In Public Service.
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Leyland Motors, Ltd., exclusively uses the Rees-Boturbo turbine pump.
A service of three-wheeled taxicabs for two passengers is about to be started in Leipzig.
At an estimated cost of 24000, the Devonport (Auckland) Fecry Co. proposes to establish a motorbus service.
The. Austin Motor Co., Ltd., is supplying the Portsmouth Corporation with a motor ambulance to cost S:,585.
Aberdeen Town Council has resolved to purchase three Halley wagons, at a cost of £722 each, for employment in connection with its Cairnery tip.
In Stockholm, we are informed, a fleet of Phanornobile cabs has recently been introdneed. Although they have rather an unusual appearance, they are reported to be doing excellent business.
The Road Sub-committee of Aberdeen has entered into an arrangement with the Great North of Scotland Railway Co. by which the latter concern agrees to pay three-eighths of the cost of the removal of snow from the roads used by it in winter.
A Progressive Glasgow Transport Organization.
The business for which The Caledonian Automobile Services, Ltd., is responsible. is an excellent example of a useful transport organization as between a city and the purrounding villages. The corn party at present owns six Halleys, and there are one or two more on order for delivery in the next spring. The weekly mileage which is at present run approximates 1500. The services are almost entirely for passengers, and the cars sre constructed to carry from 20 to 35 passengers. In -addition, however, there are three mail services, and there is a small business in parcels. All the services which the company now runs were formerly maintained by horsed vehicles, but, of course, these latter did their work inadequately. Since the displacement of these vehicles by motors, the traffic has increased enormously. Much of the success which has attended the operations of this company is due to the fact that horses were so .handicapped on the long gradients which occur on the roads operated by the concern: Over and above the ordinary regu)ar daily services, there is, of course, a considerable amount of hiring work for excursions, and it is the proud boast of the company that during the five years of its existence there has only been one instance of a mechanical breakdown of any moment.
The receipts of the National Steam Car Co., Ltd., for the 10 days ended 31st August, 1913, were IrSOS. This shows an increase of 2013 over the corresponding 10 days of 1912.
The total of licensed motorbuses plying for hire on the London streets on the 31st of last month was 3322. This shows an increase of 13 over the preceding month.
The Special Purposes Committee of the Chelmsford Council is considering the request on the part of the National Steam Car Co., which concern has taken over the local motorbus service from the G.E.R., asking the council to restrict the licences for motorbuses in the borough of that company.
To Keep Motorbuses out of Dartford.
The authorities at Dartford have received a letter from Balfour, Beatty and Co., the lessees of the hteal tramways suggesting that it would be in the best interests of the council as owners of the tramways to refuse to grant licences for motorbuses to ply for hire in the district, as the tramway service is quite adequate for the public convenience. The council will consider this letter when the proposed application of the Gravesend and Northfieet Electric Tramways, Ltd., for licences to run motorbuses in the district, comes up for consideration. Hove Fire Brigade is to purchase a 14Ierryweather 400-gallon firebrigade pump for £950.
A fleet of 20 35 h.p. Bussing double-deck motorbuses has just been put in service in Leipzig.
The Shipley District Council has now decided to purchase a Merryweather motor fire-engine at a cost of Elr00.
The municipal authorities of Sydney, N.S.W., have recently decided to acquire three electricallypropelled street-cleaning machines.
On account of the absence of footpaths and the narrowness of the roads between Leigh and Westerham via Keston and Cudham, the projected motorbus service along that route is not to be started.
It would appear that at last a definite attempt is to be made to bring Manchester's taxicab service into line with almost every other town of importance in this country, and to insist that they shall be provided with effective taximeters.
A Six-days Chars-a-bancs Tour.
The Bath Electric Tramways, Ltd., is making a great feature, for this year's holiday season, of motor char-k-bancs trips and excursions. A remarkable instance was one. to Cloutsharn to witness the opening meet of the Devon and Somerset staghounds. The return journey to Bath Was made on the same day via Minchead, the total distance covered Icing about 170 miles. This enterprise, however, has been quite eclipsed by the six days tour which the company ran last week. On Monday the journey was made from Bath to Brecon, on Tuesday thence to Barmouth, proceeding next day to Llandudno; on the Thursday to Delgelly, on to Shrewsbury on Friday, and on S.aturday Shrewsbury back to Bath. So. many were the applications for seats that a further similar tour has been organized for the present week.