A.C.G.B.I. Van Trials Diary.
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One Explanation of the Dissatisfaction which Exists on the Part of the Users.
Oct. 15th.-Trials suggested in Automobile Club Notes and Notices.
June 19th.-Suggestion repeated in Notes and Notices.
July 21s1.-Executive Committee of Automobile Club decides to hold Van Trials" in about a year," and to call a meeting of users to settle conditions. Letter from Messrs. Cadbury Bros. offering co-operation, and contribution received with thanks, July 28th.-Executive Committee sanctions issue of letter draw.
and large stores likely to require motor vans ing attention to proposed trials to leading firms capable of carrying not more than a ton of load. Oct. 9th to Nov. 27th. -Favourable replies reported to successive meetings of the Executive Committee. Dec. 4th.-Conference held at the Automobile Club between users, prospective users, and makers. Resolution:: passed to hold trials for vans, designed to carry from 5cwt, to 2 tons of load, about the end of 1903 or the beginning of 1904. Dec. 8th.-Result of conference reported to Executive Committee.
Dec. 15th.-Offers to serve on the Organisation Committee reported to the Executive Committee.
Dec. 22nd.-Further offers similarly reported. 1903.
Jan. 12th to Feb. 2nd.-Further offers similarly reported. Mar. 9th.-Executive Committee defers consideration of the offers to serve on Organisation Committee.
Mar. 16th.-Ditto ditto ditto.
April 20th.-Ditto ditto ditto, "in view of the enormous amount of work involved by the Gordon-Bennett Race."
May 4th.-Executive Committee decides that the three secretaries and Mr. Claude Johnson shall draw up a reference as to the duties and composition of the Committee of Organisation before its election.
May llth.-Executive Committee decides that the secretaries shall see users and draw up a scheme for the trials.
May 25th.-Executive Committee approves general scheme. Copies to be circulated to the technical members of the Executive Committee for criticism.
May 28th.-The Club Journal announces that "the preparation of a scheme for the forthcoming Delivery Van Trials is well forward" June 22nd.-Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders offers two gold medals for presentation in the Van Trials "about to be held" by the Club. Oct. 26th.-Executive Committee appoints a sub-committee "to draft a scheme for the trials."
Nov. 12th.-letter received by Executive Committee from Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders asking to be informed "the precise position of the pre
parations for the Van Trials." Secretary instructed to reply that the arrangements are not yet in a sufficiently advanced position to enable the Club to make any statement."
Nov. 30th.-" Informal" meeting of the sub-committee appointed October 26th, Dec. 14th.-The Club Committee appoints a Club Committee of Organisation "to formulate a scheme for the trials," and decides to hold the competition during the months of October and November, 1904. 1961.
Feb. 8th.-Offers to serve on the Organisation Committee reported to Executive Committee.
Feb. 22nd.-Offer of a diploma from the Secretary of the Army Council, with condition attached that the Mechanical Transport Committee of the War Office be represented on the Judges' Committee, accepted. April 6th.-" A very full discussion "takes place at a meeting of the Expert and Technical Committee, which recommends that the trials be held in Febrilary, 1905.
April 28th.-Expert and Technical Committee alter date to March, 1905, to avoid clashing with Olympia Show.
May 25th.-Ditto to April, 1905, to. avoid Agricultural Hall Show.
Aug. 16th.-Expert and Technical Committee decides that heavy vehicles, that is, those carrying up to 6 tons, shall be dealt with in a separate trial.
Oct. 24th.-Club Committee. decides that in the event of its being necessary to hold trials of heavy motor vehicles at a later date than April, 1905, the trials of light delivery vans should not be postponed on that account.
Dec. 7th. -Expert and Technical Committee appoints another sub-committee to draw up rules.
Jan. 6th-industrial Committee resolves-" That the Technical Committee be asked to furnish this Committee with full particulars as to what form the proposed Light Van Trials should take, and also to consider the possibility, or otherwise, of combining with the Light Van Trials trials for heavy vans."
