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Records of drivers employed by Mr. Harry E. Bleach, of Lavant, near Chichester, were examined by Sir Henry Piggott, South-eastern Licensing Authority, on Monday. After reading the records of one driver for four consecutive days, on each of which the driver had been engaged for 11 hours, Sir Henry exclaimed, "The sooner proper wages and conditions of employment are established in the road-transport industry, the better. This driver's employment, apart from being frequently illegal, is simply inhuman employment. The man has no chance of home life at all."
Mr. Bleach was applying for the renewal of his A licence, for three vehicles, operating chiefly between West Sussex and -London, and his B licence, for two vehicles chiefly engaged in local delivery.
The applicant began to explain the circumstances under which he could operate for more than 11 hours, and Sir Henry interrupted, "Those are not the circumstances. I am not going to go on with this. Here you are at long-distance work and you don't know what is legal or what is illegal. I shall only give this licence, for six, months. MY examiner will look into the matter, 'and if there be any more irregularities I shall revoke the licences. On March 31 I shall consider whether you should have a licence at all."
Mr. P. S. Woodhouse, who represented the applicant; promised to help him observe the regulations, and Sir Henry, appreciating the offer, said, "He had better do something or he will find himself without a licence of any. kind."
Grotesque " Interpretation of the Law.
A decision of justices sitting at Romford was upset by Lord Hewart and Justices Charles and Macnaghten in a King's Bench Divisional Court last week. On May 5 last, the justices heard an information which alleged that the Berkshire Waste Paper Co., Ltd., in Wennington, on March 19, 1938, had unlawfully used a four-wheeled heavy motorcar in such a way that the weight transmitted to the road surface by two of its wheels in line, transversely, exceeded 8 tons. The proceedings, therefore, alleged a contravention of regulation 64 of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations, 1937.
That regulation says that, in the case of a heavy motorcar or motorcar, the weight transmitted to the road surface by any two vehicles in line, transversely, shall not exceed 8 tons, provided that in the case of a heavy motorcar or motorcar propelled by steam and using solid fuel, the weight so transmitted may equal 9 tons.
. It was established 'before the justices that the vehicle in question was a heavy motorcar not propelled by steam and the weight transmitted to the road by the two rear wheels was 8 tons 19 cwt. The company successfully contended before the justices, who dismissed the information, that the proviso protected the vehicle, which could transmit up to 9 tons, over two wheels, because it was a heavy motorcar!
The appeal was argued by Mr. G. A. Pollock (for Essex County Council) and Mr. R. A. L. Hillard, for the respondent company, and was allowed with costs.
Lord Hewart described the contentions of the company as giving a grotesque meaning to the intention of the regulation. The proviso referred to heavy motorcars driven by steam.
Experienced Salesman Required.
A well-known and old-established vehicle maker introducing a new range has vacancies for a number of experienced salesmen, preferably with some engineering training. If required, interviews can be arranged at the Scottish Show. Letters should be addressed " Salesman," care of the Editor.
Governing—by a Solex Expert.
Numerous commercial-vehicle operators and drivers were among the 400 keenly interested road users who, at Manchester, last week, heard an expert lecture on "Carburation and Engine Troubles." The gathering was con
Veiled 'by Solex, 'Ltd., and its distributor, Edmunds, Walker and.. Co., Ltd., Manthester. The chairman was Mr. R. B. Rylands, manager of the latter, and the lecturer was Mr. R: J. O'Clarey, sales and service manager of Solex, Ltd.
" Certain manufacturers of commercial vehicles have advocated the use of some type of governor," the lecturer remarked, "but even otherwise good drivers can knock governors to pieces quickly, owing to excessive speeds." Mr. O'Clarey also blamed roads and loads for the reduced efficacy of governors, as excessive vibration was set up. His concern's idea, in introducing the Solex Governor Thermostarter was to incorporate a suitable governor with the carburetter so that carburation would not be affected, Popular Discourse on Oil Engines.
