Personal Pars
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Mae S. C. SEWARD has resigned from the board of Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd.
MaE. H. HOWES has been re-elected to the puolic relations committee of the Road Haulage Association.
MR. W. E. YATES has become a director of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., following the resignation of Mc I. Shearmari.
Ma. A. W. Tice, of the engineering staff of Leyland Motors, Ltd., is leaving for Australia, where he will assist in the management of the company's Sydney decree
MR. H. T. HUNNISEIT, Of Morris Motors, Ltd., the first winner of a Nuffield engineering scholarship valued at £250 a year, will enter Birmingham University this month.
MR.. GILBERT WAY, who was deputy sales director at Fort Dunlop before the war, has returned to the Fort from the Royal Army Ordnance Corps as manager of the base stores.
THE EARL OF HOPETOUN, M.C., has been appointed a director of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., in place of SIR BRUCE G. WITITE, K.B.E., who has resigned.
MR. EDWARD Aunts has been appointed Goodyear sales engineer. He will be concerned with national and mileage accounts, and have headquarters at the company's Wolverhampton factory.
MR. W. 3. EVANS has been appointed to succeed MR. W. M. LITTLE as general manager of Reading transport undertaking. Mr. Evans was formerly chief engineer of Cardiff Corporation Transport Department.
MR. R. T. GRANTHAM, general sales manager of the Brockhouse organization, has been awarded the insignia of the Legion of Merit by America 4' for services in the Allied cause." Ile was deputy director of mechanization (production) during the war.
Ma. C. COURTNEY CRAMP having expressed desire to relinquish the presidency, of the industrial Transport Association on completion of his third term of office, CAPT. THP RT. HON. LORD TEYNHAM, D.S.O., D.S.C., has been elected and installed as his successor.
Ma. C. F. RUSSELL, general manager of Specialloid, Ltd., is now in Montreal, where he, is making final the adniinistrative arrangements at the company's new faetory. He hopes also to visit the branch in Buenos Aires, as well as a number of the company's customers in the South American Republic.
chairman of the National Savings Advisory Committee of the Road Transport Industry, 20, Great Smith Street, London, S.W.1, will accept invitations for November-February to attend company or municipal staff functions to speak about National Savings.
MR. G. J. RACKHAM, M.I.A.E., chief engineer of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd, plans to leave, in the New Year, on a trip to the U.S.A. and Canada, where he will visit both heavy vehicle manufacturers and transport operators. In the U.S.A. his itinerary will take him to New York, Cleveland, Detroit, Philadelphia and Washington, among other cities.
The London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co. announces that Mr. F. JOSEPH. district road motor engineer. Blackburn, has taken up a similar appointment in London, in place of MR. A. BRENINALL, who has retired, Mit_ T. W. BRAITHWAITE, district foreman, road motor engineer's department, Birmingham (Saltley), has become district road motor engineer at Blackburn.
Ma. REGINALD WORSDALE, sales manager of Reynolds Tube Co., Ltd. (Light Alloy Division), since May, 1934, and of Reynolds Rolling Mills, Ltd., since its inception, has resigned these appointments. On October I he became director and sales manager of Birmabright, Ltd., and sales manager of Birrnetals, Ltd. Before his previous appoirtiments he served, from 1923, with the Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd.
MR. A. S. BISHOP, Sales director, and Ma. S. OXON, manager of the manufacturers' sales department, have just corn !Acted 30 years' service with the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd. To mark the occasion, presentations were made last week to both of them by MR. W. A. HAZLETT, managing director. LORD TRENCHARO and MR. L. S. AMERY, directors of the company, and Ma. P. H. SULLIVAN, secretary, were present.
The Hoyt Metal Co., of Great Britain, Ltd., announces that MR. C. .1. Kenoin has retired from the position of managing director, after having served the company for 34 years. Mr, .Knight's services are retained as consultant and he remains on the board. MR. J. CAMPBELL HART, B.A. (Oxon), A.M.LMech.E„ A.I.N.A., M.Inst.F.„ has joined the company as managing director. MR. CHARLES V. BONE, F.I.A.C., secretary of the company for 10 years, has been appointed to the board.
MR. C. E. JORDAN, transport manager, Ac-cles and Pollock, Ltd., Oldbury, has been elected chairman of the transport committee of Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, in succession to the late Mr. M. MacDonagh, and chairman of the traders panel of the Railway and Traders' Conference for the Birmingham, South Staffordshire, East Worcestershire and North Warwickshire area, in place of Mr. T. Parker Smith, who died recently. Earlier in the year, Mr. Jordan was re-elected chairman of the road traffic section of the Chamber of Commerce, and of the West Midland
• area of the Traders' Road Transport Association respectively.