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Carr. A. P., sales manager ot Crossley Motors, Ltd., has been awarded the M.B.E. (Military.Division) in recognition of meritorious service in the Home Guard.
who for many years has been connected with the Manchester concern of -Ford dealers, H. and J. Quick, Ltd., has resigned to take up the position of general manager to Taylor's Crypt House. Motors, Ltd., of Gloucester, which is a distributor for Commer commercial vehicles, and is taking over the North Gloucestershire distributorship for the entire range of Rootes Group products.
MR. THOMAS COLLET, who has been released from the Ministry of Labour for the purpose, has been placed in charge of a Labour and Industrial Relations Department, set up by the Motor Agents' Association as reprisenthig the employers' side of the National Joint Industrial Council for the Motor Vehicle Retail and Repairing Trade. He is at the Association's head offices, 201, Great Portland Street, London, W.I.
MR. WILLIAM FARNORTII, who was to have been chief executive Officer of both the new Traders Road Transport Association and the Passenger Vehicle Operators Association, has, at the request of the North Western Area, been released to act as chief executive officer for the North Western (Eastern) Area of the Road Haulage Association. and for the whole of the North Western Area of the and P.V.O.A. As a temporary measure, MR. F. G. BRISTOW, C.B.E., will undertake the former duties in addition to those as director of the N.R.T.F.
Ma. E. I. BantiLow has joined .Specialloid, Ltd., as :research and development managerHe comes from the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough, and is Well known to the aluminium industry, having been responsible for the development of the famous R.A.E. piston alloys. Other appointments in the same company are: MR. L. M. WYATT, formerly of Rolls-Royce, as production metallurgist, and Mn. A. A. CANN, formerly inspection manager, whb now becomes quality engineer. The technical activities of the company are under the technical director, Mn. E. B. GRAHAM, Ma. C. F. RUSSELL is the general manager.
MR.W S. WELTON, purchasing agent of London Transport, retired at the cod of last year, after nearly' 46 years' service. In 1922 he became personal assistant to the purchasing agent, this being his first introduction to the many problems surrounding the purchase of the vast quantities of stores and equipnient needed to meet the heavy demands of the world's largest passenger-transport widetaking. He was appointed purchasing agent in 1942. He is succeeded by MR. R: B. HOFF, who was previously assistant to the chief stores superinten
dent. .
Mn. F. G. Baissow, C.B.E , as frat director,, became, last Monday, the chief executive officer of the National Road Transport Federation, representing leading hauliers, ancillary users and p.s.v operators throughout. the country, thus reaching the highest position in the association circles of the industry. It was in 1906 that he was appointed executive officer of the C.M.U.A., the limited membership of whieh then operated sonic 500 vehicles. He believes that the Federation and its constituent associations will provide the widest measure of service to trade and industry and to the public, of which road transport is capable. and which it is ready to give.
LIEUT.-COLONEL H. NORMAN Lens, M.I.Tâ Commanding Offices, No. 1 London Transport. Column, which was fdrrnerly known as the A.R.O. Battalion, has been awarded the O.B.E. Colonel Letts became a solicitor in' 1923, is a member of the Mtn of Nlawby, Barrie and Letts, and for many years has acted as legal adviser to -A.R.0â and its predecessor, the R.H.A., also to many other trade associations. He has been respoasible for the preparation of many memoranda, and has led several deputations to Ministers and Government Departments in connection with road-transport matters. More recently, he has been busy, with the legal work attendant on the amalgamation of the national associations, the basis for which, it is claimed, was suggested in anarticle published some years ago, of which he was the author.
Ma. H. W. LONG, service manager at the Basingstoke. works of John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., has retired after 30 years' service with the cornpany. Two other members of the company's senior staff to retire at Christmas were Mn. H. W. GRANT, foreman of the painting department, and Mn. J. H. FOSTER, timber inspector and foreman of the timber department, They are succeeded by MR. HONNOR, who has had long service with the company, and MR. HARKER, respectively. At a farewell gathering given to these retiring members of the Thornycroft staff, Mr. R. F. Newman, works manager, presented cites:Ines on behalf of the company, and Mr. F. E. Jordan. works accountant, presented each with a silver 'dish subscribed for by the staff.