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issue of this journal for 1945, it may be of interest to consider some of the major events which occurred during the .past year...
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A SIGNIFICANT move by the Board of Trade is its new scheme involving a census of distribution. The apparent reason is that the...
Timken Chairman rAUSTIC remarks concernTakes Poor View of •-'ing the many controls Controls . under which industry has to...
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Of interest In the Clayton Dewandre futuristic double-decker. That the company does not yet intend to compete in bodywork. Of...
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CHANGES IN UTILITY-BUS BODIES A T the request of the M.O.S. a committee of operators and bodybuilders has reViewed the...
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Carr. A. P., sales manager ot Crossley Motors, Ltd., has been awarded the M.B.E. (Military.Division) in recognition of...
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D ECISIONS to launch immediately an intensive membership drive in the West Riding (Leeds) Area of the Road Haulage Association,...
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Long-standing Prejudice Against New and Unconventional Features in Design May be Responsible for But Few, if Any, of the...
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T "Eprocess of reclaiming engine valves by depositing suitable material on the previously prepared valve head, has been...
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How the Small Haulier Suffers in Respect of the Availability of His Vehicles as Compared with the Big • Under taking T HE...
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D ETAILS have reeently come to 1.-/hand of a long-distance coach which had just passed its acceptance tests by the Italian...
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T WO-MILLION words at the least. What a spate, what an example of exuberance of verbosity! Enough to fill 20 or more novels,...
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By E. R. B. Roberts Formerly Chief Assistant of the Wagon-control and Train-operating Departments, Buenos Aires Great Southern...
S INCE 1923, David Brown .and Sons (Huddersfield)„ Ltd., Huddersfield, has been producing a range of reduction gearboxes sold...
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They Total a Considerable Number and Possess Much Potential Strength Which, However, to be of Value Must be Properly Organized...
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VOUR journal dated December 15 contained a criticism I of the arrangements for the transport and distribution of meat in the...
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1T is one of the basic defects of the 1 conventional engine that the maximum cylinder pressure occurs when the crankehaft is...