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T HE first international motor show to be held since the War opened in Paris on Thursday. October 3. -Historically, the oldest...
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Allowed to Extend WEIRD are the ways of Garage but Not Clean TT bureaucracy. We learn of Floor a case where a man took over a...
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The query: " Are double-deck buses mechanical monstrosities?" That the Clarendon, Hammersmith, must have become heated at the...
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PARK ROYAL MAKES NEW ALLIANCES A N agreement• has been reached by Park Royal Coachworks, Ltd., Abbey Road, Park Royal, N.W.I0,...
T'HE criticism that multiplicity of rates schedules is causing chaos in the road transport industry was voiced at a meeting of...
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OFFICIAL FIGURES REFUTE SUGGESTION OF MONOPOLY naFFICIAL statistics were quoted by kJ Mr. R. G. Meager, in an address to the...
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Mae S. C. SEWARD has resigned from the board of Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd. MaE. H. HOWES has been re-elected to the puolic...
results for the past year. Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd., made a trading loss of £35,272. after charging depreciation and...
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IN recent months, a number of success" fat European concerns in China has reported increasing difficulties in dealings with...
Messrs. Kinninniont Karavans have opened premises at 15, South Wharf, London, .W.2. The head office of Nuffield Acceptances,...
A TYPE of oil-control ring which PA. comes into full action only after a definite period of running is that known as the...
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By the Technical Editor W HILST there have, m the past, been several instances of engine makers toying with the idea of...
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winter Irlf season and the longer hours of darkness, operators will be paying mere attention to the condition of the batteries...
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By H. R. Morgan HAVE discovered that the best way to go about a major I overhaul is to sectionalize it, and the vehicle, to...
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Should Continue Sags R. G. Crowther, A Yorkshire Operator, in a Stinging Reply to the Suggestion by "Tantalus" that they...
D EPICTFD in an accompanying illustration is a 1,000-cubic-ft. furniture van body built by Star Bodies, Ltd., Star Works, 115,...
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W/E recently dealt with a number of YV specialized vehicles supplied to the Iraq Petroleum Co., Ltd., for use in the oilfields....
A N accompanying illustration shows a 30-cwt. Bedford with a body built to the special requirements of Percy TriInick, Ltd.,...
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of ancient Canterbury city, it seems possible at all times to see one or_ more of the familiar red buses of the East Kent Road...
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read the article by Mr. W. H. Goddard, in " your issue dated May 17, and that by Mr. J. Pickles, in the issue of September 20,...
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L AST week we referred briefly to the particularly interesting and compact exhibition staged by Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., at its...
NIMONIC 80—THE NEW NICKELBASE ALLOY A PROPOS of the articles at present tappearing in this journal dealing with the gas...
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N OW embarked upon its large replatement programme, London Transport heads the list of recent purchasers of A.E.C.s With a new...
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SOLVING THE PROBLEMS OF THE CARRIER T HE HE next fluctuating item on o rr cost analysis sheet is Wages." The recording of...
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A Risme' of Recently Published Patent Specifications MOVING floor for lorries is sho.-vn in patent No. 577,734, by S. Walker,...