Mart, Ltd., has been elected president of the Motor Agents Association for the ensuing year.
MR. W. J. JORDAN, New 'Zealand High Commissioner in London, was, a few days ago, one of the prominent visitors to J..;eyland Motors; Ltd. He made a complete tour of -the company's works under the guidance of the concern's general manager, Ma_ A. A. LIARDET.
SIR JOSEPH J. THOMSON, 0.M., D.Sc., F.R.S., Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, has been awarded the Kelvin Medal for 1938 in recognition of his eminent services to engineering science. The presentation will be made by LORD RAYLEIGH in, the Great Hall of the Institution of Civil Engineers on May 3.
SIR WILLIAM H. BRAGG, 0.M., F.R.S., an honorary member of the Institute of Metals, is the first to receive the Institute's medal, which will be presented to him by the president, MR. W. R. BARCLAY, 0 B .E. , on March 8. Offered by the Mond Nickel Co., Ltd.. for award by the Council of the Institute, the medal (in platinum) is given for outstanding services to non-ferrous metallurgy.
Matters of Weight in Warwickshire!
Warwickshire County Council reports that during the quarter recently ended, the weight of 207 heavy motor vehicles was checked, and in 71 cases it was found to be excessive.
During 1937, 778 vehicles were checked, and 297 of these were found to he over the weight allowed. Proceedings were taken in 75 cases, when fines and costs amounting to £191 were imposed (20 cases still pending). Cautions were given in 195 cases, and seven cases are under consideration.
Useful Book on Vehicle Law.
Mr. E. Harrison, F.C.A., secretary of the North-Eastern Division of the C.M.U.A. from 1919 to 1934, has compiled "The C.M.U.A, Road Guide," copies of which are obtainable, at 8d., from Commercial Distributors (Yorkshire), Ltd., 20, Bond Street, Dewsbury.
It brings together under appropriate headings the provisions of the Acts of Parliament and the many Orders made by the Minister of Transport under these, as affecting motorcars and heavy motorcars. The law is given in three sections: motor vehicles generally, licensing of goods vehicles, and publicservice vehicles.