Tenders of Interest to Hauliers
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MENDERS are invited by the following (latest 1 dates are given in parentheses):—
Marple U.D.C., for granite macadam and chippings. limestone macadam and chipptngs, slag macadam and ehippings, washed (-rushed gravel and sand, tarmacadam, bricks. Portland cement, also haulage. Apply to Mr. T. Cooper, Council Officea. Merril°. (March 12.) Hereford City Council, for steam coal, mks hauling and day work. Apply to Engineer and Gas Manager. Gas Works, Mortimer Road, Herelord. (Mareh 11.) Tenterden R.D.C., for dry Kent ragstone. Kent ragstone tarmacadarn, hoggin. Apply to Mr. W. 1.. C. Turner, " 5, East Hill, Tentarden, Kent. (March 14.) Lytham St. Anne. B.C.. for cement, broken limestone, limestone tarmacadam, broken granite, tar. Apply to Borough Surveyor, Town Flail, Lytham 8t. Annes. (March 12.) Abmtillery 17.D.C. for: 1, (a) bituminous macadam, (b) chippings; 4, bricks; 7, cement. Apply, stating schedule required, to Mr. A. Gordon Jones, Council Offices, Abertillery. (March 11.) Ramfard B.O. for tarred slag macadam. granite chippings, tarred limeatone, shingle, sand, ballast, hoggin, cement, asphalt, lime, hard core. Apply to Borough Engineer and Surveyor, Town Hall, Romford. (March 12.) Deal B.C., for tarred slag macadam, granite chippings, sand, shingle, cement, coal. Apply to Mr. T. C. Golder, Municipal Offices, Deal. IMarch 12.1 St. Albans City Council for tarmacadam, concrete, hard core, ashes, stag dust, sand. shingle, hoggin, lime, cement, also hire of lorries. Apply to City Engineer and Surveyor, 38, St. Peter's Street. St. Albans. (March 14.)
Farehem U.D.C. for cement, chippings, tar, macadam and road materMls. Apply to the Surveyor, Council Offices, Westbury Manor, Farcham. Hants. (March 19.)
Newton-in-Mekerfleld U.D.C. for cement, dry slag chippings, tarred slag, tarred limestone macadam, asphaltic macadam, pitching stone, broken stone, clean sharp sand gritting sand, granite chippings, coal, also haulage. Apply to the Surveyor, Town Hall, Earlestown, Newtonle-Willows. (March 12.)
Bexhill T.C. for approximately 2,000 tons of limestone or granite tarmacadam in various sizes; approximately 300 tons of clean British granite chippings, graded ti into 3i in.; cement. Apply to Borough Surveyor, Town Hall, Bexhill. (March 11.)
Rushden 10.1).C. for dry road atone, slag tarmacadatn, cement„ lime, gritting material for roads, washed gravel (35-in. gauge), sand, coal and coke. Apply to the Surveyor, Council Buildings. Rashden. (March 14.)
Dewsbury T.C. for gas coal to the Savile Town Gasworks, during year ending March 31, 1939. Apply to Engineer and Manager, Gasworks, Dewsbury. (March 12.) Shenley Hospital, for house and steam coal for 72 months. Apply to the Clerk and Steward, Shenley Hospital, Sheriley, near Si. Albans, Herts. (March 8.) WhIteltureh 15.D.C., for tarmacadam, chippieffs, broken macadam, steam coal. Apply to Mr. W. M. Sowden, Council Offices, Whit church, Salop. (March 16.)
Wombwell 1J.D.C., for road materials for period ending March 31. 1939. Apply to the Surveyor, Town Hall, Wombwell. (March 16.) All applications must be accompanied by a stamped addressed foolscap envelope.