11th-Expert and Technical Committee considers resolution Jan. of Industrial Committee, and resolves that it is desirable to combine the light and heavy trials. Matter referred to the sub-committee appointed on December 7th.
20th.-Expert and Technical Committee approves draft Jan. regulations.
Feb. 24th.-Expert and Technical Committee resolves-"That the whole of the scheme of the Commercial Vehicle Trials be reconsidered."
Mar. 27th.-Resolutions of the Industrial Committee : (a) That in the opinion of the Industrial Committee the Light Van Trials, that is, vans capable of carrying a load up to 2 tons, should be held, even if the Pleasure Car Trials have to be abandoned.
(b) That Commercial Vehicle Trials for all classes of vehicles, both heavy and light, should be carried out by the Club this year.
Mar. 29th.-Expert and Technical Committee resolves-(1) "That the Commercial Vehicle Trials for 1903 be limited to the light delivery van carrying up to 2 tons" ; (2) "That the whole of the regulations be referred back to the sub-committee, consisting of Mr. Cozens-Hardy, Mr. O'Gorman, and Mr. Phillips, to be re-drafted."
April llth.-Meeting of a sub-committee. Above remit of Expert and Technical Committee dealt with by Prof. Vernon Boys, Messrs. Phillips and Lyons Sampsoa. Regulations considered and revised.
April 17th.-Expert and Technical Committee decides to consult with a sub-committee of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders on May 4th. (Meeting duly held.) May 23rd.-Expert and Technical Committee approves final proofs of regulations.
June 2nd.-" Provisional" regulations issued : trials announced to take place from September 20th forward.
June 28th.-Club Committee resolves that the Trials Committee be composed of the Technical Committee, and that the quorum be three instead of five.
Aegust 22nd.-Expert and Technical Committee resolves to postpone the trials until "next year" (i.e., 1906).
October 5th.-Expert and Technical Committee " finally " resolves that the trials shall commence in the second week of August, 1906.
Jan. llth.-Committee of Motor Van, Wagon and Omnibus Users' Association reminds the Club that the trials call for early attention.
March 7th.-Club Committee considers a letter from Chairman of the M.V.W.O.U.A., in which it is suggested that the Club arid the Association should together conduct the 1906 trials. Resolved
" That the question be referred to the proper Committees, with instructions to confer with the Association with a view to carrying out the trials, and to report to the Committee at the earliest possible moment."
It was also directed that the thanks of the Committee be conveyed to the M.V.W.0: U.& for its kind offer of Assistance..
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March 21st.—Expert and Technical Committee decides to confer
with representatives of the " for the purpose of considering the carrying out of the postponed commercial vehicle trials."
March 30th.—Conference held. Left to representatives of M.V.W.O.U.A. "to proceed in the matter and to report in a fortnight's time."
Apr_l 20th.—Club advised by M.V.W.O.U.A. that the necessary co-operation of Carter Paterson and Company, Limited, and of Picklord's, Limited, had been arranged, and April 26th suggested as a convenient date for next conference.
May 10th.—Second conference held. Portion of draft regulations jointly prepared.
May 14th.--Third ditto.
May 18th.—Fourth ditto. May 28th.—Fifth Conference held. Letter read from lion. Arthur Stanley, M.P., intimating that, in no cir curnstances, can a joint committee conduct the trials. Representatives of M.V.W.O.U.A.. thereupon withdraw.
6th.--Club Commitme defers consideration of the trials to the July meeting.
12th.—Committee resolves to apply A.C.G.I3.1. for a permit to conduct the trials under the Club's competition rules.
25th.--Club Committee refuses permit on the ground that it has already announced its intention to hold the trials.
July 31st.-1-10u. Arthur Stanley, M.P., attends committee of M.V.W. (=LILA.
gLsz 20th.—Representatives of A.. C.G.I3,1. and M.V.W.O.U.A. Committees meet. l:Co agreement as to composititm of Trials Committee is arrived at, and Mr. Stanley repeats that a joint committee is inadmissible.
August 24th.—Col. Crompton circularises members of the Asso_ ciation and the Press. Juno July July