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British Tractor for Antarctic

4th November 1955
Page 33
Page 33, 4th November 1955 — British Tractor for Antarctic
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THE only mechanical land transport taken by the expedition of Hunting Aerosurveys, Ltd., to Graham Land, in the Antarctic, when they sailed in October, was a David Brown 30ITD oil-engined track-laying tractor.

The expedition, which is being undertaken on behalf of the Colonial Office, left London in an ice-breaker to set up a base in Whalers' Bay, a disused whaling station on Deception Island. An area of some 50,000 square miles will be Furveyed from this base.

Unloading the tractor on an ival at .the island will be accomplished by use of an arrangement of pontoons and girders of the type in •general use with the Royal Engineers and -known as a shore-landing raft.

This is the first time a David Brown tractor will operate in polar conditions and every effort was taken beforehand to make sure that the unit will be able to • work efficiently. It is fitted with a hydraulic'bulldozer and Boughton towing winch, and has been modified to combat the severe operating conditions that will be encountered.

Special slotted trackplates with grousers designed to •prevent packing with snow and ice, and a Bray radiator heater have been fitted. The electric system has been changed to 24v. to conform with the expedition's other electrical equipment. All the lubricating oils taken by the expedition are of a viscosity suitable for work in low temperatures.

The tractor will be used mainly for sledge hauling, .ghort-distance personnel transport, hauling the expedition's two Canso amphibious aircraft out of the • sea, and clearing a parking area for the aircraft on occasions when leaving them in the water would invite serious damage from the frequent violent -stOrms.

Its work will start as soon as the 'tracks touch the island, and will end only when the survey is completed and the expedition with its equipment leaves for England.