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Transport Operations Alone Expected to Keep Charges Stable . in a World of Soaring Prices is it thai the transport : operator ....
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A FTER visiting various German factories and the Frankfurt Motor Show, it is difficult to believe that the Germans have fought...
Worries o Drivers A SMALL book prepared in Great Exhibition for visitors to the Great Year Exhibition of 1851 reveals some of...
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That many a motorist's holiday plans have been nipped in the Budget. That the Swedish Minister of Finance proposes to double...
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MAIL drive, foreshadowed in "The Commercial Motor" last week, is to be launched all over the country by members of the Road...
Authority last week granted the application of the West Riding Automobile Co., Ltd., to vary fares on 247 services. All single...
FF OUR summonses alleging that William Alfred C,astell, 13, The Bungalows, Great Finborough, had infringed the conditions of an...
other causes have forced the Ministry of Fuel and Power to raise the maximum permissible prices for petroleum products. The...
O N June 1, Mr. C. J. Macdonald, C.B.E., assistant secretary in charge of the road goods transport division of the Ministry of...
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■ riginal permit or substituted permit for he carriage of foodstuffs. . . By aking this action, the Road 'Haulage ixecutive...
T HE Transport Arbitration Tribunal this week concluded its hearing of the application by Messrs. C. and G. Yeoman for...
T HE handicap that vehicles suffer from the artificial restriction of he speed limit can be solved arbitrarily or by agreement....
THE committee which considered the I Transport (Amendment) Bill should have been based on technical considerations. Instead, it...
T HE West Punjab Transport Board Act, 1948, has been promulgated. It provides for the setting-up of a transport board to take...
T HE question of free re-entry to car parks in the South Bank area has been taken up by the Traders' Road Transport...
1 - 1. during the final session, on October 18, of the Road Haulage Association's conference at Torquay. Mr. Donald McCullough,...
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Ma. C. E M Haltom, F.C.A., has been appointed a director of Vokes. Ltd. MR. A. G. ELLIOTT. CUE., has been appointed joint...
rHA1RMEN and vice-chairmen have been appointed by four areas of the Road Haulage Association. They are as follows :— East...
A PLEA for workers' organizations to consider using fully the facilities offered by British Railways was made at a recent...
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rOR the first time in 30 years, the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., a B.E.T. associate, has applied for all-round fares...
A LUXURY coach service between 1 - .Oxford and Cambridge is being run by Premier Travel, Ltd., Cambridge. This new facility is...
from June 7-9 has been published. Headquarters will be the Charing Cross Hotel, London.. The Minister of Transport will speak...
I N the Chancery Division, last Friday, counsel for the Lines Trailer Co., Ltd., said that negotiations were proceeding between...
NAONTREAL transport rates have Iv' risen after a ruling by the Quebec Transportation Board on an application by the Automotive...
T HE jubilee of Red and White Services, Ltd., in 1949, has now been marked by a well-produced book, Red and White Services,...
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ENDING that there was ample evidence of need for additional road services from Edinburgh and Glasgow to .London, the...
Last week's report of the Wragg appeal, referred inadvertently to the Landon, instead of the Lambert, decision. A quarry-type...
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RODUCTION of Bendix-Westinghouse air-brake equipment is ected to commence immediately at Lincoln works of Clayton Dewan, Ltd.,...
demand for Laystall crankshafts has caused iduction to be transferred from the :dnesfield works of the Laystall gineering Co.,...
UHEN G. Patterson and Sons, Ltd., V Beadnell, applied to the Northern censing Authority, at Berwick. for rmission to run a new...
Trades Benevolent Fund will eet in conference at the Connaught ooms, London, W.C.2, on May 17. the morning, considera4ion will...
Omnibus Co., Ltd., to run (cursions and tours from Horseheath as discussed by the Eastern Licensing ,uthority. "We think that...
A DEPUTATION representing local L'It interests met the Minister of Transport last week to stress the congestion problem on the...
A FTER a legal battle, over the past . 2i years, lasting nine days before the Metropolitan Licensing Authority and 18 days...
QUPPORTING an application before the Northern Licensing Authority, at Newcastle-upon-Tyne; recently, Mr. T. Campbell Wardlaw...
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By L. J. COTTON, M .I.R.T.E. B IGGER engine, increased pay load rating and the Eaton two-speed axle as standard equipment are...
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QUILT specially to combat problems encountered in U. moving timber, in both woodlands and timber yards, a new type of crane...
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Visitors to the South Bank Will See a Parade of Britain's Finest Commercial Vehicles : In the Construction of the Exhibition,...
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Government Attempts to Strike an Artificial Balance Between Road and Rail Defeat Their Own Object by Increasing Road Transport...
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Centrally Mounted Power Unit Provides Straight-through Transmission Line. Steering Layout Allows Full Wheel Deflection....
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Provision of Comfortable Vehicles Stimulates Traffic: Receipts Rise by 107 Per Cent. in 13 Years ) VER the past 17 years,...
Public Transport Association by the State-owned bus companies and the London Transport Executive, on December 31, last, over...
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of Detergent Oils is justified H EAVY-DUTY oils were proved in a three-year test conducted by the London Transport Executive...
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"OLOMBO, capital city of Ceylon, is joining the growing number of overseas capitals hich have started the operation of...
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Factories, Roads and Operators' Systems Inspected in a Week's Tour Around Paris I 4 AST Sunday, a party of members of the...
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IAINTAINING its policy of offering superlative comfort for passengers Continental and home tours, Southwn Motor Services, Ltd.,...
IRIVATE-ENTERPRISE road haulage last week carried out an unusual transport job in connection th the British Industries Fair at...
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Right of the Annis Company to Participate in Heavy Haulage Upheld : Two Tractors Withdrawn from Licence and One Trailer Added :...
I N an appeal decision issued last week, the Appeal. Tribunal upheld the action of the South Wales Licensing Authority in...
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NCREAS1NG numbers of opera tors have recently augmented their vehicle fleets to include contractors' quipment of various types....
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arid Mileage pr HE more I gain experience in the assessment of costs and charges and the more problems I have to solve in...
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A UTOMATIC greasing systems are . known, and consist Of a master gun, the output of which is piped to numerous lubrication...