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Hammering Away Along the Lines of Oar Criticism Will Improve the Transport Position 0 UR series of leading articles...
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Industrial OrganizaA FEATURE of the latest tions Becoming Interreport of the Road Research ested in Road Research Board is the...
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Of a reader who says that beer is always best. That relatively few of the old London tram drivers have been transferred to...
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road-transport services, revealed during the recent crisis, was commented upon by Mr. Frederick Smith, head of the transport...
In the Chancery Division, on Monday, Mr. Justice Bennett approved a reduction of the capital of TillingStevens, Ltd., from...
Scheme A FEATURE of the W.D. Welsh Trials has always been that they are not competitive, but are rather tests of types. FOr...
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MR. L. RUITENBURG, director and general manager of Consolidated Near East Co., Ltd., the Leyland assent 1n Palestine, has...
place on Tuesday, was a luncheon given by White Distributors (Great Britain), Ltd., 74a. Regent Street, London, W.1, in honour...
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Records of drivers employed by Mr. Harry E. Bleach, of Lavant, near Chichester, were examined by Sir Henry Piggott,...
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The Road Research Board Reports a Year of Advancement, During Which Light Has . Been Thrown on Some Important Problems of...
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By Fitting the Right Tyre for the Job, Operators Can Put an End to Premature Bursts and Heavy Tyre Bills T HIS article is not...
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S UCH was the importance of a case before the Appeal Tribunal in London, last week, thkt it Was found necessary to continue it...
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and QUERIES BAD- OPERATORS RUIN HAULAGE BUSINESS. [5485] Further to letter No. 5482, in your issue dated October 28, I also...
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How Tubes and Covers May Be Repaired Pormanently. Without Skill or Special Knowledge A strenuous test *La Sews Seal Fast patch...
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A Cheltenham Operator Covers the Country with Vans and Trailers to Offer Milk-bar Service to Thou sands of People I N recent...
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A Tractive Unit for Articulated-outfit Work and a 32-seater Bus Named the Falcon, Offered with Dennis Petrol Engine or Perkins...
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7 FOR THE SMALL HAULIER C OMPREHENSIVELY and completely, I dealt with systems of cost recording for hauliers and ancillary...
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T HE case in which a Manchester motor salesman had been accused of allowing an A licence to be used by a person other than the...
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Free Road Transport of the Railway Stranglehold and Make it a First String in the Country's Defence Measures T ". question "...
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"THE ACT" BLAMED FOR CRISIS FARCE. " Recent events have shown the tremendous part that roads and road transport must play when...
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S TRONG support for The Commercial Motor, in connection with its stawi regarding deficiencies in road-transport-emergency...
MEVER has such a good muster of N operators (A, B and C licence holders) been seen, in Manchester, as that which assembled for...
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T HE name of Cumberland Motor Services, Ltd., describes well the work oâ a company that satisfies the passenger-transport...
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The Importance of Small-radius Transport, the Progress of its Vehicles, its Difficulties, and its Needs, Form the Subject of an...
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Dyson Four-wheeled Attachment Designed for Long, Flexible Loads and Built for Use with E.R.F. Tractive Unit Con vertible to...
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How America Brings the Goods to the Purchaser in Lavishly Appointed Radio Equipped Display Van O RIGINAL as are many of our own...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT TRAFFIC EXAMINER WINS HIGH COURT APPEAL A N appeal wilieh, according to-Mr. Valentine Holmes, the...
A T West London Police 'Court, oh FridaY' last, a coach Operator was summoned for:failing - to comply with the Conditions of...
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A S from January 1 next, passengers waiting in a queue to board London Transport vehicles must take their turn. or they will...
A N allegation that certain inde.pendent motor-coach operators were not carrying out all the conditions of their licences for...
⢠ICURTHER to the details given in our 1 issue for last week, in connection with the fifth annual report and accounts of the...
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A Resume" of Recently Published Patent Specifications Obtainable from the Patent Office, Price is. Each A DESIGN for a...