Truth Will Out
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ACCORDING to the directory of hauliers issued by the Eastern Area of the Road Haulage Association, Essex Carriers, Ltd., cater for "abnormal and inadvisable loads." When I asked my friend, Mr. R. B. Brittain, managing director, what was included in this directory, he said he could think of many loads to which he would have applied the description had he known beforehand what he was taking on.
In the proof of an advertisement in another publication, his company were shown as carrying " invisible " loads, but fortunately he was able to prevent the spectre float becoming visible to the public.
[NocrE: For the benefit of the R.H.A., the word. according to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, is " unadvisable ".1
riA GROUP of companies distinguished in the field of electronics recently commissioned an articulated vehicle to carry demonstration equipment all over the Continent. It was the intention that the demonstrator should also drive, until it transpired that he had never held a licence. Even patient tuition failed to indicate that he would ever be able to handle an " artic " on a frostbound Alpine pass, and a professional had to be hired. Moral: Two hats call for two heads.
Handsome is . .
IF confession is good for the soul, the conscience of Crofts (Engineers), Ltd., should be more than salved. They have issued a statement in which they apologize handsomely for inadvertently infringing a patent of Fluidrive Patents, Ltd. Because of their strong principles they "offered what we considered an extra large sum as damages" and, terms of settlement
s28 having been agreed, they submitted to judgment "We are extremely pleased that the matter was settled amicably and quickly," they add—a pleasant and honest gesture that can only increase their prestige.
Irish Mixture
(INF of the annual reports I almost like reading is that of
the Ulster Transport Authority, written in an engaging mixture of disarming candour ("this satisfactory result which was not, perhaps, expected ") and a nice weighing of the meaning of words (" the driver and guard of the train were somewhat seriously injured ") that only Ireland could produce.
The latest publication is decorated with a colour reproduction of the arms approved for the Authority by the College of Arms, London. It is to replace the existing emblem, "which was never authorized and is, accordingly, being withdrawn."
The motto is Kipling's "Transportation is civilization" in Latin: "Transportatio cult= significat." Surely if English was good enough for Kipling, it is good enough for a motto? Ups and Downs, k AR. MAURICE WHITE, assistant honorary • organizing Yi secretary of the Lorry Driver. of the Year Competition, vho is leaving on April 1 to become road safety officer of Jxbridge, will be sorely missed in this year's contest. His andling of the results in the final has always been exemplary nd his helpfulness to everYone has Won him a warm place in le esteem of all his associates.
Troubles never conic singly and I am sorry to have to report' lat Cllr. R. Brain, the Competition's energetic chairman, is oing into hospital again this month for his second major peration in a year. He makes light of his misfortune and, ke Mr. White, has the sincere good wishes of all his colleagues the competition.
song Way To Go
A MERICAN airline operators are forecasting direct corn
petition with road and rail in the next 10 years. Despite the pparent dramatic growth of air-cargo business over the past 3w years, goods carried by air still represent a mere half of ne per cent. of the total industrial goods traffic in the United tates.
Vote For Pests
0\ LONDON company specializing in the extermination of A pests in woodwork has cashed in cleverly on road safety. immaculate Common van of theirs, which I noticed, bore
n the back the warning, "Please drive carefully. Leave le exterminating to us."
liack Magic
HE elderly Bedford van I saw distributing Cadbury's L products at 65 m.p.h. (according to my speedometer) must ave had a hard centre.