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Factors Which Indicate the Absurdity of Special Limits for Commercial Vehicles A WALKER, wishing to cross a street, looks...
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I N view of the great interest that is now being taken in the attempts to promote some scheme for the fixation of haulage...
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for a national wages increase in the road haulage industry will be considered at a national conference of employers'...
A note of alarm concerning the Appeal Tribunal's decision against the regrant of A licences to the Blyth Transport Co, Ltd.....
Will the time Come when the present decentralization of transport control through Commissioners and Licensing Authorities is...
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January proved a relatively quiet month as regards the orders for motor vehicles given out by Government Departments. The...
Ma. D. W. MILLS has been appointed to take charge of advertising for Guy Motors, Ltd., at Wolverhampton. MR. ARTHUR GUY,...
ESTIMATING AND INSURANCE COSTS I T is most unfortunate that there are many cases in which hauliers estimate for a load and...
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Present railway classifications of goods should be discarded, as la step towards the stabilization of road and rail rates,...
" I insist on a complete and thorough record being kept of the hours worked by these drivers. It is not a matter of one...
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According to reports, the Blackpool police have given assurance that they are to shelve, for 12 months, the proposed ban on the...
Rawtfmstall Corporation recommends the purchase of a refuse collector. Warwick County Counell is to obtain tenders for the...
BUS STOPS DANGEROUSLY SITED? D ANGER caused by bus stopping places was the subject of a question asked by Mr. R. Gibson, The...
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One Man's Ideas of How to Keep Costs and Details of the Forms that he Uses and the Information that is Readily Available from...
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Gains Full Marks on Test A Sound Engineering Job with a Performance that may be Accepted as a Criterion for Modern 7-8-ton...
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MENDERS are invited by the following (latest 1 dates are given in parentheses):— Marple U.D.C., for granite macadam and...
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The Main Features of the .Modem Vehicles are Propulsion by Oil, Gas or Electricity, Attention to Streamlining, Improved...
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and • QUERIES WHO INTRODUCED VACUUM BRAKES FOR TRAILERS? 15283) In your issue dated December 17 last you published an...
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T HE arrangements for handling deliveries of sugarbeet by road are better at Alls9ott than at any other factory that I have...
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Filter T HE use of a filter on the air inlet of a petrol or oil engine has long since been recognized as a safeguard against...
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PXPEDITION and Quality of Workmanship are Governed Largely by the Nature of " 1 --: the Equipment at the Disposal Of the...
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ting station has recently been put in operation by the National Broadcasting Co., Radio City, New York, for experimental "...
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S.T.R. LECTURE DATE CHANGE. The lecture which was to be given by S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, at the Castle...
Recompense for Lost Licences 7 • R EFERRING to a recent case at South Shields, when two operators were forced out of business...
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Q UESTIONS as to why the railway companies should oppose applications by bus operators in respect of new business were asked by...
A T its meeting on February 23, Glasgow Corporation transport finance subcommittee considered tenders for the supply of oil and...
B EFORE the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners, at Leeds last week, Mr. J. T. Rogers suggested that full-day coach trips were...
A .ra sitting of the Northern Scotland Traffic Commissioners at Dundee on February 25, W. Alexander and Sons. Ltd., was granted...
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A T Aberdeen, last week, before the Northern Scotland Traffic .Commissioners, Mr. Alexander Burnett, of Mintlaw, asked...
O JECTIONS to a request by Inverness County Council for restriction in the size of buses operating on tours between Inverness...
A T a public sitting of the NorthWestein Traffic Commissioners, on Friday last, another blow was struck at the extended or...
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NEW COMPANIES. South-Western Garage (New Maiden), Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Feb. 24. Cap. 2500 in 500 ordinary shares of 21...
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Patent Patent Specifications rOIL ignition. now ‘.... , almost universal, is subject to certain disadvantages, chief amongst...