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E MPHASIS on the extremely bad effect which the restrictions on hire purchase are exercising upon the public service vehicle...
Vending Machine for Coaches A BRIGHT idea has been developed by Henry " Peter of London (Confectibnery), Ltd., Heath Works, 6...
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That every "down tools" leads to "up costs, up prices, more export difficulties." From one who is sick of holes in the road,...
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THE . Road Haulage Wages Council I will meet next Wednesday to consider objections to the proposed increases in wages contained...
U NLESS Leigh Corporation, South Lancashire Transport Co. and Lancashire United Transport, Ltd., settled their differences over...
T HE engineering dispute should be a warning to workers on what happened when employers " dug in their heels" and rejected an...
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A SCHEDULED coach-air service to I -1 southern France will start on May 9, with a frequency of four services a week. The return...
C OMMERCIAL policy was the theme of the British Transport Commission officers' conference held at Balliol College, Oxford,...
G 1VING evidence at the resumed hearing, last Friday, by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, of the application of N. Francis...
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MR. P. H. A. BOWMAN has resigned his directorship of Quicktho (1928), Ltd. MR. J. A. C. MAUGHAN, export manager of Taskers of...
LICENCE granted four years ago for school meals within a 10mile radius had since been varied 10 times at intervals of about...
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COLLOWING representations to the I Board of Trade about the effect of hire-purchase restrictions on the purchase of coaches for...
A DDITIONAL exemptions from the need for carriers' licences will come into force on April 16. • They refer mainly to; (1)...
F OR the first time since 1952, output by Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., last year fell, Mr. G. N. Vansittart, chairman, and. Mr....
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W HEN Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., last week applied to the Scottish Traffic Commissioners to increase fares it was stated that...
oper ated by Henry Hulley and Sons, Ltd., Baslow, in the Chesterfield, Baslow, Tideswell and Bakewell areas were authorized at...
W HEN The Commercial Motor closed for press no meeting of the National Council of the Omnibus Industry had been arranged to...
WE regret to record the deaths of Tv MR. BASIL RAWDON JACKSON and MR. ROBERT WILLIAM YOUNC1. Mr. Jackson was chairman of the...
T HE building of a nuclear power station at Berkeley, extensions to runways at Lynham Aerodrome, and development of Fisons'...
T HE County Councils' Association are urging Sir David Eccles, the President of the Board of Trade, and other Ministers to give...
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1 - 1 A PROTEST is to be made by Raw marsh Urban District Council to the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners a g ainst the use by...
F OR a g reen g rocer to offer to remove furniture cheaply on the understandin g that customers assisted with the work was a...
A LICENCE application by Middles brou g h Corporation has been adjourned by the Northern Traffic Commissioners to allow...
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W HEN Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd., last Friday applied to the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners for the renewal and transfer to...
TWO more Dutch operators are buy ing Leyland Worldmaster vehicles. Arnhem municipality is purchasing six after having had one...
T HERE were no objectors when the Valley Transport Co., Ltd., Hull, sought a B licence from the Yorkshire Licensing Authority,...
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Marlow, Ltd.. builders' merchants. Claremont Quarry, Idle, to place their C-licence fleet of five vehicles under a B licence....
Fully Staffed: The Castleford depot of the West Riding Automobile Co.. Ltd., is now fully staffed for the first time in 10...
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IN his annual report, Mr. J. W. Ellis, national chairman of the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses, states...
W E would welcome such a scheme. We feel that it will increase our market and will make it easier for us to obtain a bigger...
F UEL rationing was now working so I smoothly that his licensing duties could be fully resumed, Mr. A. G. Curtis, • East...
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r\EVELOPED by Ab Asbrink and Co., Malmo, Sweden, the Verro pneumatic street sweeper is equipped with a high-powered suction...
L ARGE operators were warned by La Mr. S. W. Nelson, chairman of the Wes . tern Traffic Commissioners, last week, that if they...
A1LURE to ensure that adequate 1 roads and bridges were available to bear the weight of heavy pieces of equipment, to meet the...
FL W. Coates (Cosby), Ltd. Cap, £10,000. Dim,: H. W. Coates, Main Street, Cosby, Leics: F. H. Harris, Walton Way, Wellesbourne,...
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N view of the volume of traffic handled, and of Edinburgh's great importance as an international tourist centre, the city's...
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A FIVE-YEAR decline in the number of candidates for the Royal Society of Arts examinations in road transport subjects was last...
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Distribution Problems Computing Machine Provides Quick Answers to Questions on Transport Organization and Costs that Would...
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ik AN UFACTURERS of radio and television VL cabinets, Woodcraft Productions (Cambridge), Ltd., specified composite bodywork...
A New Conversion A CONVERSION of the Austin 1-ton van to a I - 1 Countryman model is now being carried out by Kenex Coachwork,...
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asic Design Walsall's General Manager Explains His Views an Bus Design, Present and Future By P. A. C. Brockington,...
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L AST Monday Commer Cars, Ltd,, introduced a new lower-priced 5-ton forward control underfloor engined goods chassis available...
A N order for 20 trolleybus chassis, to be fitted with Metrovick electrical equipment, has been placed with British United...
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A T Leeds, last Friday, the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners were asked to give notice to vary what was alleged to be a...
Something Missing " By The Hawk C EMENT can, if necessary, be transferred from bulk wagons to pressurized road vehicles for...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. T HE use of medium-capacity cross-country vehicles for civil engineering has never been fully...
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F EW of the long-distance operators who came into view as the dust of disposal settled down imagined they would be able to make...
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Bodybuilding Industry "Desperate" MUCH publicity has been given in recent months to the crisis in the motor industry, which...
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vouR leading article of March 22, Industrial 1 Claustrophobia," is a realistic appraisal of today's problem of attracting...
VOUR. articles on haulage and costing have been I invaluable to me, that is why I am turning to you for much-needed advice. am...
A REPORT in your valuable paper, dated March 22, " under the heading "Pre-war Licence Lapsed: No New Grant," contains a brief...
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Fade and Brake Squeal Overcome? A NEW type of brake-shoe spring, for Which the claim is made that it combats brake fade, has...
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I HAVE never accepted the doctrine that the owner-driver operator is more prone to cut rates than the haulier with a...
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T O vary the valve timing, enabling an engine to be used as a compressor and so set up a braking force, is the aim of a device...