News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of miny wealthy commercial houses.
v7,7ilmeastusrmsemmunormovassennsvessr,o The photographs which we reproduce of Vienna's new fleet of electrically-driven mail vans should serve as an object-lesson to those to whom we recently addressed an Fditorial entitled " Dirt—and Whitewash." Our resklent correspondent sends us interesting techtical particulars of this new fleet—see page 33.
The New Pierce-Arrow.
Another American design of kirry chassis, but one which bears unmistakable evidence of knowledge of and appreciation. of European progress, is the latest production of the Pierce-Arrow factory, with which concern, it will be remembered, Mr. H. Kerr Thomas has for some while past been associated. This " European-looking " product is described and illustrated, for the first time in this country, on pages 30 and 31 of this issue.
Another Paraffin Producer.
The number of inventive minds which at the present moment are concerdrated on the production of practicable busguards, splashguards, non-skidding devices, and paraffin vaporizers is really extraordinary. Perhaps the practical solution or the paraffinconsumption problem is as attractive as Tiny to the inventor. That the paraffin gas-producer, as a rival to the much-tried " vaporizer," is meeting with increased attention is evidenced by our description or the Porter device on page 2S or this issue.
Automobile Block-houses.
Of particular interest at the present time, when many of our readers are looking forward with interest to the coming great test of mechanical transport as part arid parcel of the British Army Exercises for 1913, is an article (pages 40-42) concerning the possible and probable employment of armoured motor wagons as part of the fighting equipment of a, modern defence force, We have drawn heavily for information upon the professional knowledge and experience of a gentleman who has expert knowledge of Army problems in various Con tinental countries. In order the more effectively to illustrate the problem and its suggested solution, we have had prepared by our special artist an imaginary picture of an expeditionary force on the East Coast being repulsed by a column of armoured motor wagons. Thi is reproduced on page 41. Topical Subjects.
Our leading articits this week deal with the following topical .subjects (1) " The Cost of County Roads. The Incidence of Rating in Sporting Areas ; " (2) "'the Preliminaries for the 1914 Parade ; " and (3) " Weights and Taxes."
The Wrong Undertaker.
The imposing fleet of motor vehicles in the service of an undertaker, of which we published a photograph in our last issue, was madvertAntly described as being located in Glasgow, whereas the vehicles in question belong to J. Campbell and Sons, Ltd., of Aberdeen.
During Manteuvres.
The Chief Constable of Backs warns all users of motor vehicles that they will probably find difficulty in getting along the Wendover-Chalfont St. Peter and the Leighton Buzzard-Watford roads during the coming period of the Army mancenvres. It will be advisable. therefore, he states, for those roads to be avoided as much as possible. The Latest Fuel. The Joint Committee's Announcement.
During it he past week an announcement has been made by the Petro' Substitutes Joint Committee with regard to its investigations of a process whereby 40,000,000 gallons of home-produced motor fuel should ultimately be obtainable annually. Writing of this official pronouncement, our sister journal " The Motor " says : " It is not to the interest of the movement to divulge in detail the various aspects of the scheme in question, but in order to satisfy the appetite of our readers we may be permitted to give some few general facts without disclosing the pro
cess concerned." The Motor " then proceeds to indicate that the method is a new cracking one for the treatment of "one of the heavy series of by-products from coal." The actual spirit obtained is of a light yellowish colour, and is of the
benzole classification. It is quits as good, if not. better than, the ordinary benzole in combustion. It3 specific gravity is heavier than water, and there is an increase in power over ordinary petrol of something in the neighbourhood of 15 per cent. The Petrol Substitutes Joint Committee, we are able to announce, has, over and above its investigations into the process which is mentioned above, for some while past been in friendly and confidential working relation, ship with similar committees formed or being formed in other countries. Close relationships of this kind are already in existence in Hamburg, Berlin and Paris, and negotiations are in progress with other great. centres.
We have received a copy of the official certificate of test of a Smith carburetter which was recently--earried out by the R.A.C. Fitted to a 15.6 h.p. Crossley car, at a speed of 20.6 m.p.h., a result of 57.81 ton. miles per gallon was recorded.
Renaults for Pullmans.
We learn that a fleet of Renaults is being fitted out by E. and H. Horn, Ltd., of Peckham, to the order of the Pullman Co., Ltd. The. machines are to be light box vans, and are to be used for the collection and delivery of catering suppliesat the principal London rail
wa.y termini. Deliveries witl also be made to Brighton, Portsmouth, and other provincial stations by road. The vehicles are to be pneurnatic-tired.
French Exports of Commercial Motor Vehicles.
There has so far this year been a marked increase in the exportation of commercial-motor vehicles from France, the returns for the six months ended in June last showing a total of i:893,262,.a.s compared with only ,t124,751 in the corresponding half of 1912. Belgium is at present the principal market, followed by Germany, Brazil, and the Argentine Republic. There has, on the other hand, been a .falling off in the exports to Turkey and Switzerland.
