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4th September 1913
Page 39
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Page 39, 4th September 1913 — PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENTS.
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The Eighth Annual Parade of Commercial Motor Vehicles and Tractors, organized by the Commerical Motor Users Association (Incorporated), with the object of encouraging drivers, by means of money prizes and other awards, to take a personal interest in the driving and condition of their vehicles, and to run them without accident, will be held in London on Whit-Monday, 1st June, 1914. The organization of these Annual Parades, which are supported by the Royal Automobile Club and the Society or Motor Manufacturers and Traders. is in the hands of a Special Parade Committee. A number of manufacturers contribute donations to a Special Prize Fund each year, tobe divided, at the discretion of the Judges, between drivers of vehicles of their respective makes, and allied traders and tire manufacturers make donations upon a like understanding. The leading owners and users support these Annual Parades, and between 330 and 400 competitors are expected to enter for the prizes—about 2200 in amount—offered by the Association. The prizes from various firms will probably exceed another 2200.

ENTRIES.—Entries (without penalty) close on 1st February, 3914. Late entries will be accepted as follow— :

Up to 31st March, 1914, on payment of a fine of 10s. 6d. per vehicle ; from 31st March to 1st May, 1914, on payment of a. fine of one guinea. per vehicle.

Members of the C.M.U.A. will be allowed to enter any number of their vehicles or tractors free, and non-members on payment of a fee of ten shillings per vehicle, on or before the 1st February, 1911. Entries may be made forthwith, No demonstration or semidemonstration vehicles will be eligible for the Parade, except as entries for the New Vehicle Prizes (see No. 7 on this page).

INSPECTION.—All the vehicles will be examined on Parade, and the store-sheds, drivers and vehicles will be previously examined by an Engineer appointed by the Association. The inspection will commence early in January, 1914, and will consist of one or more unnotified visits to each store-shed, a general viva voce examination of the drivers by the Engineer, and an inspection of the vehicles under their working conditions, and of the logs and rebinds.

MARK/NOS.—Marks will be allotted by the Judges, based on the Inspecting Engineer's Reports, for each driver's personal qualifications, the total mileage, weekly mileage and age or machine, the nature of the work, the intensity of the work, and the general condition of the vehicle due to the driver, a-nd not due to the owner, or due wholly to construction.

PARADE AND PRIZES.--It is the intention of the Association to arrange for the Parade to be held

at a place within the Metropolitan area. Particulars will be announced later, The vehicles will muster on the Parade Ground, at 10 a.m., on Whit-Monday, 1st June, 1914, and will be dispersed about 1 p.m The following prizes will be awarded :

(1) DELVERS" A. CHAMPIONSHIP PRIZES.—Two separate written technical examinations, for drivers of steam and petrol vehicles respectively, will be held on separate evenings. A first prize of 210 and second prize of £5 will be awarded in each examination to the drivers presenting the best papers. Drivers are eligible to compete in both examinations. These prizes are quite independent of the Drivers' Prizes referred to in the following paragraph, but, to be eligible, drivers and their vehicles must be entered for both Nos. 1 and 2. The winners will each receive a Special Badge and Certificate, and each driver who gains more than a certain percentage of marks will also receive a Certificate. Winners of 210 in the 1913 Examination are not eligible to take cash prizes in this section, but they will be allowed to sit for the Examination, and their order of merit will be announced.

(2) I/ / VERS" C.31.U.A. PRIZES. —Th es e prizes, which will amount tokeout .21200 in total value, sub-divided into cash prizes of £2, £1 and 10s., and Commendation Badges, will be awarded to drivers of vehicles, in the ratios of the classes of entry (petrol, petrol-electric, steam, electric, etc.), based on the number of marks awarded.

(3) SPECIAL FERN PRIZES.—These prizes will be awarded by the judges. to drivers. in charge of vehicles of particular make or using supplies of particular mazufacture.

(4) E1-76'i ERRS" Pill ZES.—A cup or cups will be offered for competition amongst Engineers, for the group of vehicles showing the best condition.

(5) OWNERS PRiZE.—THE Comarracur, MOTOR Challenge Cup will again be offered for competition in the Team Section. The award will be made on the result of the Engineer's report and of the Judges' inspection of the " team ' on Parade. The conditions for 1914 will be found on page 41.

(6) PA RCELC..tiR PRIZES.—A number of Special Prizes will be awarded to drivers, of three or four-wheel Parcekars, weight notexceeding 7 cwt. unladen.

(7) NEW VEHICLE PRIZES.—A number of Prizes will be awarded for the best appearance on Parade of vehicles delivered from the works not earlier than 1st April, 1914. EYTERTALYMENT.—If arrangements can be made, the drivers will be given tickets for some popular place of amusement as near as possible to the Parade Centre. If such arrangements are impossible, a sum of money will be given to each non-winning driver by way of consolation.

DMVERS.—Drivers may be changed after the date of entry up to the let May, 1914, provided one week's notice is given to the C.M.U.A. After the 1st May no change of driver will be allowed, hut in the event of a driver being absent—through illness or other cause—on the date of the Parade, his vehicle may be brought to the Parade by another driver, in which circumstances only the man originally named will be eligible for such prizes as he or his vehicle may earn. if a vehicle is not paraded, no prize will he paid in respect of it.


The handsome Silver Challenge Cup, which has 'leen presented to the Commercial Motor 'Users Association (Incorporated) by the proprietors or THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, will again be awarded to the owner of the successful team of six commercial motor Aides or tractors entered for the " team " section of the Parade, subject to the conditions set out hereunder. In addition to the Cup, the owner will receive a suitable Certificate in relation thereto, arid the driver of each machine in the winning team will be given a medal as a souvenir of the event.

Team Conditions For 1914.

I.--Any " team." of six vehicles or six tractors, or of six machines of mixed types and load capacities, is eligible.

IL—Entries must be addressed to the Secretary, The Commercial Motor Users Association (Incorporated), 89, Pall Mall, S.W., on or before the let

May, 1914, [NOTE.—The scale of penalties stated earlier in this circular will ,applyto any entries received after the 1st February.] ITL—Entrants, who shall be the bona-fide owners of the machines entered by them, shall state their willingness to abide by these conditions, and to accept as final the award of the Judges.

IV.—.No special entry form is required in respect of the " team " entry. Any vehicle or tractor which is admitted in the individual sections of the Parade can also be entered as part of a " team."

V.—There will be no examination of the drivers except in the cases of men who are also entered for the " Drivers C.M.U.A. Championship " and " Drivers C.M.U.A." Prizes.

VI.—No entry from a motor manufacturer will he accepted, except in respect of vehicles which have been upon contract or hiring work under bona-fide contracts.

VII.—The cup will be awarded to the entrant whose " team," in the opinion of the Judges' Committee, is in the best condition, having regard to the class of work upon which the units are employed, the ages of the machines, and the total distances run by them. The award will be made on the result of the Inspecting Engineer's Report and the Judges' inspection of the " team " on Parade. It will subsequently be delivered to the holder for the year, on the due completion by him of undertakings for its safe custody, its insurance against loss by burglary or fire to a value of 230, and its return to the ..A.srociation in May, 1915.