What the Associations Are Doing
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" Recent events have shown the tremendous part that roads and road transport must play when the nation is faced with the threat of war. They have shown the inability of our present road system to cope with such exceptional demands."
Such was the opening of a speech given by Mr. Gaston Vincent, of the B.R.F., to Bath Chamber of Commerce, on Monday last. He went on to say that such events had revealed the equally serious fact that there was, actually, an insufficient number of vehicles to meet the requirements of a national emergency.
The whole point, he said, was that the shortage of vehicles was undoubtedly due to the artificial restrictions, imposed upon the expansion of the industry, by the 1933 Act. We were faced, as a result of the working of the Act, with the threat of the gradual extinction of long-distance road haulage, and the possibility of an eventual rail way monopoly. The remedies were plain and the B.R.F. urged the following points:—The automatic renewal of licences, subject to the observance of regulations; that the currency period of all licences be increased to five years; that the onus of proof of objection be upon objectors; that full particulars cf the objections be given before the hearing; that information regarding the customers of applicants should not be disclosed.
Livestock Haulage in Wolverhampton.
The question of rates, for haulage of livestock, is being thrashed out in the Wolverhampton area and on Thursday, . November 17, Mr. H. Scott Hall, M.1.A.E., M.I.T.A. (S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert), is to address -a meeting of those interested, suggesting fair rates and giving the proper basis for the calculation of such
rates. The time and place will be announced later, but particulars can be obtained from Mr. G. F. Goodwin, the area secretary, whose address is 17. Dudley Street, Wolverhampton.
Tees-aide Chamber Consults A.R.O.
A letter from the Ministry of Transport, stating that recommendations were contemplated, to secure a more general observance of the Road and Rail Traffic Act„ 1933, was considered at a meeting, last week, of the Tees-side Chamber of. Commerce, at Middlesbrough. It *was reported that a letter had been received from the A.R.O., Newcastle-on-Tyne, stating that the prevalence of breaches of the road statutes and regulations was not admitted and that the Association bad no knowledge of excessive hours of work, the use of unauthorized vehicles, or of vehiclesused in contravention of the conditions of the licence.
Alderman 13. 0. Davies thought it 1312 would be a good thing it operators co-operated with the Ministry, in this latest move, and he expressed the belief that it Idould lead to a strengthening of the industry. Mr L. E. Marx said the Ministry's plan would help the bigger concerns and weed out the smaller concerns which could not observe the regulations. He thought the proposals should be welcomed, instead of opposed. BAKERS WHO USE PRIVATE CARS FOR TRADE PURPOSES.
" It is another example of the old saying that one can ' drive a horse and carriage through an Act of Parlia• ment,' " declared Mr. Bruce Small, secretary of the National Association of Bakers and Confectioners, at a recent meeting at Swansea, when complaint was made to him that some bakers were making use of private cars for the purpose of trade, and thus had not to issue their drivers with record books. A similar problem, he said, wa3 the use of trailers on private cars.
Mr. Fletcher declared that it was not fair that one baker should be able to employ a man to drive a private car for as long as he wanted, yet, when a man was employed to drive a van, he had to carry a log book and could only drive for a specified time. Mr. Bruce Small agreed that an unfair advantage had thus been created for one trader over another.
A.R.O.'s Brighton Dinner.
The annual dinner and entertainment of the Brighton Sub-area of A.R.O. will take place at the Queen's Head Hotel, Queen's Road, Brighton, on Saturday. November 12, at 6.45 p.m. Tickets, at 5s. each, can be obtained from the hon. secretary, Mr. W. Fackharn, " Strathfield," South Road, Brighton, 6. Those who have previously attended this function will recall that it is a most enjoyable one.
A Wages Board for Leicester.
A meeting of the following associations was held in Leicester, last week, for the purpose of creating a Wages Board for Leicester and district, to deal with matters relating to the Road Haulage Wages Act, 1933:—C.14I.U.A., A.R.O., Leicester and District Horse and MotorOwners' Transport Association, Midlands Area Coach and Transport Association.
It was decided that two members from etch association be asked to serve on the panel. Mr. W. Latham was elected chairman and Mr. E. Northfold secretary.
Furniture Removers' Conference Plans.
At the autumnal conference of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers, which opens on November 16 at the Hotel Victoria, Northumberland Avenue, London, W.C.2, a comprehensive review of " What the Association Has Done and is Doing " will be given by a number of leading personalities in the furniture-removal industry.
On the following day, the proposed rates structure for the removals industry will be considered, whilst :Mr_ C. H. Batty will speak on the Wages Act. .
The annual luncheon of the Association follows, at which the principal guest will he the Minister of Transport. S.T.R. TO VISIT DERBY.
Further steps towards rationalization of rates, for municipal and similar contracts of haulage, are being taken in many quarters by A.R.O. area committees. On Thursday, November 10, the Derby Sub-area of the east-midland area, acting upon joint suggestions by the Traffic Authority for the area and the transport manager of Derby Corporation, is sending a deputation to
the latter. This deputation will be accompanied by Mr. H. Scott Hall, M.I.A.E., 11+1.I.T.A. (The Commercial )llotcr costs expert, S.T.R.). * On the evening of the same day, S.T.R. is to address an open meeting in Derby, in company with Mr. J. L. Kinder.
Western A.R.O.'s Progress.
A drive for membership, in the Western Area of A.R.O., during the month of October, has resulted in an addition of 17 new members.
A Successful A.R.O. Dinner.
The annual dance of the Western Area of A.R.O. was recently held at the Grand Spa Hotel, Clifton. Major Eric Long and his wife and daughter were present, and a presentation was made, by Captain Jones, to celebrate the completion of 22 years of married life of Major and Mr's. Long.
Co-ordinating Rates in Lancs. , Representatives of the various branches of national transport assochtions, in the Lancashire area, recently held a joint conference in Manchester, as the result of which there has been formed at area central committee for the purpose of co-ordinating the wOrk of the local committees in connection
with the rates structure. This committee will function as a link between local committees and the National Liaison Committee.
Amongst the associations which are immediately interested are
C.M.U.A., Blackburn C.M.U.A. and R.T.A., Bolton C.M.LT.A. and E.T.A., Liverpool and North Wales C.M.U.A., South East Lancs C.M.U.A., Burnley C.M.U.A. and R.T.A., the South East Lanes A.R.O., and the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners'
The area rates committee will take preliminary stops tO set up joint local rates committees, composed of representatives of the national associations in the following areas:—(1) Merseyside (where there is already a committee which is functioning); (2) Manchester; (3) Bolton, Blackburn and Burnley; and • (4) Preston and the remaining parts of the North Western Traffic Area, northward, including Blackpool and Morecambe. Mr. J. A. Wilson has been appointed permanent chairman of the central committee.
All local rates committees have been asked to nominate their delegates to the committee not later than November 8, so that the first meeting of the central rates committee may be held in Manchester on November 15.