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T HE Budget has removed all hope of stabilizing road transport Costs: Indeed, the increase in pur chase tax on goods-vehicle...
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T HE sale of B.R.S. (Parcels), Ltd., to private enterprise is of political and practical importance to the road transport...
Dangers Facing Mechanics rOLOURED workers are less susceptible to skin irritation than whites_ American experience leads to a...
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That all sorts of things can be blown oil lorries in gales—even drivers' mates. That, despite some similarity of sound, hire...
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T HE Metropolitan Licensing Authority on Monday revoked the C licence held by Mr. Percy Williams, 177 Eastern Avenue, Ilford,...
R ENEWED efforts were made this week by the Road Haulage Association to secure some relief from balancing charges on haulage...
A NEW long-term project by Transport Equipment (Thornycroft), Ltd., is revealed by Sir John E. Thornycroft, chairman of John I....
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TUDGMENT was reserved at Chester held County Court last week in a claim for .163 2s. damages made lay Chesterfield Transport...
THE justice of reduced fares for " workmen " was questioned by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, chairman of the Northern Licensing...
" T HESE are two of the most outrageous documents I have ever seen. . . They should he sent to the Ministry of Transport to see...
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MR. E. M. SHEPHERD has been appointed general line representative of the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., in the counties of Angus,...
NAANY drivers did, not know that it IV' was entirely. at. their own option whether they made a statement to the police after an...
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1ST R.6 was unexpectedly issued on 1 - 4 Wednesday by the British Transport Commission, It comprises seven units with premises....
1-1 . A MAJORITY of London's 55.000 bus workers has voted in favour of accepting the pay increase of 14s. a week for drivers...
C ONSERVAT1VE back-bench opinion was firmly in favour of the abolition of the levy . , our political correspondent reported on...
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T HE largest river bridge built in Britain since the war, on the £2m. by-pass at Neath, South Wales, was formally opened to...
Road Traffic Bill in the Commons Again : Minister Accepts Amendment on Parking BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT 'THE...
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FOUR passenger transport organ izalions have Asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer to receive. a deputation to hear their case...
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A LORRY driver who injured his 1 -3 father in an accident while at work will have to compensate his employers for the damages...
A WARNING that he might inquire into services run by a Notts coach concern was given by Mr. A. G. Curtis, chairman of the East...
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THE East Midland Licensing I. Authority has renewed for a year a licence permitting the Lincolnshire Road Car Co., Ltd., to run...
The Power Petroleum Co., Ltd., have moved their Midland branch to King Edward House, New Street, Birmingham, 2. Users of...
mEw offices for 'Essex Carriers, Ltd., . 1 . 1 at Great Tarpots, Benfleet, Essex, were opened last Friday by Mr. W. P. S....
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A T an appeal . hearing at Newcastle upon Tyne last week, Mr. T. H. C. WardlaW subtnitted that it was wrong for a Licensing...
THE Transport Tribunal in London last week reserved judgment when Williams Bros., of Alyndene, Treuddyn, near Mold, appealed...
A N appeal by a man whose applicarA tion for a B licence for one vehicle was refused by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority...
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A MONO the Daimler exhibits which 71 will be shown on Stand 71 at Kelvin Hall next week, is a 66-seat double-deck bus with an...
THE only mechanical land transport taken by the expedition of Hunting Aerosurveys, Ltd., to Graham Land, in the Antarctic, when...
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Thornycroft Chassis Swiftsure 30 m.p.h. 6-61-tonner, 24ton Gross Eight-wheeler and Trident Tractor A LOW-WEIGHT 6-61-ton goods...
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'T ECHNICAL unorthodoxy is cam1 bined with smart appearance in the Little Horse 31-cwt. van, a new product of Jam Motors, Ltd.,...
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T HE driver of a fire-fighting appliance normally has only a Limited oppertunity to gain extensive experience of handling the...
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By Our Legal Adviser A LTHOUGH litigation is always to be avoided if possible, there are many occasions when operators or...
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Stick to the 1953 Act NOW that the political situation is likely to remain stable for a few years, the Government should...
A SIDE-MOUNTED crane having a maximum lift capacity of 5 tons at 4 ft. reach and 2 tons at 10 ft. has been developed by County...
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HAMLET.: Do you see ' yonder cloud that's almost in , shape of a camel? POLONIUS : By the mass, and 'tis like a.camel,...
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Pantechnicons P ANTECHNICON bodies of 1,550cu.-ft. capacity, based on Austin 3-ton oil-engined chassis, are being built by...
S AYING that the younger generation 1, - , should prepare :themselves for the increasing number of vacancies now arising within...
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Only 25 of 39 Services 14 by Leigh : Six Joint Oper, Collieries Help to Spread I First Profit for Five Years in 1! By Andrew...
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L'IGHT refrigerated articulated outfits are being added to the fleet of 300 vehicles operated by J. Hanson and Sons, Ltd.,...
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Premises and 20 Operational Vehicles Go to Big London Coach Operator T HE tender of Valliant Direct Coaches, Ltd., 38 Uxbridge...
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PIA GULLY-EMPTIER which can work in passages only 4 ft. wide has been designed and built by Doncaster Highways Department in...
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Solving the Problems of the Carrier Importance of Keeping Separate Records for Each Vehicle : How to Use Cost Figures : Total...
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A NEW type of delivery vehicle has been put..into service by Shell-?vfex and B.P., Ltd., for supplying lubricating hl in hulk....
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HE application of a 'servo device to • I rack-and-pinion steering mechanism forms the subject of patent No. 735,641. The patent...