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Welcome for European Free Market

5th April 1957, Page 46
5th April 1957
Page 46
Page 46, 5th April 1957 — Welcome for European Free Market
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WE would welcome such a scheme. We feel that it will increase our market and will make it easier for us to obtain a bigger proportion of what surely must be a growing market."

This was stated by Mr. T. H. R. Perkins, director and general manager of F. Perkins, Ltd., in a B.B.C. European programme about the European free market, broadcast last week.

He added : "We think it is important that there should be no hidden Government subsidies. One of our difficulties in selling in Italy, for example, at the present time is that preferential credit terms are available to the purchasers of wholly Italian-made tractors, and this obviously militates against the tractor manufacturer who for various reasons may prefer to buy what is at the present time a foreign-made engine."

One-third of the company's production is exported to Europe either directly or indirectly. Best customers in Europe are France, Germany, Yugoslavia, Hqlland, Belgium and Italy.


A NEW garage and workshops built t"'I in Newmarket Road, Cambridge, by Herbert Robinson, Ltd., has been specially laid .out to facilitate the servicing and repair of commercial vehicles. The workshop area is sunken and modern equipment includes Weaver lubrication plant and wheelalignment gauges, a Churchill electronic wheel balancer and a Crypton engine tester.

There arc five bays in which vehicles of up to 7 tons capacity can be accommodated. A Washmobile washing gantry is installed.

The company are Rootes Group main dealers.