Over 150 representatives of leading transport operators in South London attended a " Dieselisation " supper, at Croydon, on Monday, which was given by Manton Motors, Ltd., Croydon, which has recently been appointed a distributor for Perkins P4 and P6 light weight high-speed oil engines. Mr. L. W. J. Hancock, of F. Perkins. Ltd., was the principal speaker, and he gave an interesting discourse on the history and development of _the oil engine, its problems and how they were overcome, and the experience of his company in connection with the design and production of the P4 and P6 engines. An enthusiastic debate followed the talk.
Mr. Manton, managing director of Manton Motors, Ltd., who was in the chair, pointed out that his company actually used oil engines in rOad vehicles so long ago as 1931. THE OBLIGATIONS OF A-LICENCE HOLDERS.
Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, sitting at Dundee, last week, emphasized the obligations for holders of A licences to state the area in which the licences were to be operated. Application was made by Mr. William Stewart Grieve, Dundee, for variation of the licence held by Mr. Joseph Dunn, Dundee, also for the licence to be transferred to Mr.
Grieve's name. At the same sitting there was an application from Messrs. Walker Brothers, Whitefield Garage, Ibrox, who intend to purchase the business from the trustee.
It appeared, from evidence on the application to acquire two vehicles, that whilst the areas in which applicant had stated he was to be operating were Angus, Perthshire, Fife, Aberdeen and Glasgow, the areas to which goods were being carried were in England.
Mr. Dunn having stated that he understood he could go anywhere with an A licence, Mr. Riches pointed out that, on the original licence, the operator was required to state what would be the normal district in which the vehicle would be operating, and on renewal he was asked the same question. The Appeal Tribunal held that, where the applicant had changed the ,'normal user," he was not entitled to a licence unless he could prove the 'necessity . of haulage to the changed district. It was agreed to postpone the application until December 1.
A Parallel with the Appeal Tribunal's Colman Ruling.
An interesting decision, on an issue claimed to be parallel with the Colman ruling of the Appeal Tribunal, is awaited from Sir William Hart, North-western Deputy Licensing Authority, who has promised to read up the Colman case to see how far it justifies the revival of a licence after a lapse and for a different task for a new customer over varying routes.
The application was that of Mr. A. Atkinson, of Harpurhey, Manchester, and was heard on Monday last. Mr. Atkinson, as a furniture carrier with back loads of general goods on an A licence (for one vehicle, with a hiring allowance for one vehicle), lost his trade and £425 After various attempts to recover his position, he carne to an arrangement for two vehicles to serve a new customer on his licence.
Mr. P. Kershaw, for the railways, urged many points of law and fact against the regrant, stressing the contention of the Colman case that the new employer had found considerable difficulty in hiring.
Mr. H. Backhouse, solicitor for the applicant, in reply, submitted that the need of the new customer was stated as the reason for the arrangement, and was demonstrated by the returns, clearly showing that the two extra. vehicles had been fully occupied. His case, he said, was stronger than the Colman.
Schedules, purporting to show that the operations of Bouts-Tillotson Transport, Ltd., were extracting railway traffic, were submitted to Mr. W. Chamberlain, North-western Licensing Authority, in Manchester, last week, when this company asked for the regrant of its licence for 16 vehicles at its Manchester base, and, as holding company of City Express Motors, Ltd., of Stratford, 'London, for a furthei three vehicles based at Manchester. Mr. P. Kershaw put the case for the railway companies, whilst Mr. E. S. Herbert appeared for the applicant.
In the result, one of the three vehicles of the City Express fleet was struck off, and the normal user of the other two was described as for traffic between the Manchester and Bradford 'districts, In the regrant, on the main application, it was made clear that the normal user was collection and delivery work within 20 miles of Manchester, the trunk carrying being by other means. The towns specified as within the 20 miles were Warrington, Stockport, Oldham and Rochdale, whereas the description in the application was general goods between Bradford, Manchester, Liverpool; London, Leeds and Nottingham—and as required.
Road Construction for High-speed Traffic.
A paper entitled "Construction of Permanent Way for High-speed Traffic" will be read by Mr. H. S. B. Whitley, M.Inst.C.E., at 6 p.m. on November 10, at the James Watt Memorial Institute, Great Charles Street, Birmingham, before the Institution of Civil Engineers—Birmingham and District Association.
