Passing Comments
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Where Reshuffle WE were under the impresWould Be An All" sion that in this war skilled
round Benefit . men were not being wasted ,as they were in 1914-18. We have heard, however, of at least two " square pegs " in the Army. A skilled engineer, who had driven his own van and done all running repairs for 10 years, was called up and put into the cook-house of his unit, whilst his cousin, chef at a well-known. Sussex inn, was put in charge of a supply wagon. As the engineer said, "Here am I messing up good food and upsetting men's tempers, whilst my cousin spoils good mechanism. Why can we not swap jobs? "
London Bus Travellers QPECIAL efforts to produce
to Have More Pavemore roadside shelters of ment Shelters -. . the type which proved so bene ficial last winter are being made by London Transport. This is a move which will be greatly appreciated by the public, particularly at points where queues have to be formed. Sixty are now, being installed at the rate of 10 per week, and in many parts of London. They are of standard pattern in 10-ft. sections, which can be put together to salt traffic requirements and pavement space available. Apart from giving protection, they encourage order amongst would-be passengers,
Is This Idea Too MRITING to the " Daily Sensible to be ItY Mirror," a long-distance Adopted ? . . . . lorry driver suggests that whilst bishops and peers, M.P.s and the Pedestrian Association debate unceasingly the high quota of road fatalities, the men whose lives are spent day and night on the roads are rarely, if ever, consulted. A committee of them would, he thinks, deal knowledgeably and effectively with the matter. They certainly might, but would the findings of such a committee receive any attention? A joint committee composed of men with authority and _power, but no knowledge, and men with real know'ledge of the subject but no power to do anything about it seems a better idea. This may sound revolutionary and utopian, but those in power really do want to reduce accidents and some of them would have the courage to admit their lack of knowledge and take the sound advice of night lorry drivers, bus drivers and taxi men. A long-distance lorry driver is usually a gentleman of the road in the best sense and his views should be of great value. and Charts for Ser
Instruction Booklets WHAT we consider to be one
vice of the most valuable aids to those giving instruction on motor-vehicle construction and operation has been produced by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., and takes the form of a series of lectures dealing in a comprehensive fashion with the whole subject. Prepared primarily to be used in the instruction of Army personnel who have had no previous knowledge of motor-vehicle mechanism, they can be used in a wide variety of other fields. There are five booklets treating with engine, transmission, electrical system, brakes, steering and suspension, and fuel system. Each lecture is self-contained, although two or more can be combined to give a lecture of any desired length. The booklets, which are priced at 2s. each, are well illustrated; moreover, many of these illustrations are also available as wall charts, of which there are 16, priced at 2s. to 3s., according to their subjects, and some are coloured. Applications should be addressed to the Facilities Department of the company, Dagenham, Essex.