Opinions from Others.
Page 19

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Speedometers on Commercial Vehicles.
The Editor, TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. IA 2351 Sir,I cannot readily understand how it is that one frequently hear S of speedometers not being sufficiently reliable for use on commercial vehicles. Po the statements originate from prejudiced parties and if so., what. are the ground S for objeetion 1-
YourS faithfully, 'OK SHIRE.
To Driver-users of Benzole.
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, [1236] Sir,—I should be glad to hear the \ iews of any actual driver who has run his machine oil benzoie as to the comparison in mileage to be obtained. between the latter spirit awl petrol. To my idea, it is surprising how many drivers are regularly using the heavier brands of petrol when benzoie might possibly be used with advantage.
I have made several inquiries locally, particularly from the owners of chars-a-banes, but in all eases only petrol had been used. Will an commercial driy er Who has tried benzoic; give his experie.nees, especially as to carburetter adjustment and mileage attained :? The information will no doubt prove interesting to inanY .owners and diivers.—Yours faithfully,
WeSt -Riding. CROSS.
[The tax oil lint-mole is not collected at present cn small -.quantities,. and providing „cheap cartage facilities a-ire available in our Coiresponderitis bourhOod, he' should be able to effectconsiderable evonomY .by using the home-produced fuel, taking into account its proved extra-mileage capacity. We shall be hapPy to afford publicity in the " D. and V." pages to short notes concerning drivers' ex periences of benzole.consumptio.— • Where Shall I Deal ? The Local Man's Facilities.
11237] Sir,—Over and above the question of whether a local agent is an asset in respect of the distribution and sale of commercial vehicles,. there is, in our opinion, one other most important matter which must now, or, at any rate., in the near future, occupy the earnest consideration of every firm which makes; any pretence to handle the business-vehicle side of the motor trade. This is a point which, to our mind, is quite as important as that of actual: sales. We refer to the suitability of the agent's premises for dealing with the vehicles which he supplies. We go SO far as to say that some large firms might feel that an ageot, with premises in, perhaps, some narrow street, where he could not manteuvre any van of considerable size, would, not be a suitable man to look after the business fOrthem. Now we quite realize that big premises mearr.a big outlay for dead charges, but; nevertheless, a manufacturer has had to make his outlay in order toget his vehicles ready, and, in our opinion, the agent-must now do the same, in order to fit him to handle those vehicles if he wants the business.
We perhaps may be excused for quoting our own. premises as an example of the facilities which are desirable for this branch of the business in provincial towns. We have exceptionally-fine. premises in Southampton, which we„ ao not hesitate to claim it would he hard to beat anywhere on the South Coast in respect of their capacity for. dealing with the largest vans and lorries. The accommodation is on the ground floor, which is stone-paved, and the head-room is nowhere less than 15 ft.; thus easily accommodating such big vehicles as mail vans • and motorbuses. 111.eNamara's postal services are handled in Southamps ton in our depot. That is an example of satisfactory equipment. One day recently, in our garage, we noticed at the same time two a these big mail canal three two-ton. vans, two travellers' sample vans, a 40 h.p.. platform lorry, and a 40-seated char-a-banes-One, of the largest in the district. We have ample room and exceptional facilities for maintenance and repair.—Y.onrs faithfully,
Proposed North of England Parade.
The Editor, THE ComtracIAL MOTOR. • [1238] Sir,—Your leader on the above subject in your issue-of 21st ult. ha's attracted my attention, and I again raise my voice in favour o I the proposed pa: ade's being held in Manchester. The city is centrally situated and easy of access from the Lancashire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, and many Yorkshire towns, wherein are to be found a very large number of commercial vehicles. Many of them could doubtless arrange to deliver their loads and appear on parade afterwards, particularly if it were held on a Saturday afternoon. If the parade be arranged there can be no doubt whatever that we shall have to invoke the aid of some of these who have contributed to the remarkable organization of the London events.----Yours faithfully,