Hoyt Metal and Service.
In an article entitled "Chassis Longevity," which appeared in our issue dated September 23, a sentence was included concerning the Hoyt Metal Co., of Great Britain, Ltd., Putney, London, S.W.I5, which might convey a wrong impression.
The speciality of this company has always been Hoyt anti-friction metals, supplied in the form of ingots. Hoyt metals are also offered in the form of tubes and half-round castings. Solder and flux for use in relining hearings are
further products, but jigs and remetalling equipment are not marketed by this concern.
A technical advisory service is a feature of the facilities available to customers, and as an essential part of this service the company publishes two excellent booklets on the subject, namely, " The Hoyt Book on the Lined Bearing " and " The Simplicity of Good Babbitting Revealed hy the Camera."
" Safety First Association Offers Scholarship.
A travelling scholarship, to the value of sE 100, is offered by the National " Safety First " Association to the writer of the best essay on " 'Fhe Prevention of Accidents Among Young
People." It has been provided by Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., and is designed to promote the study of accident prevention. The scholarship Innd will be expended on a visit to the
United States or Canada, or both. during the summer of next year.
Entrants must be between the ages of 18 and 25 years, and must he students at a recognized educational institute, college or university, or be articled apprentices.
The essay must consist of not more than 5,000 words and should deal with either road or industrial accidents. The closing date for the receipt of entries is March 1, 1939. Further details may he obtained from the general secretary of the Association, 52, Grosvenor Gardens, London, SW. 1.
I.A.E. Repair Certificates.
A series 01 practical tests in connection with I.A.E. Repair Certificates will be held shortly in different parts of the country. Section A—Mechanical, on December 3, in London, Bradford, Bristol: Coventry, Glasgow and Manchester; Section B—Electrical, on November 26, London; December fn. Coventry. Application for test should be made by November 4 to the Secretary, The Institution of Automobile Engineers, 12, Hobart Place, London. SW. I, and vacancies for each centre will be allotted in strict rotations. Practical tests may be undertaken either 'before or after the written examination. The minimum age limits are: Section A, 23 years; Section 11. 21 years. HAULAGE FIRM'S "WILFUL DISOBEDIENCE."
Sit John Maxsnell, chairman of the Northern Traffic. Commissioners,. criticized, at Newcastle last week„ a haulage firm wi,ich he alleged had deliberately niilcl him. On the previous day the firm concerned (Messrs. Booth Bros., of Wallsend) had been ordered to produce their records, but failed to put in an appearance at the sitting. The firm, it was stated, had applied at intervals, during the year, for a B licence in respect of two additional vehicles.
Mr. C. R. Hodgson, for the London ei ad North-Eastern Railway Co., submitted that the firm's failure to appear was an admission of the truth of the allegation that they were carrying to London Sir Joh:i Maxwell announced that he would refuse the application and added that he was considering what action he would take and would ask the firm for
an explanation with regard to their wilful disobedience. Ile was afraid the firm had comae to court and talked falsely and, in his opinion, they were not fit to own the licence of a haulage business.
Experienced Transport Executive Available.
We know a man with a most extensive knowledge of the commercialvehicle industry and its personalities, who is an experienced organizer and has held many executive positions in well-known concerns. He had to relinquish his previous appointment owing to illness, but is now fit and available for a suitable position on the
administrative or sales side. Letters should be addressed " Executive," care of the Editor.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from November 4 to 12 inclusive. DocKs:—King George V, :1: Royal Albert, 'II: Royal Vic-1: Surrey Commercial, 8; East India, 1 West India, 11; South-West India, 4; Tilbury, 10; Tilbury Stage, 2; Mihlwahl, 4; London, 2, WrimivEsr—Hays, 0; Mark Brown's, :1: butler's, 1; Tilbury Jetty, 2. A31
Experiments as to the possibilities of electric vehicles and a lighter type of mechanical horse for railway road transport were mentioned by Mr. A. A. Harrison, Road Motor Superintendent for the north-eastern area of the London and North Eastern Railway Co., in a paper which he read before the Leeds and district section of the Institute of Transport, on Tuesday.
