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Officially Recognized by The Commercial Motor Users Association. The Authority on all forms of Motor Transport. Largest...
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A Description of the Most Recent Practice in Motorbus Body Construction. Judging by the similarity in appearance of most of...
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There can be no doubt. but that the fuel question is a 'burning " one in more ways than one just now. The cost of rubber tires,...
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Glasgow. Examples of Local Motor Delivery th Sausages, Bread, Newspapers, Pastry, Stationery, Drapery, Cinematograph Films,...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. REMINDERS. A summary of the French War...
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The Social Side of Dennis'. About CaravannersThe Benevolent Fund. By " The Extractor." It will have been noticed that we have...
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Leyland Motors, Ltd., exclusively uses the Rees-Boturbo turbine pump. A service of three-wheeled taxicabs for two passengers...
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Some Remarkable Results are Attained with the Process Introduced by the Anglo-Swedish Electric Welding Co., Ltd. The...
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work undertaken. Cracked cylinders, fractured driving castings for steam wagons—we reproduce a photograph of one—gear wheels,...
the plant was installed by the Parsons Motor Co., Ltd., Town Quay, Southampton. The Parsons engine employed for driving the...
Karrier utilized for generating the necessary current consists of a four-cylinder 45 h.p. unit built by Dixon Bros. and...
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Of 72 Entries only 58 Qualify in the Exceptionally Difficult Tests for 1913. Official announcement has just been made by the...
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A Motor-plough which is Winning Prizes-A Trolleybus Set-Back in Berlin Coolie-drawn Fire Pumps Wanted for Japan. Prague...
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It is Interesting to Contrast the Varying, Yet Considered, Editorial Opinions Concerning the Work of the House of Commons...
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Speedometers on Commercial Vehicles. The Editor, TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. IA 2351 Sir, I cannot readily understand how it is that...
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Wants a List ol Owners, [2200] (Accessory).—We regret we cannot furnish you with the information for which you ask. We have our...
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Department. Where to Buy your Supplies. 4 Notices of Useful Specialities, from the Factorykand in the Showroom. Hammered...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom by the Sale Branch, Patent...
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- Officially Recognized by The Commercial Motor Users Association. The Authority on all forms of Motor Transport. Largest...
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As time goes on and as the total of active-service commercial motors increases at so remarkable a rate, we should have expected...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. Sir,—May I be just allowed to congratulate you upon the interesting collection of...
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Particulars of .a Gas Producer of Recent American Manufacture. A paraffin carburetter, independent of any auxiliary fuel...
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First-published Particulars in this Country of a New High-grade Mediumcapacity Model which is to Sell at $3000. After an...
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The Shields Motor Co. of Melbourne, Australia, are supplying the 'Victorian Post Office with an Auto-carrier. Swansea Watch...
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Thirty Battery Vans Now Installed. The Garage Equipment is Exemplary. (From Our Own Correspondent.) As the result of...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of miny wealthy commercial houses. v7,7ilmeastusrmsemmunormovassennsvessr,o The...
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A Search for Darkness. Golf at Coventry. About McCord. By "The Extractor." . It was bedtime when I ran across that " bright...
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The Eighth Annual Parade of Commercial Motor Vehicles and Tractors, organized by the Commerical Motor Users Association...
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Their Probable Employment for Coast-defence Work, Reconnoitring and Movable Block-house Duty. Recent developments in respect...
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The G.P.O. Stores Department "Saves the Heavy Cost of Packing." We have from time to time published in THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR...
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Those who ate familiar with that interesting chassis known as the MeCurd, alai are appreciative of its many evidences of...
Our illustrations show what has been proved to be a commerciallypracticable form of splashguard. the device has been evolved...
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Who are the Principal Makers of Parcelcars? [2207] (Melb.ourne).—Altdays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd., Matchless...
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Where to Buy your Supplies. You Can Get It At- " J.W." (Wolverhampton).—You should communicate with any of the following...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom by the Sales Branch, Patent...