The Output of Presseg.
With every new vehicle that is put into service, the demand for retiring facilities grows. Hollings and Guest, Ltd., the well-known manufacturers of special tiring presses, has recently despatched repeat orders for its special plants to New Zealand, India and the Straits Settlements. It is also very busy with its specially light screw presses. These are made to lake to pieces and to pack flat, and are therefore capable of being easily transported. Recent Registrations.
The Burlington Carriage Co. (1913). Ltd., has been registered With an authorized capital of in Li shares, by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., 117, Chancery Lane, W.C., to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers M motorvans and vehicles, etc.
Keith and Boyle, Ltd., has been registered with an authorized capital of X2000, with its office at ',31, Gt. James Street, Bedford Row, W. C., to carry on the business of manufacturers and builders of motorbuses and chars-a-banes, motor-haulage contractors, etc.
byte and Allen, Ltd., has been registered with an authorized capital of 23000 in shares by Williamson, Hill and Co., 13, Sher
'bourne Lane, to carry on the business of motor omnibus and motorvan manufacturers., and builders; and repairers or motor vehicles of every description.
Salving a Daimler with a Foden.
Mr. ff. G. Dunn, removal contractor of Bromley, who owns a Foden which has earned high laurels at. the C.M.U.A. Parades, records a remarkable feat which was aec.-implished last week by his second Foden wagon. A request AV RS received in the afternoon from
Chisleherst motorist to convey his Daimler car home. from Bexhill, where a mishap had occurred. On its return from a removal job, the Foden was at once despatched, and reached I3exhill on the following morning. The ear was shipped on tha lorry and safely deposited at its owner's garage the same night. The return journey of nearly 60 miles was made on a little over six cwt. of coal. The cost, it was pointed out, was considerably below freight, and the job was carried out with such expedition as would hate been absolutely impossible by any other means. At the last fortnightly meeting of Totnes R.D.C., it was decided to make four passing places at Ashprington so that other vehicles could pass motor lorries.
A motor wagon belonging to Priddy, Stanley and Co., Ltd., of Oughtibridge, whilst passing over a public weighing machine at Hillsborough, near Sheffield, on Saturday last, fell through into the machine pit, owieg to the breaking of the top plate.
Birmingham Tram Extension.
The much-debated Hagley Road' tram route was opened on Friday of last week in Birmingham. In accordance with the terms upon which the Watch Committee had licensed motorbuses for this route, these latter vehicles wore taken off on the same day. Thus is the destruction of one of the finest routes out of Birmingham finally encompassed.
The C.M.U.A. General Committee.
A meeting of the General Committee of the C.M. U.A. was held at 89, Pall Mall, S.W., on Wednesday, the 3rd inst. Mr. W. G. Lobjoit was in the chair, and there were present Messrs. J. C. Mitchell, E. W. Rudd, T. H. Jones, Colonel C. F• T. Blyth, Major H. C. Wilder, Major W. E. -Donohue, Messrs. E. Percy Beavan, W. F. French, E. E. 'nudge, and Fred G. Bristow (secretary). Reports were received from the secretary with regard to : the success of the C.M.U.A. stand at the Olympia Motor Show ; the proceedings of a meeting of the Joint Committee of Mechanical Road Transport. Associations ; the 111.1Mher of legal cases undertaken by the C.M.U.A. during the months of July and August.
The report of the Parade Com mittee was received, and a recommendation that Mr. G. W. WatIon should be re-appointed inspecting engineer for the 1914 Parade was adopted. The representatives of the C.M.U.A. on the R.A.C. General Committee for the year 1914 were appointed. A report was received from the secretary in regard to a recommendation of the Public Control Committee of the L.C.C., which has been agreed to by the Council, in reference to the proposed regulation by the Local Government Board that every heavy motorcar with a; trailer shall have a guard at the rear of the trailer in ch.a.rga of a communication cord. The
A. resolved to take steps to be heard in reference to this at the right time. The syllabus of lectures by Mr. G. W. Watson to drivers in the employ of members was approved for issue.
Other business was transacted, and the meeting closed with the receipt of the satisfactory report of 119 new members elected.
During last year 575 industrial motor vehicles were imported into Russia, as compared with only 387 in 1911..
Irish Development Again.
It is proposed to attempt to open up the district of North-East Galway by means of a motor service for the carriage of goods, etc. A local company is to be formed, and we understaml that the chief supporters of the movement are the
merchants of Mount Bellew district, who suffer considerably from the expense and delay of the present railway system. Sir Henry Grattan Bellew is chairman of the committee which has this tatter under consideration.
Big Australian Proposal.
Another commercial concern has been registered in Australia. under the style of the Melbourne Ilotor Omnibus Co., Ltd., with a capital of £100,000. The registered office is given as 352, Collins Street, Melbourne. The Lacre lorry in the service of the South African railways is a standard two-tonner, and not a 30-cwt. machine. It frequently hauls a trailer with an additional two tons on it.
