Dates for your diary
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For the next seven days
MONDAY January 8th, CIT (East ANN
"Budgetary control" by M. Thome accountant Boulion and Paul Ltd, Norwi Counties Omnibus Co Ltd, Thorpe Road, Norsv1 CIT (East Midlands) meeting. Nottinghai Distribution Society. Trent Bridge Inn, Nottin Din.
CIT {London) meeting. "Port economy in th Economic Community" by R. Vleugels, getter Port of Antwerp. Commonwealth H Commonwealth Society, 16-20 Craven Sirs WC2, 5.15 for 5.45 pm.
loTA (Hull' meeting. 'Industrial cievelopmen Holden, director of industrial development upon-Hull Corporation. Queen's Hotel, George 7.45 pm.
loTA (Bournemouth and Poole) meeting. -The the road systems" by a town planning off Western Hotel, Holdenhurst Road, Bournemout loTA INottingham) meeting. "Commerc insurance" by M. Pargeter, representative of E and Co. Hearty Good Fellow, Mount Street, No loTA (Portsmouth) meeting. Lecture and demo Air Call Ltd. Solent Hotel, Southsea, 7.30 pm. IRTE (Cheltenham and Gas) meeting vehicles". Yeoman Hotel, Southgate Street, 7.30 pm.
IRTE (Dundee) meeting. "Cummins engines for vehicles" by G. Mclnroy, CUMMir15 Engine Teypark Hotel, Broughty Ferry, West Dundee, 7 IRTE (Hull and East Yorks) meeting. "Rolls-F diesel engine" by D. Hughes, Rolls-F Demonstration Theatre, NEGB Showroom! Street, Hull, 7.30 pm.
IRTE (Scottish West) 'meeting. "Heavy trans development" by D. Moore, Albion Motors. Strathclyde, Weir Building, Room M420, Gil Pm.
IRTE (Western) meeting. "Progress of the radia Salisbury, Avon Rubber Co. Royal Hotel, Bristol IRTE (West London) meeting. "Accident inves Chief Superintendent T. W. D. Sullivan, I Police. Greenford Hall, the Cyril Great Room, Fi Greenford BroadWay, 7.30 pm.
IRTE (Midlands) meeting. "The influence of ve on injuries sustained in road accidents" by Birmingham Road Accident Research Unit, Public House, Broad Street, BirmIngharn, 7.15 !PIE (Scottish East} meeting, "Hovercraft" Stratum of Hoverwork Ltd, Dorlin House Hate Road, Corstorphine, Edinburgh 12, 7.30 pm. IRTE (South West Wales) meeting. "B characteriatics" by speaker from MIntex Lt Sports Club, Bryn Road, Swansea, 7,30 for 8 p IRTE (West Midlandsl meeting. "Work study maintenance" by K. Wilkinson, chief work Er Shropshire County Council, The Monkm Monkrroor Road, Shrewsbury, 7,30 pm.
laTA (London) meeting. 'VATby P. Reel Stephenson Room (Party Catering Dept), Eus 6.45 for 7 pm.
loTA (Devon and Cornwall) meeting. Talk by Plymouth CID. South Western Gas Showrc Parade, Plymouth, 7.30 pm.
‘A/EDNESDAY 10th. IRTE (North Londo "Electronic ignitions systems" by R. Lucas Ltd. Southgate Technical College, Southgate, London N14, 7.30 pm.
IRTE {North Midlands) meeting. "VAT" by s HM Customs and Excise. Royal Victoria Hob 7.30 pm.
IRTE (South London) meeting. "Hovercraft' Stratmn, Hoverwork Ltd. Queen's Hotel, Reg Church Road, Crystal Palace, London SE1 9,7.. IRTE (Manchester and district) mee operations" by Mr Hurley, Eurofreight Ltd. Society, Lecture Theatre, 26 George Street, 7.30 pm.
TMC (Sussex) meeting. Royal Coach Hotel, S Sea, 6.30 for 7 pm.
THURSDAY itch. IRTE (Border) m automobile assessors" by J. Crome. C Viaduct. Carlisle, 7.30 pm, iATE INorthants) meeting. "Dunlop Maxaret" The George Hotel, Kettering, 8 pm.
PTA 1Bournemouthi meeting. "VAT". Dolphin Street, Poole, Dorset, 7.30 pm.
loTA {Leeds) meeting. "The Royal Corps of T its role" by an officer of the Headquart Command, York. Leeds and County Cub, 13 South Parade, Leeds, 7.30 pm. loTA (Reading) meeting. "The work of the Ar Transport" by Major J. A. Robins, ACT, S The Courage Brewery Sports Ground, Berk Reeding, 7.30 pm.
CIT (Coventry-Rugby) meeting. "Teleco and transport" by M. A. Ritson. Covent Transport, 113-117 Hernall -Lane Ea CV1 SAD, 7.15 pm.