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O N 10 occasions representatives of the four main associations of road passenger transport operators have met Treasury...
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Evan Cook T HOSE who know George Evan Cook, chairman of Evan Cook's group of companies, may find some difficulty in...
A CCORDING to the directory of hauliers issued by the Eastern Area of the Road Haulage Association, Essex Carriers, Ltd., cater...
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T HE principle that there must be no trafficking in licences, whether special A, or otherwise, was upheld by Leeds City...
BY OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A s the Budget approaches once again, talk revolves round the question of the fuel duty, and...
nPFRATORS have been recom1 / 4 - 1 mended to boycott the Brighton Coach Rally, to be held on April 23-24. This decision has...
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IF objections are lodged against an application by Mr. R. Read, of Greys tones, Longhope, Glos., for the renewal of his A...
O BJECTIONS by the British Transport Commission were overcome at Liverpool, on Monday, when the radius of a normal user...
'THE post of chief executive officer and 1. secretary of the Road Haulage Association has been advertised this week. It calls...
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MR. P. SPRAWSON, secretary and chief accountant of the British Piston Ring C.o. - , Ltd., has been appointed a director. MR....
and manufacture is the subject of a . lecture to be given by - MF., F. M Lincoln ,chief designer of Morris Cornmercial Cars . ,...
Loss Doubled: Ceylon Transport Board lost £739:650 last year, more than double the - 1958 .deficit... Nearing Completion: The...
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TRAFFIC on the trunk and Class 1 1 roads of England and Wales has increased by more than half in the past five years. A census...
RIG IN ALLY estimated to cost £12.5m. in 1955, the Mt finally involved a sum of £21.5m. The Preston motorway, first thought to...
T HE proposed agreement between the Brighton, Hove and District Omnibus Co., Ltd., Brighton Transport Department and Southdown...
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Nif R. CHARLES HEWITT, of Queens way, Annan, who was alleged to have made a false statement in his application tor a special A...
A SERIES of B-licence applications Pl. affecting 17 vehicles, made by Fred Chappell, Ltd., Batley, was approved by Mr.. J. H....
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VTAUXHALL MOTORS plan to open V a new factory principally for the production of commercial vehicles, at Ellesmere Port on the...
A TOTAL of 27 A.E.C. Mammoth PA Majors has been ordered by British Road Services during the past two weeks. Of this number 22...
M ORE than five hundred Scottish dairy farmers have had, or are having, milk storage tanks installed on their farms to...
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between Leicester and Rugby, failed to persuade the 'Transport Tribunal in London last week to allow him to carry furniture to...
Cutting Charges " S QUGGESTIONS that the South Durham Steel and ho n Co., Ltd., were attempting to• cut• rates for the carriage...
S TUDIFS of the traffic experiment at Putney High Street, London, S.W.15, have been ordered by the Minister of Transport, The...
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T HE difficulties inherent in the operation of a mixed fleet of A and B vehicles are obvious to anyone who stops to think about...
THE MI had presented the authorities i with a new complication so far as the reckoning of the average speed of vehicles was...
W HY have so few abnormal indivisible loads been carried on the London-Birmingham motorway? Hertfordshire Constabulary put this...
G ENERAL trade plates had been used by a Walsall haulage concern as an "economic way" of putting a six-wheeler on the road, it...
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A BUSMEN'S delegate conference, in defiance of officials of the Transport 4-1 and General Workers' Union, proposed a ban on...
"gomE slow poison which manifests a•Jitself first in the victim's extremities, later closing in towards the heart "—this was...
P ATENTS have been taken out jointly by Mr. W. M. Little, general manager, Edinburgh Transport Department, and Leyland Motors,...
T HE Wankel engine might compete seriously with established types, said Mr. W. V. Appleby, chief power-unit designer of the...
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A N alternating-current generator introduced by Joseph Lucas, Ltd., last week, is intended forlight vehicles fitted with...
A N appeal by Bradfield Rural District Council to effect a fare reduction on the service of the Thames Valley Traction Co.,...
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A LTHOUGH listed at only £1,576 (or E22 less if 7.50-20 in. (12-ply) tyres are fitted), the Bedford 12-ton prime mover proved,...
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REVITHICK'S 1804 locomotive and the Wright brothers' flying machine must have me( with the same degree of incredulity which is...
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By Tom Walkerley C OACH operators throughout the country are reporting record bookings for their 1960 holiday tours. Although...
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/IANY features to enhance passenger IV' comfort are incorporated in a new fleet of 40 A.E.C. Reliance 41-seat coaches being...
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F OR every mile of overhead telephone wire which one can see in this country there are 15 miles underground, or more than 36m....
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IN the report of the Febry case in The Commercial Motor dated February 19, it was stated that Mr. L. R. Beattie, senior traffic...
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I F the Ulster Transport Authority had not had to take over the Northern Ireland section of the Great Northern Railway, they...
IT was imperative that the railways I should be put on a basis of proper accountability, claimed Mr. W. R. Rees Davies, M.P.,...
the coining financial year totalled £105m., £114m, more than for the current year, said Mr. John Hay, Parliamentary Secretary...
A LETTER from the office of the PI West Midland Licensing Authority was described as " very puzzlin g ," " astonishing " and...
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N ° grant can be made by the Ministry of Transport this year towards the administrative expenses of the Lorry Driver of the...
DRODUCTION of the D.9 72-scat double-decker •has begun at the Edgbaston works of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co.,...
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By G. Duncan Jewell T HE railways must be well satisfied with the Transport Tribunal's decision in the McKelvie appeal (" The...
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B EFORE long, if not already, the politicians will be just where the railway lobby want them. Public opinion, even as reflected...
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New Bodybuilding Aid S OME bodybuilders have employed sandwich-construction panelling already. Usually, this has taken the form...
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V EHICLE insurers may show a loss for 1959 for the fifth year in succession. In 1958 the companies lost almost £10m., and...
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to Zurich with a cargo of frozen chickens. . . just one of many Austins in use on continental routes today. Her owners are...
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N OW engaged upon a three-month tour of Holland, Belgium, France and Germany, a mobile showroom for the display of...
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No. 826,893 is intended for the joint between the light-alloy head and castiron cylinder block of an oil engine. (Motoren-Werke...