Mr. Harrison raised the question of electric traction when dealing with the parcels-van services under his control. He remarked: " We tried electrics nearly 20 years ago, but battery troubles killed them, However, I have been experimenting again this year, and the results encourage me to think that it may be worth while trying them again."
Discussing the mechanical horse, Mr. Harrison said : "We seem to have drawn close to the limit for displacing horses by means of 3-ton mechanical horses, because further mechanization on that basis would involve too great a loss of individual collecting units. We have, therefere, turned our attention for some time to the evolution of a 30-cwt. or 2-ton mechanical horse, which could be put in on a more favourable substitution basis."
Referring to the growth of the L.N.E.R. road services for goods, in the north-eastern area, Mr. Harrison said there were 83 railheads linking up with the road services. The latter included about 200 regular scheduled services, many of which even worked to a timetable, and there were nearly LOGO motor vehicles, plus trailers for mechanical horses.
Magistrate Says "Plead Not Guilty."
Recently an English High Court case ruled that a " utility car " is restricted to 30 m.p.h. even on .derestricted roads, and because of this a chauffeur pleaded guilty, at Aberdeen Police Court, to exceeding the speed limit in such a vehicle. It was pointed out that his plea was based on, the English decision. The Aberdeen migistrate pointed out, however, that a Scottish court was not bound by any decision of any English court, and advised the accused to change his plea to one of not guilty. The accused followed the advice and the case was adjourned.
Repairing Cracks Without Dismantling.
A new metallic preparation, known as Wondar Weld, is being favourably received by garages and operators. ft is intended for the repair of cracks and the prevention of water seepage in petrol and oil engines. It is claimed to be a permanent cure, and not a temporary measure.
Cracked valve ports, water jackets and insides of cylinders are said to be effectively repaired in half an hour, without removing the cylinder head. The liquid does not clog or affect the water circulation in any way, but maintains its liquid form until it oozes through a crack, where it forms a a.32 deposit to fill the fracture, and one which, it is claimed, will withstand high temperature and water pressure. It can be used in conjunction with new or used vehicles, and is obtainable from Douglas Holt Est, 1919, Ltd., 9, Little Turnstile, Holborn, London, W.C.1, at 15s. a pint or 25s. a quart.
One of the real pioneers of the automobile industry, M. Georges Banton, died on Tuesday, at the age of Pl. He will always be remembered for his association with De Dion Bouton vehicles.
The death occurred recently of Mr. Thomas L. Price, a director of Blackstone and Co., Ltd., of Stamford. He was in his 85th year. He joined the Blackstone concern, when it was known as Messrs. Jeffrey and Blackstone, in 1884, being elected to the board in 1935.
We learn, with regret, of the death of Mr. James Watt, M.I.A.E., which took place at Hove, on October 30, after a long illness. It will be remembered that he was for many years associated with the Albion concern ; since then and until his illness, Mr. .Watt was engaged in the development of machines, trailers, etc., for the showman's business. LICENSING AUTHORITY CRITICIZES ACT.
Change of the nature and area of activity, in respect of two of his vehicles, resulted in a Walsall haulage contractor losing the licences. Application was made, last month, by Mr. L. Guymer for the renewal of licences for three vehicles, under conditions which would allow of his continuing work to which he had changed since the granting of the licences. Mr. Guyrner explained that, owing to some of the work proving undependable he had had to seek other work, and had obtained contracts, through clearing houses, for long-distance haulage.
The West Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. H. Trevor Morgan, K.C., giving his suspended decision, at Birmingham, cited decisions of the Appeal Tribunal in similar instances, in which the haulier had been unsuccessful, and said that, whilst he felt it his duty to follow those decisions and disallow the application in respect of the vehicles engaged in the different work, he was aware that considerable hardship would be caused to the applicant by the refusal. "But," the Commissioner added, "the Act of Parliament does not allow me to take into consideration such hardship, though I must state that I have some doubt as to whether it was the intention of the legislature, in passing the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, to bring about a state of affairs which would cause suth hardship."