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Free Haulier Solves Exhibitor's Problems

4th May 1951, Page 61
4th May 1951
Page 61
Page 61, 4th May 1951 — Free Haulier Solves Exhibitor's Problems
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IRIVATE-ENTERPRISE road haulage last week carried out an unusual transport job in connection th the British Industries Fair at Earls Court, London. the first floor of the exhibition, visitors may watch insitas cigarettes being manufactured under condins as near as possible to those pertaining at the iker's factory. To achieve the required result, two whines were transported from the works of J. Wix d Sons, Ltd., Old Street, London, E.C.1, by Beck d Pollitzer, Ltd.

The two machines were for making and packing :arettes, and were both delicate. The cigarette',king. machine weighs almost 5 tons. Two vehicles 're used, and both machines were packed on the first, Dennis 6-ton six-wheeled low-loader. Lifting tackle

d gear were carried on a second vehicle, an Albion.

e machines were partially dismantled to permit easy iding and unloading. A wide castor-mounted gantry d crane lifted the machines, which were then put to rollers and moved on to the machinery lift at rls Court and into position on the stand.