The " Arakon Motor Transport Co-operative Society" and the " East Bengal Motor Service" are the titles of two new companies which have just been registered in India. The concerns are capitalized at 25.00(1-s. and 40,000 rs., and have their offices at Akyab (Burma) and Calcutta., respectively. The editor of the " African World" informs Us that an attempt will be made next year to establish motor services between Kano and Katsena in Nigeria, a metalled road 95 miles in length having recently been constructed.
The sale of the effects of the Northern Counties Transport, Lte1.47 Trafford Park, Manchester, will take place on Wednesday, the 24th September, as per the official announcement in our " Sundries " columns. Twenty-nine four-ton 'modified Milnes-Daimler petrol lorries " are amongst the items to be sold.
it is reported that Russia has in contemplation an increase in the import. duty on foreign motor vehicles of all kinds. There is only one Russian motor vehicle factory, and that is the Russo-Baltic wagon works of Pussireff, which concern, it is stated, is waiting for Government permission in the form of a ariff before extending its plant. Its output at present is about 100 motor wagons a year.
' Dynamo Lighting for Motor Cars " is the title of a publication which we have just received. The author, Mr. M. A. Codd, clearly and concisely describes the fitting, wiring, and general management or the electric lighting of motor vehicles. In this handy volume there are many useful diagrams and descriptions of practically all the well-known lighting systems on the market,.
One of the departments of the Herbert Frood Co., Ltd., of Sovereign Mills, Chapel-en-le-Frith, to which Mr. Herbert Frood, the managing director, has been giving special attention recently, is that which deals with the provision of friction linings for brakes and clutches of all sorts, and notably those of the crane and winch department. A new pamphlet dealing with the activities of this branch of the Frood business should be in the hands of all those who have obstinate braking problems to solve.
Northampton Town Council has rejected a proposal to obaiin a speed limit of 10 miles per hour for motor vehicles on train routes in the borough.
The Ai ;inicipal Council of Fitzroy (Australia) has accepted the tender of the Tarrant Motor Co., of Melbourne at £870 for the supply of a four-Lon " Conner " wagon.
At the end of July there were in operation iii the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx, New York, 2150 electrical automobiles, as compared with 1750 al the same period of last year. These vehicles are now employed in over 70 different New York industries.
Mr. S. Ingleby Oddie, the Coroner for W. estminster, during the past week has given publicity to certain useful suggestions in regard to traffic control. He makes a good point by proposing that no overtaking of one vehicle by another should be permitted under any circumstances at recognized crossing places for pedestrians. He also considers that there should be a refuge at all bewildering crossings, such as Trafalgar Square, between all adjacent lines of frank proceeding in opposite directions. There are objections, however, to numerous street refuges. There are as yet only two heavy motor vehicles in use in Madeira, out of a total of 35 vehicles, and theee are of British make.
Argylle have received an order from Bombay for a two-ton lorry into which is to be built one of the new sleeve-valve engines, of which users in India already think highly.
Under the South African Union Customs Management Act of 1913, it is enacted that invoices for geods shipped to South Africa must contain, in addition to the invoice value, a statement of the " current value for home consumption in the open market for similar goods at the place of purchase."
At the Bury Counts Police Court on Thursday of last week, the Times Haulage Co., of 40, Bridgman Street, Bolton, was summoned for permitting a trailer to be drawn along a highway without it being constinetod with suitable and sufficient springs between axle and friune, The trailer in question was being used for the haulage of heavy iron girders. On the count of the absence of springs, the magistrates imposed a nominal penalty of 5s. and costs. There was considerable discussion as to whether the vehicle was a trailer. Alexander Massey and Sons, Led., of 11, Cleveland Street, Glasgow, " the largest curers of hams and bacon in Scotland," owns an Albion van at the present time, and informs us that there is every probability of further machines being acquired. This company had 18 months' experience with its present machine, which is kept constantly on the move delivering from its central branch, 21, Jamaica Street. It covers 3e0 miles a week, generally with a load of 10 cwt. of general groceries and fruit. " The result," so Mr. J. A. Wood tells us, " of this experimental order is that we have a much smarter despatch and are able to go further afield, resulting in enhanced business."
C.M U.A. Lectures for Drivers.
As we go to press, we have received the advance syllabus of the series of eight lectures which are to be given to drivers during the coming autumn and winter months by Mr. Geo. W. Watson, who is the inspecting engineer appointed by the C.M.U.A. in connection with that Association's annual Whit Monday parades. There will be four " petrol " lectures and four " steam" lectures, and they will be delivered on the premises of the R.A.C., Pall Mall. A registration fee of is. for each series of four lectures will be charged, in order to prevent overcrowding. The names of the drivers, and the addresses to which membership cards should be sent, should be handed to the secretary of the C.M.U.A., 89, Pall Mall, S.W., from whom all further particulars may be obtained. We advise. all drivers who wish to take advantage of this excellent opportunity of improving their knowledge of the construction and working of motor vehicles to make early application for tickets.